683 research outputs found

    DRLViz: Understanding Decisions and Memory in Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    We present DRLViz, a visual analytics interface to interpret the internal memory of an agent (e.g. a robot) trained using deep reinforcement learning. This memory is composed of large temporal vectors updated when the agent moves in an environment and is not trivial to understand due to the number of dimensions, dependencies to past vectors, spatial/temporal correlations, and co-correlation between dimensions. It is often referred to as a black box as only inputs (images) and outputs (actions) are intelligible for humans. Using DRLViz, experts are assisted to interpret decisions using memory reduction interactions, and to investigate the role of parts of the memory when errors have been made (e.g. wrong direction). We report on DRLViz applied in the context of video games simulators (ViZDoom) for a navigation scenario with item gathering tasks. We also report on experts evaluation using DRLViz, and applicability of DRLViz to other scenarios and navigation problems beyond simulation games, as well as its contribution to black box models interpretability and explainability in the field of visual analytics

    Active Inference in Simulated Cortical Circuits

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    EgoMap: Projective mapping and structured egocentric memory for Deep RL

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    Tasks involving localization, memorization and planning in partially observable 3D environments are an ongoing challenge in Deep Reinforcement Learning. We present EgoMap, a spatially structured neural memory architecture. EgoMap augments a deep reinforcement learning agent's performance in 3D environments on challenging tasks with multi-step objectives. The EgoMap architecture incorporates several inductive biases including a differentiable inverse projection of CNN feature vectors onto a top-down spatially structured map. The map is updated with ego-motion measurements through a differentiable affine transform. We show this architecture outperforms both standard recurrent agents and state of the art agents with structured memory. We demonstrate that incorporating these inductive biases into an agent's architecture allows for stable training with reward alone, circumventing the expense of acquiring and labelling expert trajectories. A detailed ablation study demonstrates the impact of key aspects of the architecture and through extensive qualitative analysis, we show how the agent exploits its structured internal memory to achieve higher performance

    State of the Art on Diffusion Models for Visual Computing

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    The field of visual computing is rapidly advancing due to the emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI), which unlocks unprecedented capabilities for the generation, editing, and reconstruction of images, videos, and 3D scenes. In these domains, diffusion models are the generative AI architecture of choice. Within the last year alone, the literature on diffusion-based tools and applications has seen exponential growth and relevant papers are published across the computer graphics, computer vision, and AI communities with new works appearing daily on arXiv. This rapid growth of the field makes it difficult to keep up with all recent developments. The goal of this state-of-the-art report (STAR) is to introduce the basic mathematical concepts of diffusion models, implementation details and design choices of the popular Stable Diffusion model, as well as overview important aspects of these generative AI tools, including personalization, conditioning, inversion, among others. Moreover, we give a comprehensive overview of the rapidly growing literature on diffusion-based generation and editing, categorized by the type of generated medium, including 2D images, videos, 3D objects, locomotion, and 4D scenes. Finally, we discuss available datasets, metrics, open challenges, and social implications. This STAR provides an intuitive starting point to explore this exciting topic for researchers, artists, and practitioners alike
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