28 research outputs found

    High-quality genome assembly of Capsella bursa-pastoris reveals asymmetry of regulatory elements at early stages of polyploid genome evolution

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    © 2017 The Authors The Plant Journal © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Polyploidization and subsequent sub- and neofunctionalization of duplicated genes represent a major mechanism of plant genome evolution. Capsella bursa-pastoris, a widespread ruderal plant, is a recent allotetraploid and, thus, is an ideal model organism for studying early changes following polyploidization. We constructed a high-quality assembly of C. bursa-pastoris genome and a transcriptome atlas covering a broad sample of organs and developmental stages (available online at http://travadb.org/browse/Species=Cbp). We demonstrate that expression of homeologs is mostly symmetric between subgenomes, and identify a set of homeolog pairs with discordant expression. Comparison of promoters within such pairs revealed emerging asymmetry of regulatory elements. Among them there are multiple binding sites for transcription factors controlling the regulation of photosynthesis and plant development by light (PIF3, HY5) and cold stress response (CBF). These results suggest that polyploidization in C. bursa-pastoris enhanced its plasticity of response to light and temperature, and allowed substantial expansion of its distribution range

    Transcription factor regulation and chromosome dynamics during pseudohyphal growth

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    Pseudohyphal growth is a developmental pathway seen in some strains of yeast in which cells form multicellular filaments in response to environmental stresses. We used multiplexed transposon “Calling Cards” to record the genome-wide binding patterns of 28 transcription factors (TFs) in nitrogen-starved yeast. We identified TF targets relevant for pseudohyphal growth, producing a detailed map of its regulatory network. Using tools from graph theory, we identified 14 TFs that lie at the center of this network, including Flo8, Mss11, and Mfg1, which bind as a complex. Surprisingly, the DNA-binding preferences for these key TFs were unknown. Using Calling Card data, we predicted the in vivo DNA-binding motif for the Flo8-Mss11-Mfg1 complex and validated it using a reporter assay. We found that this complex binds several important targets, including FLO11, at both their promoter and termination sequences. We demonstrated that this binding pattern is the result of DNA looping, which regulates the transcription of these targets and is stabilized by an interaction with the nuclear pore complex. This looping provides yeast cells with a transcriptional memory, enabling them more rapidly to execute the filamentous growth program when nitrogen starved if they had been previously exposed to this condition

    Tree-Based Position Weight Matrix Approach to Model Transcription Factor Binding Site Profiles

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    Most of the position weight matrix (PWM) based bioinformatics methods developed to predict transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) assume each nucleotide in the sequence motif contributes independently to the interaction between protein and DNA sequence, usually producing high false positive predictions. The increasing availability of TF enrichment profiles from recent ChIP-Seq methodology facilitates the investigation of dependent structure and accurate prediction of TFBSs. We develop a novel Tree-based PWM (TPWM) approach to accurately model the interaction between TF and its binding site. The whole tree-structured PWM could be considered as a mixture of different conditional-PWMs. We propose a discriminative approach, called TPD (TPWM based Discriminative Approach), to construct the TPWM from the ChIP-Seq data with a pre-existing PWM. To achieve the maximum discriminative power between the positive and negative datasets, the cutoff value is determined based on the Matthew Correlation Coefficient (MCC). The resulting TPWMs are evaluated with respect to accuracy on extensive synthetic datasets. We then apply our TPWM discriminative approach on several real ChIP-Seq datasets to refine the current TFBS models stored in the TRANSFAC database. Experiments on both the simulated and real ChIP-Seq data show that the proposed method starting from existing PWM has consistently better performance than existing tools in detecting the TFBSs. The improved accuracy is the result of modelling the complete dependent structure of the motifs and better prediction of true positive rate. The findings could lead to better understanding of the mechanisms of TF-DNA interactions

    TherMos: Estimating protein-DNA binding energies from in vivo binding profiles

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    Accurately characterizing transcription factor (TF)-DNA affinity is a central goal of regulatory genomics. Although thermodynamics provides the most natural language for describing the continuous range of TF-DNA affinity, traditional motif discovery algorithms focus instead on classification paradigms that aim to discriminate 'bound' and 'unbound' sequences. Moreover, these algorithms do not directly model the distribution of tags in ChIP-seq data. Here, we present a new algorithm named Thermodynamic Modeling of ChIP-seq (TherMos), which directly estimates a positionspecific binding energy matrix (PSEM) from ChIPseq/exo tag profiles. In cross-validation tests on seven genome-wide TF-DNA binding profiles, one of which we generated via ChIP-seq on a complex developing tissue, TherMos predicted quantitative TF-DNA binding with greater accuracy than five well-known algorithms. We experimentally validated TherMos binding energy models for Klf4 and Esrrb, using a novel protocol to measure PSEMs in vitro. Strikingly, our measurements revealed strong nonadditivity at multiple positions within the two PSEMs. Among the algorithms tested, only TherMos was able to model the entire binding energy landscape of Klf4 and Esrrb. Our study reveals new insights into the energetics of TF-DNA binding in vivo and provides an accurate first-principles approach to binding energy inference from ChIP-seq and ChIP-exo data. © 2013 The Author(s).Link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    A highly efficient and effective motif discovery method for ChIP-seq/ChIP-chip data using positional information

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    Identification of DNA motifs from ChIP-seq/ChIP-chip [chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)] data is a powerful method for understanding the transcriptional regulatory network. However, most established methods are designed for small sample sizes and are inefficient for ChIP data. Here we propose a new k-mer occurrence model to reflect the fact that functional DNA k-mers often cluster around ChIP peak summits. With this model, we introduced a new measure to discover functional k-mers. Using simulation, we demonstrated that our method is more robust against noises in ChIP data than available methods. A novel word clustering method is also implemented to group similar k-mers into position weight matrices (PWMs). Our method was applied to a diverse set of ChIP experiments to demonstrate its high sensitivity and specificity. Importantly, our method is much faster than several other methods for large sample sizes. Thus, we have developed an efficient and effective motif discovery method for ChIP experiments

    An Integrated Pipeline for the Genome-Wide Analysis of Transcription Factor Binding Sites from ChIP-Seq

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    ChIP-Seq has become the standard method for genome-wide profiling DNA association of transcription factors. To simplify analyzing and interpreting ChIP-Seq data, which typically involves using multiple applications, we describe an integrated, open source, R-based analysis pipeline. The pipeline addresses data input, peak detection, sequence and motif analysis, visualization, and data export, and can readily be extended via other R and Bioconductor packages. Using a standard multicore computer, it can be used with datasets consisting of tens of thousands of enriched regions. We demonstrate its effectiveness on published human ChIP-Seq datasets for FOXA1, ER, CTCF and STAT1, where it detected co-occurring motifs that were consistent with the literature but not detected by other methods. Our pipeline provides the first complete set of Bioconductor tools for sequence and motif analysis of ChIP-Seq and ChIP-chip data

    GRISOTTO: A greedy approach to improve combinatorial algorithms for motif discovery with prior knowledge

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Position-specific priors (PSP) have been used with success to boost EM and Gibbs sampler-based motif discovery algorithms. PSP information has been computed from different sources, including orthologous conservation, DNA duplex stability, and nucleosome positioning. The use of prior information has not yet been used in the context of combinatorial algorithms. Moreover, priors have been used only independently, and the gain of combining priors from different sources has not yet been studied.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We extend RISOTTO, a combinatorial algorithm for motif discovery, by post-processing its output with a greedy procedure that uses prior information. PSP's from different sources are combined into a scoring criterion that guides the greedy search procedure. The resulting method, called GRISOTTO, was evaluated over 156 yeast TF ChIP-chip sequence-sets commonly used to benchmark prior-based motif discovery algorithms. Results show that GRISOTTO is at least as accurate as other twelve state-of-the-art approaches for the same task, even without combining priors. Furthermore, by considering combined priors, GRISOTTO is considerably more accurate than the state-of-the-art approaches for the same task. We also show that PSP's improve GRISOTTO ability to retrieve motifs from mouse ChiP-seq data, indicating that the proposed algorithm can be applied to data from a different technology and for a higher eukaryote.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The conclusions of this work are twofold. First, post-processing the output of combinatorial algorithms by incorporating prior information leads to a very efficient and effective motif discovery method. Second, combining priors from different sources is even more beneficial than considering them separately.</p

    Application of alternative <i>de novo</i> motif recognition models for analysis of structural heterogeneity of transcription factor binding sites: a case study of FOXA2 binding sites

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    The most popular model for the search of ChIP-seq data for transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) is the positional weight matrix (PWM). However, this model does not take into account dependencies between nucleotide occurrences in different site positions. Currently, two recently proposed models, BaMM and InMoDe, can do as much. However, application of these models was usually limited only to comparing their recognition accuracies with that of PWMs, while none of the analyses of the co-prediction and relative positioning of hits of different models in peaks has yet been performed. To close this gap, we propose the pipeline called MultiDeNA. This pipeline includes stages of model training, assessing their recognition accuracy, scanning ChIP-seq peaks and their classif ication based on scan results. We applied our pipeline to 22 ChIP-seq datasets of TF FOXA2 and considered PWM, dinucleotide PWM (diPWM), BaMM and InMoDe models. The combination of these four models allowed a signif icant increase in the fraction of recognized peaks compared to that for the sole PWM model: the increase was 26.3 %. The BaMM model provided the main contribution to the recognition of sites. Although the major fraction of predicted peaks contained TFBS of different models with coincided positions, the medians of the fraction of peaks containing the predictions of sole models were 1.08, 0.49, 4.15 and 1.73 % for PWM, diPWM, BaMM and InMoDe, respectively. Thus, FOXA2 BSs were not fully described by only a sole model, which indicates theirs heterogeneity. We assume that the BaMM model is the most successful in describing the structure of the FOXA2 BS in ChIP-seq datasets under study