439 research outputs found

    Delay Optimal Secrecy in Two-Relay Network

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    We consider a two-relay network in which a source aims to communicate a confidential message to a destination while keeping the message secret from the relay nodes. In the first hop, the channels from the source to the relays are assumed to be block-fading and the channel states change arbitrarily -possibly non-stationary and non-ergodic- across blocks. When the relay feedback on the states of the source-to-relay channels is available on the source with no delay, we provide an encoding strategy to achieve the optimal delay. We next consider the case in which there is one-block delayed relay feedback on the states of the source-to-relay channels. We show that for a set of channel state sequences, the optimal delay with one-block delayed feedback differs from the optimal delay with no-delayed feedback at most one block

    Utilization-based dynamic scheduling algorithm for wireless mesh networks

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    Channel access scheduling is one of the key components in the design of multihop wireless mesh networks (WMNs). This paper addresses the allocation/demand mismatch problem observed in oblivious WMN channel access scheduling schemes and proposes Utilization-Based Scheduling (UBS). UBS is a Spatial-TDMA- (STDMA-) based dynamic channel access scheduling scheme designed with the aim of increasing the application-level throughput. In UBS, each node has a weight, which is dynamically adjusted in accordance with the node's slot usage history and packet-queue occupancy. UBS is a fully distributed algorithm, where each node adjusts its own weight and makes pseudorandom transmission attempts using only the locally available information. To demonstrate the performance improvements of the dynamic weight adjustment, the performance of UBS is compared against other channel access scheduling schemes through extensive ns-2 simulations under both uniform and nonuniform traffic patterns. © 2010 Miray Kas et al

    Next generation communications satellites: multiple access and network studies

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    Efficient resource allocation and network design for satellite systems serving heterogeneous user populations with large numbers of small direct-to-user Earth stations are discussed. Focus is on TDMA systems involving a high degree of frequency reuse by means of satellite-switched multiple beams (SSMB) with varying degrees of onboard processing. Algorithms for the efficient utilization of the satellite resources were developed. The effect of skewed traffic, overlapping beams and batched arrivals in packet-switched SSMB systems, integration of stream and bursty traffic, and optimal circuit scheduling in SSMB systems: performance bounds and computational complexity are discussed

    On feedback-based rateless codes for data collection in vehicular networks

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    The ability to transfer data reliably and with low delay over an unreliable service is intrinsic to a number of emerging technologies, including digital video broadcasting, over-the-air software updates, public/private cloud storage, and, recently, wireless vehicular networks. In particular, modern vehicles incorporate tens of sensors to provide vital sensor information to electronic control units (ECUs). In the current architecture, vehicle sensors are connected to ECUs via physical wires, which increase the cost, weight and maintenance effort of the car, especially as the number of electronic components keeps increasing. To mitigate the issues with physical wires, wireless sensor networks (WSN) have been contemplated for replacing the current wires with wireless links, making modern cars cheaper, lighter, and more efficient. However, the ability to reliably communicate with the ECUs is complicated by the dynamic channel properties that the car experiences as it travels through areas with different radio interference patterns, such as urban versus highway driving, or even different road quality, which may physically perturb the wireless sensors. This thesis develops a suite of reliable and efficient communication schemes built upon feedback-based rateless codes, and with a target application of vehicular networks. In particular, we first investigate the feasibility of multi-hop networking for intra-car WSN, and illustrate the potential gains of using the Collection Tree Protocol (CTP), the current state of the art in multi-hop data aggregation. Our results demonstrate, for example, that the packet delivery rate of a node using a single-hop topology protocol can be below 80% in practical scenarios, whereas CTP improves reliability performance beyond 95% across all nodes while simultaneously reducing radio energy consumption. Next, in order to migrate from a wired intra-car network to a wireless system, we consider an intermediate step to deploy a hybrid communication structure, wherein wired and wireless networks coexist. Towards this goal, we design a hybrid link scheduling algorithm that guarantees reliability and robustness under harsh vehicular environments. We further enhance the hybrid link scheduler with the rateless codes such that information leakage to an eavesdropper is almost zero for finite block lengths. In addition to reliability, one key requirement for coded communication schemes is to achieve a fast decoding rate. This feature is vital in a wide spectrum of communication systems, including multimedia and streaming applications (possibly inside vehicles) with real-time playback requirements, and delay-sensitive services, where the receiver needs to recover some data symbols before the recovery of entire frame. To address this issue, we develop feedback-based rateless codes with dynamically-adjusted nonuniform symbol selection distributions. Our simulation results, backed by analysis, show that feedback information paired with a nonuniform distribution significantly improves the decoding rate compared with the state of the art algorithms. We further demonstrate that amount of feedback sent can be tuned to the specific transmission properties of a given feedback channel

    A robust coding scheme for packet video

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    A layered packet video coding algorithm based on a progressive transmission scheme is presented. The algorithm provides good compression and can handle significant packet loss with graceful degradation in the reconstruction sequence. Simulation results for various conditions are presented

    Information Switching Processor (ISP) contention analysis and control

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    Future satellite communications, as a viable means of communications and an alternative to terrestrial networks, demand flexibility and low end-user cost. On-board switching/processing satellites potentially provide these features, allowing flexible interconnection among multiple spot beams, direct to the user communications services using very small aperture terminals (VSAT's), independent uplink and downlink access/transmission system designs optimized to user's traffic requirements, efficient TDM downlink transmission, and better link performance. A flexible switching system on the satellite in conjunction with low-cost user terminals will likely benefit future satellite network users

    A robust coding scheme for packet video

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    We present a layered packet video coding algorithm based on a progressive transmission scheme. The algorithm provides good compression and can handle significant packet loss with graceful degradation in the reconstruction sequence. Simulation results for various conditions are presented

    Implementation issues in source coding

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    An edge preserving image coding scheme which can be operated in both a lossy and a lossless manner was developed. The technique is an extension of the lossless encoding algorithm developed for the Mars observer spectral data. It can also be viewed as a modification of the DPCM algorithm. A packet video simulator was also developed from an existing modified packet network simulator. The coding scheme for this system is a modification of the mixture block coding (MBC) scheme described in the last report. Coding algorithms for packet video were also investigated

    Performance Study of Shared Versus Nonshared Bandwidth on a Packet-Switched Network

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    In wide area computer data communications, many networks have evolved by satisfying increased user demands in the most expedient manner. In some cases, new users’ demands are satisfied by installing a new link, rather than sharing the links that are already in place. This research investigates the differences in performance between using a dedicated link for each source destination pair (nonshared bandwidth) and using a single link to be used by all source destination pairs (shared bandwidth). Simulation models are developed for a wide area network using shared bandwidth, and a wide area network using nonshared bandwidth. The quality of service offered by each network is based on its responsiveness and productivity. Responsiveness will be measured in terms of average end to end delay of packet transmission, and productivity will be measured in terms of percent bandwidth utilization. The networks are modeled under a common set of operating assumptions and system environment. This allows for accurate comparison of packet delay and bandwidth utilization. Two variable input parameters are used in the simulation: intensity of input traffic load, and amount of link capacity. Provided that the intensity of the input traffic load remains below the network saturation level, it is shown that the shared system clearly outperforms the nonshared system. This result occurs for both a uniform and a nonuniform traffic load destination distribution