3,240 research outputs found

    Quality Function Deployment for Designing the Virtual Enterprise

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    The design of distributed or virtual enterprise organizations is a complex activity requiring the evaluation of process competencies of multiple potential participants. This analysis must also incorporate the functional requirements for the desired product or service as specified by the intended customer. Experience in non- distributed business environments show that failure to meet customer needs can lead to a worsening competitive position. This paper presents a methodology based on quality function deployment design methods for delineating responsibility for process components in a virtual enterprise. A brief description of the design requirements for the virtual enterprise is presented. The methodology defined in this paper provides the link between customer needs and the process competencies provided by participants in the venture

    Product Design

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    Product design is a comprehensive process related to the creation of new products, and the ability to design and develop efficient products are key to success in today’s dynamic global market. Written by experts in the field, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the product design process and its applications in various fields, particularly engineering. Over seven chapters, the authors explore such topics as development of new product design methodologies, implementation of effective methods for integrated products, development of more visualized environments for task-based conceptual design methods, and development of engineering design tools based on 3D photogrammetry, among others

    Extending Comprehensive Maritime Awareness to Disconnected Vessels and Users

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    After the attacks of 9/11, increased security became a national priority that resulted in a focus on National Maritime Security. Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) is an initiative developed by the Coast Guard, in partnership with the U.S. Navy and other agencies to increase awareness in the maritime domain in support of maritime security [Morgan and Wimmer, 2005]. The purpose of MDA is to generate actionable intelligence obtained via the collection, fusion and dissemination of information from U.S. joint forces, U.S. government agencies, international coalition partners and commercial entities. This actionable intelligence is the cornerstone of successful counterterrorist and maritime law enforcement operations and is critical to Maritime Security [Morgan and Wimmer, 2005]. The U.S. Navy, as a partner in the development and creation of MDA, has tasked its subordinate commands to identify and define capabilities to support this program. One effort sponsored is the Comprehensive Maritime Awareness (CMA) Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstration (JCTD) [CMA Architecture Team, 2007]. This project supports the CMA JCTD efforts by proposing a deployable system to enable a disconnected vessel to connect to the CMA network. A disconnected user can be seen as a merchant ship, hospital ship or any vessel that is not currently connected to the CMA network. This project's proposed deployable system, as a subset to the CMA network, facilitates information sharing in support of humanitarian efforts worldwide.http://archive.org/details/extendingcompreh109456932N

    IDeS (Industrial Design Structure) Method Applied to the Automotive Design Framework: Two Sports Cars with Shared Platform

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    The present study was set to validate two different suburban-type sportscar bodies with shared common underpinnings. The chosen method to develop this project was the Industrial Design Structure (IDeS), which characterizes the ability to use the different innovative techniques known within the industrial field, across the whole organization. This method is embodied by following a series of structured analysis tools, such as QFD (Quality Function Deployment), Benchmarking (BM), Top-Flop analysis (TFA), Stylistic Design Engineering (SDE), Prototyping, Testing, Budgeting and Planning. This project aims to study the present-day car market and to foresee deployment in the near future. This attempt was confirmed by delivering the complete styling and technical feasibility characteristics of two different sports cars, obtained by the IDeS methodology. This approach of embodying design together with phases of product development would provide a better engineered, target-oriented product, that uses state-of-the-art style and CAD environments to reduce product development time and, hence, overall Time to Market (TTM)

    Configuration of a Customized Product

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    The chapter discusses problems of the product configuration process and application of chosen methods to represent the knowledge related to this process. One of the most important issues in product life-cycle management is to identify customer needs and combine them with product’s technical and trade characteristics. The main tasks related to product configuration are focused on identifying the most suitable product to a particular customer, product decomposition, and estimating product characteristics. In the presented approach, identification of customer needs was discussed, and a product decomposition method was presented. The quality function deployment (QFD) method was suggested to be applied as a product and production process data integration tool, where engineering characteristics of a product are combined with its trade characteristics

    Supply Chain Risk Management of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in Australia

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    This research examines the supply chain risk management of Australia’s Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) supply chain. The study develops a risk management methodology based on quality function deployment and 0-1 multiobjective optimization model. The research reveals 33 LNG supply chain risks and 30 risk management strategies (RMSs) for Australian LNG supply chain. Optimal sets of RMSs are found using the methodology which would be beneficial for the LNG risk managers in a limited resources scenario

    Total Quality Management in the biopharmaceutical industry: "Planning and development of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) for the research and development of products and processes of human plasma derived products”

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    In the industrial sector, the work of the research and development departments is related both to the processes performed and to the products to be marketed, and it includes everything from the design and development of a new product to the redesign or development of the process of production. Therefore, response time represents a key point in the structure of the company, provided that the response is fast and effective. Besides, the quality of the development and design is not limited to the benefits of the product. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) for Pharmaceutical Products Research and Development appears as an important tool that allows us to face the design or modification of a product or process according to customers needs, and to their expectations about the product quality requirements. In this work we deal with the development of a plasma derived product, on the basis of QFD rules. The application of QFD fulfilled the proposed objectives. QFD added simplicity and reliability to the production as well security and highly competitive costs to both, the product development and the final product itself. QFD was supplemented with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), and it also proved to be highly applicable in the pharmaceutical industry even in the case that certification for a quality system is not pursued

    Realizing IT Value at Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

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    How can senior IS executives successfully shepherd IT initiatives through complex organizations? This paper prescribes an integrated IT investment management process incorporating four recommended activities: *strategic planning, *quality function deployment, *activity analysis, and *responsibility assignment. The process, tools, methods, and organizational learning were drawn from two projects at Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. The integrated process for IT investment management can help senior IS executives prioritize projects and align responsibility and accountability for IT initiatives that require complementary organizational changes to activities across the entire value chain to realize full benefits

    Managerial model and process for set-based design

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, Florianópolis, 2023.O Lean Product Development (LPD) representa o caminho para uma organização Lean. O LPD é complexo e exige um conjunto de elementos, que são muito difíceis de adotar. Soma-se a esse cenário uma base de conhecimento incipiente e a falta de fundamentos teóricos e práticos consistentes, sendo a Toyota o único caso de combinação bem-sucedida de ferramentas e práticas para o desenvolvimento Lean de produtos. Set-Based Design (SBD) é a espinha dorsal do LPD, representando seu elemento mais fundamental, orientando toda a cadência e fluxo do projeto. No entanto, sua complexidade constitui a principal barreira para a disseminação do LPD, pois mais do que apenas uma prescrição de atividades está por trás de seu sucesso. A SBD preconiza a experimentação além do projeto para aprender com o processo ao invés de buscar eficiência operacional. Como resultado, encontra mais resistência entre os desenvolvedores, pois sua implementação consome muito mais recursos do que as estratégias tradicionais. Esta Pesquisa é motivada pela necessidade de avançar em SBD, abrindo caminho para casos de sucesso de LPD nos mais variados ambientes e produtos. Esta Dissertação tem por objetivo apresentar um modelo e processo gerencial para a SBD, orientando sua implementação e organizando o conhecimento sobre esta área de estudo. Primeiro, uma revisão aprofundada da literatura foi realizada para identificar o estado da arte atual. A partir disso, foram identificadas oportunidades sob uma perspectiva gerencial e diretrizes foram derivadas para a proposição de um modelo e processo gerencial para a SBD. Por fim, a proposta foi estudada no desenvolvimento de produtos por meio de pesquisa-ação. O desdobramento e definição do valor, trade-off-curves, estratégia de desenvolvimento híbrido e o Toyota Kata aplicado ao desenvolvimento de produto formaram uma estrutura para projetar o produto de maneira integrada, construindo conhecimento para tomar decisões lentamente, apoiadas em dados. A separação dos subsistemas em domínios ajudou a concentrar esforços e recursos nas partes mais críticas. Os insights gerenciais desta Dissertação podem auxiliar os decisores a superar as barreiras para o SBD. Pode encorajar os profissionais a adotar o SBD, fornecendo uma perspectiva clara dos benefícios e caminhos de implementação.Abstract: Lean Product Development (LPD) emerged as the next step organisations must take toward a Lean Enterprise. LPD is complex to implement and demands a set of well-defined enablers, which are very difficult to adopt. Added to this scenario is the insipient knowledge background and lack of a consistent theoretical and practical basis, being Toyota the only case of a successful combination of lean tools and practices for well-succeeded product development. Set-Based Design (SBD) is the backbone of LPD, representing its most fundamental element, guiding all design cadence and flow. Nevertheless, the complexity of SBD implementation forms the major barrier to LPD dissemination since more than just a prescription of activities is behind its success. SBD preconises experimentation beyond the project to learn with the process instead of seeking operational efficiency. As a result, it finds more resistance among developers as its implementation consumes far more resources than traditional strategies. This research is motivated by the necessity to advance in SBD, paving the way for successful cases of LPD in the most variated environments and products. This Doctoral Dissertation aims to present a managerial model and process for SBD, providing guidelines for its implementation and organising knowledge regarding this field of study. First, a comprehensive in-depth review of the literature was undertaken to identify the current state-of-the-art. Based on this, opportunities from a managerial and engineering-oriented perspective were identified, originating guidelines for the proposal of a managerial model and process for SBD. Finally, the proposal was studied in real-world product development through action research. Value deployment and definition, model-based trade-off-curves, hybrid development strategy, and the Toyota Kata applied to product development formed a framework for designing the product in an integrated manner, building knowledge to make decisions slowly, supported by data. Separating subsystems into domains assisted in focusing efforts and resources on the most critical parts. The managerial insights from this Dissertation can assist decision-makers in overcoming barriers to SBD adoption. It encourages practitioners to adopt SBD by providing a clear perspective of benefits and implementation paths

    Reconfigurability Function Deployment in Software Development

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    In the forthcoming highly dynamic and complex business environment high-speed and cost-effective development of software applications for targeting a precise, unique and momentary set of requirements (no more-no less) associated to a customized business case will bring sig-nificant benefits both for producers and users. This requires a life cycle change-oriented ap-proach in software development. In this respect, designing software with intrinsic evolutionary resources for reconfiguration represents the sound approach. A methodology for concurrent deployment of reconfigurability characteristics in software applications is introduced in this paper. Its potential is exemplified in a case study dealing with web-based software tools to support systematic product innovation projects.Reconfigurability, Software Development, Innovation, TRIZ, RAD