3 research outputs found

    Use of multiple LIDAR-derived digital terrain indices and machine learning for high-resolution national-scale soil moisture mapping of the Swedish forest landscape

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    Spatially extensive high-resolution soil moisture mapping is valuable in practical forestry and land management, but challenging. Here we present a novel technique involving use of LIDAR-derived terrain indices and machine learning (ML) algorithms capable of accurately modeling soil moisture at 2 m spatial resolution across the entire Swedish forest landscape. We used field data from about 20,000 sites across Sweden to train and evaluate multiple ML models. The predictor features (variables) included a suite of terrain indices generated from a national LIDAR digital elevation model and ancillary environmental features, including surficial geology, climate and land use, enabling adjustment of soil moisture class maps to regional or local conditions. Extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) provided better performance for a 2-class model, manifested by Cohen's Kappa and Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) values of 0.69 and 0.68, respectively, than the other tested ML methods: Artificial Neural Network, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, and Naive Bayes classification. The depth to water index, topographic wetness index, and `wetland' categorization derived from Swedish property maps were the most important predictors for all models. The presented technique enabled generation of a 3-class model with Cohen's Kappa and MCC values of 0.58. In addition to the classified moisture maps, we investigated the technique's potential for producing continuous soil moisture maps. We argue that the probability of a pixel being classified as wet from a 2-class model can be used as a 0-100% index (dry to wet) of soil moisture, and the resulting maps could provide more valuable information for practical forest management than classified maps

    Water resources sustainability model for wetland conservation based on anonymous expert elicitation

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    [EN] Wetlands play a key role in preserving biodiversity and preventing climate change. Their conservation poses an important and pressing challenge. In the Mediterranean region, one of the key threats to wetland survival is the lack of water due to competition for resources. The selection of the most sustainable water resources for wetland conservation is a complex elicitation problem. A novel Water Resources Sustainability Model (WRSM) focused on water quality has been developed to support the decision-making. This collaborative elicitation model is based on the analytical hierarchy process and uses the reference environmental status of the wetland. The model can be used to discriminate which water resources are more sustainable for the conservation of the wetland. The WRSM has been applied successfully to Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park. The framework enables establishing priorities when analyzing in terms of water quality any surface, recycled or underground water resources.Canto-Perello, J.; Benitez-Navio, A.; Martín Utrillas, MG.; Martinez-Leon, J.; Curiel Esparza, J. (2021). Water resources sustainability model for wetland conservation based on anonymous expert elicitation. Environmental Modelling & Software. 136:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104952S112136Aguilera, H., & Merino, L. M. (2018). Data on chemical composition of soil and water in the semiarid wetland of Las Tablas de Damiel National Park (Spain) during a drought period. Data in Brief, 19, 2481-2486. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2018.04.085Aguilera, H., Moreno, L., Wesseling, J. G., Jiménez-Hernández, M. E., & Castaño, S. (2016). Soil moisture prediction to support management in semiarid wetlands during drying episodes. CATENA, 147, 709-724. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2016.08.007Alafifi, A. H., & Rosenberg, D. E. (2020). 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