110 research outputs found

    Transmit Optimization with Improper Gaussian Signaling for Interference Channels

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    This paper studies the achievable rates of Gaussian interference channels with additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), when improper or circularly asymmetric complex Gaussian signaling is applied. For the Gaussian multiple-input multiple-output interference channel (MIMO-IC) with the interference treated as Gaussian noise, we show that the user's achievable rate can be expressed as a summation of the rate achievable by the conventional proper or circularly symmetric complex Gaussian signaling in terms of the users' transmit covariance matrices, and an additional term, which is a function of both the users' transmit covariance and pseudo-covariance matrices. The additional degrees of freedom in the pseudo-covariance matrix, which is conventionally set to be zero for the case of proper Gaussian signaling, provide an opportunity to further improve the achievable rates of Gaussian MIMO-ICs by employing improper Gaussian signaling. To this end, this paper proposes widely linear precoding, which efficiently maps proper information-bearing signals to improper transmitted signals at each transmitter for any given pair of transmit covariance and pseudo-covariance matrices. In particular, for the case of two-user Gaussian single-input single-output interference channel (SISO-IC), we propose a joint covariance and pseudo-covariance optimization algorithm with improper Gaussian signaling to achieve the Pareto-optimal rates. By utilizing the separable structure of the achievable rate expression, an alternative algorithm with separate covariance and pseudo-covariance optimization is also proposed, which guarantees the rate improvement over conventional proper Gaussian signaling.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Achievable DoF-delay trade-offs for the K-user MIMO interference channel with delayed CSIT

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    ©2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The degrees of freedom (DoFs) of the K-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) interference channel are studied when perfect, but delayed channel state information is available at the transmitter side (delayed CSIT). Recent works have proposed schemes improving the DoF knowledge of the interference channel, but at the cost of developing transmission involving many channel uses (long delay), thus increasing the complexity at both transmitter and receiver side. This paper proposes three linear precoding strategies, limited to at most three phases, based on the concept of interference alignment, and built upon three main ingredients: delayed CSIT precoding, user scheduling, and redundancy transmission. In this respect, the interference alignment is realized by exploiting delayed CSIT to align the interference at the non-intended receivers along the space-time domain. Moreover, a new framework is proposed where the number of transmitted symbols and duration of the phases is obtained as the solution of a maximization problem, and enabling the introduction of complexity constraints, which allows deriving the achievable DoF as a function of the transmission delay, i.e., the achievable DoF-delay trade-off. Finally, the latter part of this paper settles that the assumption of time-varying channels common along all the literature on delayed CSIT is indeed unnecessary.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the superiority of improper Gaussian signaling in wireless interference MIMO scenarios

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    ©2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Recent results have elucidated the benefits of using improper Gaussian signaling (IGS) as compared to conventional proper Gaussian signaling (PGS) in terms of achievable rate for interference-limited conditions. This paper exploits majorization theory tools to formally quantify the gains of IGS along with widely linear transceivers for MIMO systems in interferencelimited scenarios. The MIMO point-to-point channel with interference (P2P-I) is analyzed, assuming that received interference can be either proper or improper, and we demonstrate that the use of the optimal IGS when received interference is improper strictly outperforms (in terms of achievable rate and mean square error) the use of the optimal PGS when interference is proper. Then, these results are extended to two practical situations. First, the MIMO Z-interference channel (Z-IC) is investigated, where a trade-off arises: with IGS we could increase the achievable rate of the interfered user while gracefully degrading the rate of the non-interfered user. Second, these concepts are applied to a two-tier heterogeneous cellular network (HCN) where macrocells and smallcells coexist and multiple MIMO Z-IC appear.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft