17,806 research outputs found

    Random Intersection Graphs with Tunable Degree Distribution and Clustering

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    A random intersection graph is constructed by independently assigning each vertex a subset of a given set and drawing an edge between two vertices if and only if their respective subsets intersect. In this paper a model is developed in which each vertex is given a random weight, and vertices with larger weights are more likely to be assigned large subsets. The distribution of the degree of a given vertex is determined and is shown to depend on the weight of the vertex. In particular, if the weight distribution is a power law, the degree distribution will be so as well. Furthermore, an asymptotic expression for the clustering in the graph is derived. By tuning the parameters of the model, it is possible to generate a graph with arbitrary clustering, expected degree and { in the power law case { tail exponent.

    Random planar graphs and the London street network

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    In this paper we analyse the street network of London both in its primary and dual representation. To understand its properties, we consider three idealised models based on a grid, a static random planar graph and a growing random planar graph. Comparing the models and the street network, we find that the streets of London form a self-organising system whose growth is characterised by a strict interaction between the metrical and informational space. In particular, a principle of least effort appears to create a balance between the physical and the mental effort required to navigate the city

    Correlation between clustering and degree in affiliation networks

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    We are interested in the probability that two randomly selected neighbors of a random vertex of degree (at least) kk are adjacent. We evaluate this probability for a power law random intersection graph, where each vertex is prescribed a collection of attributes and two vertices are adjacent whenever they share a common attribute. We show that the probability obeys the scaling kδk^{-\delta} as k+k\to+\infty. Our results are mathematically rigorous. The parameter 0δ10\le \delta\le 1 is determined by the tail indices of power law random weights defining the links between vertices and attributes