10 research outputs found

    Delta Lenses and Opfibrations

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    We compare the delta lenses, also known as d-lenses, of Diskin et al. with the c-lenses, known to be equivalent to opfibrations, already studied by the authors.  Contrary to expectation a c-lens is a d-lens but not conversely. This result is surprising because d-lenses appear to provide the same information as c-lenses, and some more besides, suggesting that the implication would be the reverse -- a d-lens would appear to be a special kind of c-lens. The source of the surprise can be traced to the way the two concepts deal differently with morphisms in a certain base comma category (G,1_\bV).  Both c-lenses and d-lenses are important because they extend the notion of lens to take account of the information available in known transitions between states and this has important implications in practice

    A mathematical foundation to support bidirectional mappings between digital models: an application of multi-scale modelling in manufacturing

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    With manufacturing going through the Industry 4.0 revolution, a vast amount of data and information exchange leads to an increase in complexity of digitized manufacturing systems. To tackle such complexity, one solution is to design and operate a digital twin model under different levels of abstraction, with different levels of detail, according to the available information and scope of the model. To support efficient, coherent and stable information flows between models with different levels of detail, a mathematical structure, called a delta lens, has been explored and developed to support rigorous bidirectional transitions between the models. To support different types of abstractions in manufacturing, a hybrid delta lens has been proposed and its formal representation is developed to support the generalization of its structure and properties. Benefits of the proposed hybrid delta lenses are demonstrated through an application to an industrial case to support the modelling of an automatic, high-throughput assembly line

    Remote Lensing

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    The problem of the manipulation of remote data is typically solved used complex methods to guarantee consistency. This is an instance of the remote bidirectional transformation problem. From the inspiration that several versions of this problem have been addressed using lenses, we now extend this technique of lenses to the Remote Procedure Calls setting, and provide a few simple example implementations. Taking the host side to be the strongly-typed language with lensing properties, and the client side to be a weakly-typed language with minimal lensing properties, this work contributes to the existing body of research that has brought lenses from the realm of math to the space of computer science. This shall give a formal look on remote editing of data in type safety with Remote Monads and their local variants

    Towards a Principle of Least Surprise for Bidirectional Transformations

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    In software engineering and elsewhere, it is common for different people to work intensively with different, but related, artefacts, e.g. models, documents, or code. They may use bidirectional transformations (bx) to maintain consistency between them. Naturally, they do not want their deliberate decisions disrupted, or their comprehension of their artefact interfered with, by a bx that makes changes to their artefact beyond the strictly necessary. This gives rise to a desire for a principle of Least Change, which has been often alluded to in the field, but seldom addressed head on. In this paper we present examples, briefly survey what has been said about least change in the context of bx, and identify relevant notions from elsewhere that may be applicable. We identify that what is actually needed is a Principle of Least Surprise, to limit a bx to reasonable behaviour. We present candidate formalisations of this, but none is obviously right for all circumstances. We point out areas where further work might be fruitful, and invite discussion.

    Incremental Relational Lenses

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    Lenses are a popular approach to bidirectional transformations, a generalisation of the view update problem in databases, in which we wish to make changes to source tables to effect a desired change on a view. However, perhaps surprisingly, lenses have seldom actually been used to implement updatable views in databases. Bohannon, Pierce and Vaughan proposed an approach to updatable views called relational lenses, but to the best of our knowledge this proposal has not been implemented or evaluated to date. We propose incremental relational lenses, that equip relational lenses with change-propagating semantics that map small changes to the view to (potentially) small changes to the source tables. We also present a language-integrated implementation of relational lenses and a detailed experimental evaluation, showing orders of magnitude improvement over the non-incremental approach. Our work shows that relational lenses can be used to support expressive and efficient view updates at the language level, without relying on updatable view support from the underlying database.Comment: To appear, ICFP 201

    Symmetric Edit Lenses: A New Foundation for Bidirectional Languages

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    Lenses are bidirectional transformations between pairs of connected structures capable of translating an edit on one structure into an edit on the other. Most of the extensive existing work on lenses has focused on the special case of asymmetric lenses, where one structures is taken as primary and the other is thought of as a projection or view. Some symmetric variants exist, where each structure contains information not present in the other, but these all lack the basic operation of composition. Additionally, existing accounts do not represent edits carefully, making incremental operation difficult or producing unsatisfactory synchronization candidates. We present a new symmetric formulation which works with descriptions of changes to structures, rather than with the structures themselves. We construct a semantic space of edit lenses between “editable structures”—monoids of edits with a partial monoid action for applying edits—with natural laws governing their behavior. We present generalizations of a number of known constructions on asymmetric lenses and settle some longstanding questions about their properties—in particular, we prove the existence of (symmetric monoidal) tensor products and sums and the non-existence of full categorical products and sums in a category of lenses. Universal algebra shows how to build iterator lenses for structured data such as lists and trees, yielding lenses for operations like mapping, filtering, and concatenation from first principles. More generally, we provide mapping combinators based on the theory of containers. Finally, we present a prototype implementation of the core theory and take a first step in addressing the challenge of translating between user gestures and the internal representation of edits

    Language integrated relational lenses

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    Relational databases are ubiquitous. Such monolithic databases accumulate large amounts of data, yet applications typically only work on small portions of the data at a time. A subset of the database defined as a computation on the underlying tables is called a view. Querying views is helpful, but it is also desirable to update them and have these changes be applied to the underlying database. This view update problem has been the subject of much previous work before, but support by database servers is limited and only rarely available. Lenses are a popular approach to bidirectional transformations, a generalization of the view update problem in databases to arbitrary data. However, perhaps surprisingly, lenses have seldom actually been used to implement updatable views in databases. Bohannon, Pierce and Vaughan propose an approach to updatable views called relational lenses. However, to the best of our knowledge this proposal has not been implemented or evaluated prior to the work reported in this thesis. This thesis proposes programming language support for relational lenses. Language integrated relational lenses support expressive and efficient view updates, without relying on updatable view support from the database server. By integrating relational lenses into the programming language, application development becomes easier and less error-prone, avoiding the impedance mismatch of having two programming languages. Integrating relational lenses into the language poses additional challenges. As defined by Bohannon et al. relational lenses completely recompute the database, making them inefficient as the database scales. The other challenge is that some parts of the well-formedness conditions are too general for implementation. Bohannon et al. specify predicates using possibly infinite abstract sets and define the type checking rules using relational algebra. Incremental relational lenses equip relational lenses with change-propagating semantics that map small changes to the view into (potentially) small changes to the source tables. We prove that our incremental semantics are functionally equivalent to the non-incremental semantics, and our experimental results show orders of magnitude improvement over the non-incremental approach. This thesis introduces a concrete predicate syntax and shows how the required checks are performed on these predicates and show that they satisfy the abstract predicate specifications. We discuss trade-offs between static predicates that are fully known at compile time vs dynamic predicates that are only known during execution and introduce hybrid predicates taking inspiration from both approaches. This thesis adapts the typing rules for relational lenses from sequential composition to a functional style of sub-expressions. We prove that any well-typed functional relational lens expression can derive a well-typed sequential lens. We use these additions to relational lenses as the foundation for two practical implementations: an extension of the Links functional language and a library written in Haskell. The second implementation demonstrates how type-level computation can be used to implement relational lenses without changes to the compiler. These two implementations attest to the possibility of turning relational lenses into a practical language feature