8 research outputs found

    Cache craftiness for fast multicore key-value storage

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    We present Masstree, a fast key-value database designed for SMP machines. Masstree keeps all data in memory. Its main data structure is a trie-like concatenation of B+-trees, each of which handles a fixed-length slice of a variable-length key. This structure effectively handles arbitrary-length possiblybinary keys, including keys with long shared prefixes. [superscript +]-tree fanout was chosen to minimize total DRAM delay when descending the tree and prefetching each tree node. Lookups use optimistic concurrency control, a read-copy-update-like technique, and do not write shared data structures; updates lock only affected nodes. Logging and checkpointing provide consistency and durability. Though some of these ideas appear elsewhere, Masstree is the first to combine them. We discuss design variants and their consequences. On a 16-core machine, with logging enabled and queries arriving over a network, Masstree executes more than six million simple queries per second. This performance is comparable to that of memcached, a non-persistent hash table server, and higher (often much higher) than that of VoltDB, MongoDB, and Redis.National Science Foundation (U.S.). (Award 0834415)National Science Foundation (U.S.). (Award 0915164)Quanta Computer (Firm

    Algorithms for the Optimization of Quantum Circuits

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    This thesis investigates techniques for the automated optimization of quantum circuits. In the first part we develop an exponential time algorithm for synthesizing minimal depth quantum circuits. We combine this with effective heuristics for reducing the search space, and show how it can be extended to different optimization problems. We then use the algorithm to compute circuits over the Clifford group and T gate for many of the commonly used quantum gates, improving upon the former best known circuits in many cases. In the second part, we present a polynomial time algorithm for the re-synthesis of CNOT and T gate circuits while reducing the number of phase gates and parallelizing them. We then describe different methods for expanding this algorithm to optimize circuits over Clifford and T gates

    Deletion Without Rebalancing in Balanced Binary Trees

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    We address the vexing issue of deletions in balanced trees. Rebalancing after a deletion is generally more complicated than rebalancing after an insertion. Textbooks neglect deletion rebalancing, and many database systems do not do it. We describe a relaxation of AVL trees in which rebalancing is done after insertions but not after deletions, yet access time remains logarithmic in the number of insertions. For many applications of balanced trees, our structure offers performance competitive with that of classical balanced trees. With the addition of periodic rebuilding, the performance of our structure is theoretically superior to that of many if not all classic balanced tree structures. Our structure needs O(log log m) bits of balance information per node, where m is the number of insertions, or O(log log n) with periodic rebuilding, where n is the number of nodes. An insertion takes up to two rotations and O(1) amortized time. Using an analysis that relies on an exponential potential function, we show that rebalancing steps occur with a frequency that is exponentially small in the height of the affected node

    New Combinatorial Properties and Algorithms for AVL Trees

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    In this thesis, new properties of AVL trees and a new partitioning of binary search trees named core partitioning scheme are discussed, this scheme is applied to three binary search trees namely AVL trees, weight-balanced trees, and plain binary search trees. We introduce the core partitioning scheme, which maintains a balanced search tree as a dynamic collection of complete balanced binary trees called cores. Using this technique we achieve the same theoretical efficiency of modern cache-oblivious data structures by using classic data structures such as weight-balanced trees or height balanced trees (e.g. AVL trees). We preserve the original topology and algorithms of the given balanced search tree using a simple post-processing with guaranteed performance to completely rebuild the changed cores (possibly all of them) after each update. Using our core partitioning scheme, we simultaneously achieve good memory allocation, space-efficient representation, and cache-obliviousness. We also apply this scheme to arbitrary binary search trees which can be unbalanced and we produce a new data structure, called Cache-Oblivious General Balanced Tree (COG-tree). Using our scheme, searching a key requires O(log_B n) block transfers and O(log n) comparisons in the external-memory and in the cache-oblivious model. These complexities are theoretically efficient. Interestingly, the core partition for weight-balanced trees and COG-tree can be maintained with amortized O(log_B n) block transfers per update, whereas maintaining the core partition for AVL trees requires more than a poly-logarithmic amortized cost. Studying the properties of these trees also lead us to some other new properties of AVL trees and trees with bounded degree, namely, we present and study gaps in AVL trees and we prove Tarjan et al.'s conjecture on the number of rotations in a sequence of deletions and insertions