9,700 research outputs found

    Retrospective Interference Alignment for Two-Cell Uplink MIMO Cellular Networks with Delayed CSIT

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    In this paper, we propose a new retrospective interference alignment for two-cell multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) interfering multiple access channels (IMAC) with the delayed channel state information at the transmitters (CSIT). It is shown that having delayed CSIT can strictly increase the sum-DoF compared to the case of no CSIT. The key idea is to align multiple interfering signals from adjacent cells onto a small dimensional subspace over time by fully exploiting the previously received signals as side information with outdated CSIT in a distributed manner. Remarkably, we show that the retrospective interference alignment can achieve the optimal sum-DoF in the context of two-cell two-user scenario by providing a new outer bound.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, to appear in IEEE ICC 201

    Multi-Cell Random Beamforming: Achievable Rate and Degrees of Freedom Region

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    Random beamforming (RBF) is a practically favourable transmission scheme for multiuser multi-antenna downlink systems since it requires only partial channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter. Under the conventional single-cell setup, RBF is known to achieve the optimal sum-capacity scaling law as the number of users goes to infinity, thanks to the multiuser diversity enabled transmission scheduling that virtually eliminates the intra-cell interference. In this paper, we extend the study of RBF to a more practical multi-cell downlink system with single-antenna receivers subject to the additional inter-cell interference (ICI). First, we consider the case of finite signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at each receiver. We derive a closed-form expression of the achievable sum-rate with the multi-cell RBF, based upon which we show an asymptotic sum-rate scaling law as the number of users goes to infinity. Next, we consider the high-SNR regime and for tractable analysis assume that the number of users in each cell scales in a certain order with the per-cell SNR. Under this setup, we characterize the achievable degrees of freedom (DoF) for the single-cell case with RBF. Then we extend the analysis to the multi-cell RBF case by characterizing the DoF region. It is shown that the DoF region characterization provides useful guideline on how to design a cooperative multi-cell RBF system to achieve optimal throughput tradeoffs among different cells. Furthermore, our results reveal that the multi-cell RBF scheme achieves the "interference-free DoF" region upper bound for the multi-cell system, provided that the per-cell number of users has a sufficiently large scaling order with the SNR. Our result thus confirms the optimality of multi-cell RBF in this regime even without the complete CSI at the transmitter, as compared to other full-CSI requiring transmission schemes such as interference alignment.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, to appear in IEEE Transactions of Signal Processing. This work was presented in part at IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Kyoto, Japan, March 25-30, 2012. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore (emails: {hieudn, elezhang, elehht}@nus.edu.sg

    Elements of Cellular Blind Interference Alignment --- Aligned Frequency Reuse, Wireless Index Coding and Interference Diversity

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    We explore degrees of freedom (DoF) characterizations of partially connected wireless networks, especially cellular networks, with no channel state information at the transmitters. Specifically, we introduce three fundamental elements --- aligned frequency reuse, wireless index coding and interference diversity --- through a series of examples, focusing first on infinite regular arrays, then on finite clusters with arbitrary connectivity and message sets, and finally on heterogeneous settings with asymmetric multiple antenna configurations. Aligned frequency reuse refers to the optimality of orthogonal resource allocations in many cases, but according to unconventional reuse patterns that are guided by interference alignment principles. Wireless index coding highlights both the intimate connection between the index coding problem and cellular blind interference alignment, as well as the added complexity inherent to wireless settings. Interference diversity refers to the observation that in a wireless network each receiver experiences a different set of interferers, and depending on the actions of its own set of interferers, the interference-free signal space at each receiver fluctuates differently from other receivers, creating opportunities for robust applications of blind interference alignment principles

    On the Vector Broadcast Channel with Alternating CSIT: A Topological Perspective

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    In many wireless networks, link strengths are affected by many topological factors such as different distances, shadowing and inter-cell interference, thus resulting in some links being generally stronger than other links. From an information theoretic point of view, accounting for such topological aspects has remained largely unexplored, despite strong indications that such aspects can crucially affect transceiver and feedback design, as well as the overall performance. The work here takes a step in exploring this interplay between topology, feedback and performance. This is done for the two user broadcast channel with random fading, in the presence of a simple two-state topological setting of statistically strong vs. weaker links, and in the presence of a practical ternary feedback setting of alternating channel state information at the transmitter (alternating CSIT) where for each channel realization, this CSIT can be perfect, delayed, or not available. In this setting, the work derives generalized degrees-of-freedom bounds and exact expressions, that capture performance as a function of feedback statistics and topology statistics. The results are based on novel topological signal management (TSM) schemes that account for topology in order to fully utilize feedback. This is achieved for different classes of feedback mechanisms of practical importance, from which we identify specific feedback mechanisms that are best suited for different topologies. This approach offers further insight on how to split the effort --- of channel learning and feeding back CSIT --- for the strong versus for the weaker link. Further intuition is provided on the possible gains from topological spatio-temporal diversity, where topology changes in time and across users.Comment: Shorter version will be presented at ISIT 201

    Degrees of Freedom of Full-Duplex Multiantenna Cellular Networks

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    We study the degrees of freedom (DoF) of cellular networks in which a full duplex (FD) base station (BS) equipped with multiple transmit and receive antennas communicates with multiple mobile users. We consider two different scenarios. In the first scenario, we study the case when half duplex (HD) users, partitioned to either the uplink (UL) set or the downlink (DL) set, simultaneously communicate with the FD BS. In the second scenario, we study the case when FD users simultaneously communicate UL and DL data with the FD BS. Unlike conventional HD only systems, inter-user interference (within the cell) may severely limit the DoF, and must be carefully taken into account. With the goal of providing theoretical guidelines for designing such FD systems, we completely characterize the sum DoF of each of the two different FD cellular networks by developing an achievable scheme and obtaining a matching upper bound. The key idea of the proposed scheme is to carefully allocate UL and DL information streams using interference alignment and beamforming techniques. By comparing the DoFs of the considered FD systems with those of the conventional HD systems, we establish the DoF gain by enabling FD operation in various configurations. As a consequence of the result, we show that the DoF can approach the two-fold gain over the HD systems when the number of users becomes large enough as compared to the number of antennas at the BS.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, a shorter version of this paper has been submitted to the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 201