9 research outputs found

    ATMOL: A Domain-Specific Language for Atmospheric Modeling

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    This paper describes the design and implementation of ATMOL: a domain-specific language for the formulation and implementation of atmospheric models. ATMOL was developed in close collaboration with meteorologists at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) to ensure ease of use, concise notation, and the adoptation of common notational conventions. ATMOL’s expressiveness allows the formulation of high-level and low-level model details as language constructs for problem refinement and code synthesis. The atmospheric models specified in ATMOL are translated into efficient numerical codes with CTADEL, a tool for symbolic manipulation and code synthesis

    ATMOL: A Domain-Specific Language for Atmospheric Modeling

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    This paper describes the design and implementation of ATMOL: a domain-specific language for the formulation and implementation of atmospheric models. ATMOL was developed in close collaboration with meteorologists at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) to ensure ease of use, concise notation, and the adoptation of common notational conventions. ATMOL’s expressiveness allows the formulation of high-level and low-level model details as language constructs for problem refinement and code synthesis. The atmospheric models specified in ATMOL are translated into efficient numerical codes with CTADEL, a tool for symbolic manipulation and code synthesis

    Logical Inference Techniques for Loop Parallelization

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    This paper presents a fully automatic approach to loop parallelization that integrates the use of static and run-time analysis and thus overcomes many known difficulties such as nonlinear and indirect array indexing and complex control flow. Our hybrid analysis framework validates the parallelization transformation by verifying the independence of the loop’s memory references. To this end it represents array references using the USR (uniform set representation) language and expresses the independence condition as an equation, S = ∅, where S is a set expression representing array indexes. Using a language instead of an array-abstraction representation for S results in a smaller number of conservative approximations but exhibits a potentially-high runtime cost. To alleviate this cost we introduce a language translation F from the USR set-expression language to an equally rich language of predicates (F(S) ⇒ S = ∅). Loop parallelization is then validated using a novel logic inference algorithm that factorizes the obtained complex predicates (F(S)) into a sequence of sufficient-independence conditions that are evaluated first statically and, when needed, dynamically, in increasing order of their estimated complexities. We evaluate our automated solution on 26 benchmarks from PERFECT-CLUB and SPEC suites and show that our approach is effective in parallelizing large, complex loops and obtains much better full program speedups than the Intel and IBM Fortran compilers

    Efficient Checkpointing for Heterogeneous Collaborative Environments: Representation, Coordination, and Automation.

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    Checkpointing can be used to adapt resource utilization in heterogeneous distributed environments. In checkpointing, the state of a process is captured and later restored on a computer to restart execution from the point where the state capturing had occurred. Such capability can be applied to process migration for which resource utilization is adapted toward high-performance by moving a running process from one computer to another. For a heterogeneous environment, problems in checkpointing can be categorized into three domains regarding mechanisms to capture and restore the execution state, memory state, and communication state of a process. Although a few solutions have been proposed, a well-defined solution is not yet exist. This thesis presents a practical solution to capture and restore the process state in heterogeneous distributed environments. The solution is based on three novel mechanisms: the data transfer mechanism, the memory space representation model and its associated data collection and restoration mechanisms, and the reliable communication and process migration protocols. These mechanisms define the machine-independent representations of the execution state, the memory state, and the communication state. They work in coordination to perform process migration in a heterogeneous environment. A software system is designed and implemented to automatically migrate a process. A number of process migration experiments are tested on sequential and collaborative processes. Experimental results advocate correctness and practicability of our solution

    Detecting Dissimilar Classes of Source Code Defects

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    Software maintenance accounts for the most part of the software development cost and efforts, with its major activities focused on the detection, location, analysis and removal of defects present in the software. Although software defects can be originated, and be present, at any phase of the software development life-cycle, implementation (i.e., source code) contains more than three-fourths of the total defects. Due to the diverse nature of the defects, their detection and analysis activities have to be carried out by equally diverse tools, often necessitating the application of multiple tools for reasonable defect coverage that directly increases maintenance overhead. Unified detection tools are known to combine different specialized techniques into a single and massive core, resulting in operational difficulty and maintenance cost increment. The objective of this research was to search for a technique that can detect dissimilar defects using a simplified model and a single methodology, both of which should contribute in creating an easy-to-acquire solution. Following this goal, a ‘Supervised Automation Framework’ named FlexTax was developed for semi-automatic defect mapping and taxonomy generation, which was then applied on a large-scale real-world defect dataset to generate a comprehensive Defect Taxonomy that was verified using machine learning classifiers and manual verification. This Taxonomy, along with an extensive literature survey, was used for comprehension of the properties of different classes of defects, and for developing Defect Similarity Metrics. The Taxonomy, and the Similarity Metrics were then used to develop a defect detection model and associated techniques, collectively named Symbolic Range Tuple Analysis, or SRTA. SRTA relies on Symbolic Analysis, Path Summarization and Range Propagation to detect dissimilar classes of defects using a simplified set of operations. To verify the effectiveness of the technique, SRTA was evaluated by processing multiple real-world open-source systems, by direct comparison with three state-of-the-art tools, by a controlled experiment, by using an established Benchmark, by comparison with other tools through secondary data, and by a large-scale fault-injection experiment conducted using a Mutation-Injection Framework, which relied on the taxonomy developed earlier for the definition of mutation rules. Experimental results confirmed SRTA’s practicality, generality, scalability and accuracy, and proved SRTA’s applicability as a new Defect Detection Technique

    Analysis and application of Fourier-Motzkin variable elimination to program optimization : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    This thesis examines four of the most influential dependence analysis techniques in use by optimizing compilers: Fourier-Motzkin Variable Elimination, the Banerjee Bounds Test, the Omega Test, and the I-Test. Although the performance and effectiveness of these tests have previously been documented empirically, no in-depth analysis of how these techniques are related from a purely analytical perspective has been done. The analysis given here clarifies important aspects of the empirical results that were noted but never fully explained. A tighter bound on the performance of one of the Omega Test algorithms than was known previously is proved and a link is shown between the integer refinement technique used in the Omega Test and the well-known Frobenius Coin Problem. The application of a Fourier-Motzkin based algorithm to the elimination of redundant bound checks in Java bytecode is described. A system which incorporated this technique improved performance on the Java Grande Forum Benchmark Suite by up to 10 percent

    Hybrid analysis of memory references and its application to automatic parallelization

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    Executing sequential code in parallel on a multithreaded machine has been an elusive goal of the academic and industrial research communities for many years. It has recently become more important due to the widespread introduction of multicores in PCs. Automatic multithreading has not been achieved because classic, static compiler analysis was not powerful enough and program behavior was found to be, in many cases, input dependent. Speculative thread level parallelization was a welcome avenue for advancing parallelization coverage but its performance was not always optimal due to the sometimes unnecessary overhead of checking every dynamic memory reference. In this dissertation we introduce a novel analysis technique, Hybrid Analysis, which unifies static and dynamic memory reference techniques into a seamless compiler framework which extracts almost maximum available parallelism from scientific codes and incurs close to the minimum necessary run time overhead. We present how to extract maximum information from the quantities that could not be sufficiently analyzed through static compiler methods, and how to generate sufficient conditions which, when evaluated dynamically, can validate optimizations. Our techniques have been fully implemented in the Polaris compiler and resulted in whole program speedups on a large number of industry standard benchmark applications

    Demand-driven, Symbolic Range Propagation

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    . To effectively parallelize real programs, parallelizing compilers need powerful symbolic analysis techniques [13, 6]. In previous work we have introduced an algorithm called range propagation [4] that provides such capabilities. Range propagation has been implemented in Polaris, a parallelizing Fortran compiler being developed at the University of Illinois [7]. Because the algorithm is relatively expensive and several compilation passes make use of it, we have studied opportunities for increasing its efficiency. In this paper we present an algorithm that provides range analysis on-demand. We have implemented this algorithm in Polaris as well, and have measured its effectiveness. 1 Introduction Range propagation was developed for the Polaris parallelizing compiler in response to our observed need of compilation passes to determine and reason about the values and expressions that program variables can take on. The algorithm centers upon the computation and manipulation of ranges, whic..