108 research outputs found

    MoFA: Model-based Deep Convolutional Face Autoencoder for Unsupervised Monocular Reconstruction

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    In this work we propose a novel model-based deep convolutional autoencoder that addresses the highly challenging problem of reconstructing a 3D human face from a single in-the-wild color image. To this end, we combine a convolutional encoder network with an expert-designed generative model that serves as decoder. The core innovation is our new differentiable parametric decoder that encapsulates image formation analytically based on a generative model. Our decoder takes as input a code vector with exactly defined semantic meaning that encodes detailed face pose, shape, expression, skin reflectance and scene illumination. Due to this new way of combining CNN-based with model-based face reconstruction, the CNN-based encoder learns to extract semantically meaningful parameters from a single monocular input image. For the first time, a CNN encoder and an expert-designed generative model can be trained end-to-end in an unsupervised manner, which renders training on very large (unlabeled) real world data feasible. The obtained reconstructions compare favorably to current state-of-the-art approaches in terms of quality and richness of representation.Comment: International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2017 (Oral), 13 page

    OGTA: Open gaze tracker and analyzer a remote low cost system based on off-the-shelf components and open source modular software

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    Several academic and commercial eye tracking systems have evolved to the point that they can operate without contact with the user. In addition, they also permit free head movement (within reasonable limits) without losing tracking and maintaining a good accuracy (errors below 1 degree). However, there are still several aspects which require further improvement before these systems can be extensively used. These include price, accuracy, robustness, and ease of set-up and use. This work proposes a preliminary version of a remote eye tracking system which starts to deal with some of those critical points. To drastically reduce the costs, the system has been built by assembling low cost off-the-shelf components, and the cross-platform software has been developed based on an open source philosophy. Second, the accuracy in gaze detection has been improved through the Starburst algorithm. Last and importantly, the plug-in organization of the software architecture, which crucially distinguishes the proposed system from similar ones previously proposed in literature. This facilitates the addition of dedicated software modules designed to improve specific features according to the particular application at hand. Here we present the architecture of the system and preliminary results on the functioning and accuracy of the system

    GP-GAN: Gender Preserving GAN for Synthesizing Faces from Landmarks

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    Facial landmarks constitute the most compressed representation of faces and are known to preserve information such as pose, gender and facial structure present in the faces. Several works exist that attempt to perform high-level face-related analysis tasks based on landmarks. In contrast, in this work, an attempt is made to tackle the inverse problem of synthesizing faces from their respective landmarks. The primary aim of this work is to demonstrate that information preserved by landmarks (gender in particular) can be further accentuated by leveraging generative models to synthesize corresponding faces. Though the problem is particularly challenging due to its ill-posed nature, we believe that successful synthesis will enable several applications such as boosting performance of high-level face related tasks using landmark points and performing dataset augmentation. To this end, a novel face-synthesis method known as Gender Preserving Generative Adversarial Network (GP-GAN) that is guided by adversarial loss, perceptual loss and a gender preserving loss is presented. Further, we propose a novel generator sub-network UDeNet for GP-GAN that leverages advantages of U-Net and DenseNet architectures. Extensive experiments and comparison with recent methods are performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, this paper is accepted as 2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2018

    EgoFace: Egocentric Face Performance Capture and Videorealistic Reenactment

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    Face performance capture and reenactment techniques use multiple cameras and sensors, positioned at a distance from the face or mounted on heavy wearable devices. This limits their applications in mobile and outdoor environments. We present EgoFace, a radically new lightweight setup for face performance capture and front-view videorealistic reenactment using a single egocentric RGB camera. Our lightweight setup allows operations in uncontrolled environments, and lends itself to telepresence applications such as video-conferencing from dynamic environments. The input image is projected into a low dimensional latent space of the facial expression parameters. Through careful adversarial training of the parameter-space synthetic rendering, a videorealistic animation is produced. Our problem is challenging as the human visual system is sensitive to the smallest face irregularities that could occur in the final results. This sensitivity is even stronger for video results. Our solution is trained in a pre-processing stage, through a supervised manner without manual annotations. EgoFace captures a wide variety of facial expressions, including mouth movements and asymmetrical expressions. It works under varying illuminations, background, movements, handles people from different ethnicities and can operate in real time
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