10,950 research outputs found

    Precision packet-based frequency transfer based on oversampling

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    Frequency synchronization of a distributed measurement system requires the transfer of an accurate frequency reference to all nodes. The use of a general-purpose packet-based network for this aim is analyzed in this paper, where oversampling is considered as a means to counter the effects of packet delay variation on time accuracy. A comprehensive analysis that includes the stability of the local clock is presented and shows that frequency transfer through a packet network of this kind is feasible, with an accuracy level that can be of interest to a number of distributed measurement applications

    Stabilizing continuous-wave output in semiconductor lasers by time-delayed feedback

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    The stabilization of steady states is studied in a modified Lang-Kobayashi model of a semiconductor laser. We show that multiple time-delayed feedback, realized by a Fabry-Perot resonator coupled to the laser, provides a valuable tool for the suppression of unwanted intensity pulsations, and leads to stable continuous-wave operation. The domains of control are calulated in dependence on the feedback strength, delay time (cavity round trip time), memory parameter (mirror reflectivity), latency time, feedback phase, and bandpass filtering, Due to the optical feedback, multistable behavior can also occur in the form of delay-induced intensity pulsations or other modes for certain choices of the control parameters. Control may then still be achieved by slowly ramping the injection current during turn-on.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figure

    Sudden collapse of a colloidal gel

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    Metastable gels formed by weakly attractive colloidal particles display a distinctive two-stage time-dependent settling behavior under their own weight. Initially a space-spanning network is formed that for a characteristic time, which we define as the lag time \taud, resists compaction. This solid-like behavior persists only for a limited time. Gels whose age \tw is greater than \taud yield and suddenly collapse. We use a combination of confocal microscopy, rheology and time-lapse video imaging to investigate both the process of sudden collapse and its microscopic origin in an refractive-index matched emulsion-polymer system. We show that the height hh of the gel in the early stages of collapse is well described by the surprisingly simple expression, h(\ts) = \h0 - A \ts^{3/2}, with \h0 the initial height and \ts = \tw-\taud the time counted from the instant where the gel first yields. We propose that this unexpected result arises because the colloidal network progressively builds up internal stress as a consequence of localized rearrangement events which leads ultimately to collapse as thermal equilibrium is re-established.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, final versio

    Programmable Logic Devices in Experimental Quantum Optics

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    We discuss the unique capabilities of programmable logic devices (PLD's) for experimental quantum optics and describe basic procedures of design and implementation. Examples of advanced applications include optical metrology and feedback control of quantum dynamical systems. As a tutorial illustration of the PLD implementation process, a field programmable gate array (FPGA) controller is used to stabilize the output of a Fabry-Perot cavity

    Wardrop Equilibrium in Discrete-Time Selfish Routing with Time-Varying Bounded Delays

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    This paper presents a multi-commodity, discrete- time, distributed and non-cooperative routing algorithm, which is proved to converge to an equilibrium in the presence of heterogeneous, unknown, time-varying but bounded delays. Under mild assumptions on the latency functions which describe the cost associated to the network paths, two algorithms are proposed: the former assumes that each commodity relies only on measurements of the latencies associated to its own paths; the latter assumes that each commodity has (at least indirectly) access to the measures of the latencies of all the network paths. Both algorithms are proven to drive the system state to an invariant set which approximates and contains the Wardrop equilibrium, defined as a network state in which no traffic flow over the network paths can improve its routing unilaterally, with the latter achieving a better reconstruction of the Wardrop equilibrium. Numerical simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Ultra-high-frequency piecewise-linear chaos using delayed feedback loops

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    We report on an ultra-high-frequency (> 1 GHz), piecewise-linear chaotic system designed from low-cost, commercially available electronic components. The system is composed of two electronic time-delayed feedback loops: A primary analog loop with a variable gain that produces multi-mode oscillations centered around 2 GHz and a secondary loop that switches the variable gain between two different values by means of a digital-like signal. We demonstrate experimentally and numerically that such an approach allows for the simultaneous generation of analog and digital chaos, where the digital chaos can be used to partition the system's attractor, forming the foundation for a symbolic dynamics with potential applications in noise-resilient communications and radar
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