513 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of FDDI

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    The Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) is an imerging ANSI and ISO standard for a 100 megabit per second fiber optic token ring. The performance of the FDDI media access control protocol is analyzed using a simulation developed at NASA Ames. Both analyses using standard measures of performance (including average delay for asynchronous traffic, channel utilization, and transmission queue length) and analyses of characteristics of ring behavior which can be attributed to constraints imposed by the timed token protocol on token holding time (including bounded token rotation time, support for synchronous traffic, and fairness of channel access for nodes transmitting asynchronous traffic) are included

    Modeling of the Space Station Freedom data management system

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    The Data Management System (DMS) is the information and communications system onboard Space Station Freedom (SSF). Extensive modeling of the DMS is being conducted throughout NASA to aid in the design and development of this vital system. Activities discussed at NASA Ames Research Center to model the DMS network infrastructure are discussed with focus on the modeling of the Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) token-ring protocol and experimental testbedding of networking aspects of the DMS

    Performance issues in management of the Space Station Information System

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    The onboard segment of the Space Station Information System (SSIS), called the Data Management System (DMS), will consist of a Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) token-ring network. The performance of the DMS in scenarios involving two kinds of network management is analyzed. In the first scenario, how the transmission of routine management messages impacts performance of the DMS is examined. In the second scenario, techniques for ensuring low latency of real-time control messages in an emergency are examined

    A method for analyzing the performance aspects of the fault-tolerance mechanisms in FDDI

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    The ability of error recovery mechanisms to make the Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) satisfy real-time performance constraints in the presence of errors is analyzed. A complicating factor in these analyses is the rarity of the error occurrences, which makes direct simulation unattractive. Therefore, a fast simulation technique, called injection simulation, which makes it possible to analyze the performance of FDDI, including its fault tolerance behavior, was developed. The implementation of injection simulation for polling models of FDDI is discussed, along with simulation result

    Spacelab system analysis: A study of the Marshall Avionics System Testbed (MAST)

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    An analysis of the Marshall Avionics Systems Testbed (MAST) communications requirements is presented. The average offered load for typical nodes is estimated. Suitable local area networks are determined

    Telemetry downlink interfaces and level-zero processing

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    The technical areas being investigated are as follows: (1) processing of space to ground data frames; (2) parallel architecture performance studies; and (3) parallel programming techniques. Additionally, the University administrative details and the technical liaison between New Mexico State University and Goddard Space Flight Center are addressed

    Spacelab system analysis: A study of communications systems for advanced launch systems

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    An analysis of the required performance of internal avionics data bases for future launch vehicles is presented. Suitable local area networks that can service these requirements are determined

    Extremely high data-rate, reliable network systems research

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    Significant progress was made over the year in the four focus areas of this research group: gigabit protocols, extensions of metropolitan protocols, parallel protocols, and distributed simulations. Two activities, a network management tool and the Carrier Sensed Multiple Access Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) protocol, have developed to the point that a patent is being applied for in the next year; a tool set for distributed simulation using the language SIMSCRIPT also has commercial potential and is to be further refined. The year's results for each of these areas are summarized and next year's activities are described

    Guaranteeing synchronous message deadlines with the timed token medium access control protocol

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    We study the problem of guaranteeing synchronous message deadlines in token ring networks where the timed token medium access control protocol is employed. Synchronous capacity, defined as the maximum time for which a node can transmit its synchronous messages every time it receives the token, is a key parameter in the control of synchronous message transmission. To ensure the transmission of synchronous messages before their deadlines, synchronous capacities must be properly allocated to individual nodes. We address the issue of appropriate allocation of the synchronous capacities. Several synchronous capacity allocation schemes are analyzed in terms of their ability to satisfy deadline constraints of synchronous messages. We show that an inappropriate allocation of the synchronous capacities could cause message deadlines to be missed even if the synchronous traffic is extremely low. We propose a scheme called the normalized proportional allocation scheme which can guarantee the synchronous message deadlines for synchronous traffic of up to 33 percent of available utilization. To date, no other synchronous capacity allocation scheme has been reported to achieve such substantial performance. Another major contribution of this paper is an extension to the previous work on the bounded token rotation time. We prove that the time elapsed between any consecutive visits to a particular node is bounded by upsilon TTRT, where TTRT is the target token rotation time set up at system initialization time. The previous result by Johnson and Sevcik is a special case where upsilon = 2. We use this result in the analysis of various synchronous allocation schemes. It can also be applied in other similar studies