8 research outputs found

    Novel automatic scorpion-detection and -recognition system based on machine-learning techniques

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    All species of scorpions have the ability to inoculate venom, some of them even with the possibility of killing a human. Therefore, early detection and identification is essential to minimize scorpion stings. In this paper, we propose a novel automatic system for the detection and recognition of scorpions using computer vision and machine learning approaches. Two complementary image processing techniques were used for the proposed detection method in order to accurately and reliably detect the presence of scorpions. The first based on the fluorescence characteristics of scorpions when are exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light, and the second on the shape features of the scorpions. On the other hand, three models based on machine learning algorithms for the image recognition and classification of scorpions have been compared. In particular, the three species of scorpions found in La Plata city (Argentina): Bothriurus bonariensis (of no sanitary importance), and Tityus trivittatus and Tityus confluence (both of sanitary importance), have been researched using the Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH) algorithm and deep neural networks with transfer learning (DNN with TL) and data augmentation (DNN with TL and DA) approaches. Confusion matrix and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve were used for evaluating the quality of these models. Results obtained show that the DNN with TL and DA model is the most efficient model to simultaneously differentiate between Tityus and Bothriurus (for health security) and between Tityus trivittatus and Tityus confluence (for biological research purposes).Fil: Giambelluca, Francisco Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Electr贸nica, Control y Procesamiento de Se帽ales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Electr贸nica, Control y Procesamiento de Se帽ales; ArgentinaFil: Cappelletti, Marcelo 脕ngel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Electr贸nica, Control y Procesamiento de Se帽ales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Electr贸nica, Control y Procesamiento de Se帽ales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche; ArgentinaFil: Osio, Jorge. Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Electr贸nica, Control y Procesamiento de Se帽ales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Electr贸nica, Control y Procesamiento de Se帽ales; ArgentinaFil: Giambelluca, Luis Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitol贸gicos y de Vectores. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Estudios Parasitol贸gicos y de Vectores; Argentin

    Deep Learning for Free-Hand Sketch: A Survey

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    Free-hand sketches are highly illustrative, and have been widely used by humans to depict objects or stories from ancient times to the present. The recent prevalence of touchscreen devices has made sketch creation a much easier task than ever and consequently made sketch-oriented applications increasingly popular. The progress of deep learning has immensely benefited free-hand sketch research and applications. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the deep learning techniques oriented at free-hand sketch data, and the applications that they enable. The main contents of this survey include: (i) A discussion of the intrinsic traits and unique challenges of free-hand sketch, to highlight the essential differences between sketch data and other data modalities, e.g., natural photos. (ii) A review of the developments of free-hand sketch research in the deep learning era, by surveying existing datasets, research topics, and the state-of-the-art methods through a detailed taxonomy and experimental evaluation. (iii) Promotion of future work via a discussion of bottlenecks, open problems, and potential research directions for the community.Comment: This paper is accepted by IEEE TPAM


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    Nowadays, a lot of images and documents are saved on data sets and cloud servers such as certificates, personal images, and passports. These images and documents are utilized in several applications to serve residents living in smart cities. Image similarity is considered as one of the applications of smart cities. The major challenges faced in the field of image management are searching and retrieving images. This is because searching based on image content requires a long time. In this paper, the researchers present a secure scheme to retrieve images in smart cities to identify wanted criminals by using the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix. The proposed scheme extracts only five features of the query image which are contrast, homogeneity, entropy, energy, and dissimilarity. This work consists of six phases which are registration, authentication, face detection, features extraction, image similarity, and image retrieval. The current study runs on a database of 810 images which was borrowed from face94 to measure the performance of image retrieval. The results of the experiment showed that the average precision is 97.6 and average recall is 6.3., Results of the current study have been relatively inspiring compared with the results of two previous studies

    Detecci贸n autom谩tica, clasificaci贸n y reconocimiento de escorpiones mediante t茅cnicas de Aprendizaje Profundo

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    La detecci贸n e identificaci贸n temprana de los escorpiones es esencial debido a la peligrosidad de estos ar谩cnidos que ponen en riesgo la salud de la poblaci贸n, en particular, de los sectores m谩s vulnerables al veneno de un escorpi贸n, como son las personas hipertensas, card铆acas o diab茅ticas, pero tambi茅n los ni帽os y los ancianos. A su vez, la detecci贸n y clasificaci贸n de escorpiones puede ser 煤til con fines de investigaci贸n biol贸gica para estudiar las diferentes variedades de g茅neros y especies. En este trabajo, con el prop贸sito de brindar herramientas de prevenci贸n alternativas, se desarrollaron novedosos sistemas autom谩ticos y en tiempo real para detectar y clasificar escorpiones, utilizando heur铆sticas de visi贸n artificial y Aprendizaje Profundo, basados en las caracter铆sticas de la forma y la propiedad de fluorescencia de los escorpiones cuando son expuesto a luz ultravioleta. En particular, se han investigado las tres especies de escorpiones que se encuentran en la ciudad de La Plata: Bothriurus bonariensis (sin importancia sanitaria), Tityus carrilloi y Tityus confluens (ambas de importancia sanitaria). Durante este trabajo se llevaron a cabo comparaciones entre diferentes modelos basados en Aprendizaje Profundo utilizados para detectar e identificar escorpiones, ya sea por g茅nero peligroso o no peligroso, como para determinar su especie dentro de un mismo g茅nero. Los resultados satisfactorios obtenidos indican que los sistemas desarrollados pueden, de forma temprana, precisa, no invasiva y segura, detectar y clasificar escorpiones, incluso dentro de un ambiente no controlado, es decir, cuando el escorpi贸n se encuentra cerca de otros objetos que podr铆an dificultar su detecci贸n. Los sistemas de detecci贸n y clasificaci贸n desarrollados en este trabajo se implementaron como una aplicaci贸n m贸vil, con la ventaja de la portabilidad y la facilidad de acceso a la poblaci贸n, que puede ser utilizada como una herramienta de prevenci贸n eficaz para minimizar las picaduras de escorpiones y ayudar a reducir el da帽o que pueden ocasionar a las poblaciones expuestas a estos ar谩cnidos. Adem谩s, estos sistemas son f谩cilmente escalables a otros g茅neros y especies de escorpiones para ampliar la regi贸n donde se puedan utilizar estas aplicaciones.Facultad de Ingenier铆