6,179 research outputs found

    From Hashing to CNNs: Training BinaryWeight Networks via Hashing

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    Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown appealing performance on various computer vision tasks in recent years. This motivates people to deploy CNNs to realworld applications. However, most of state-of-art CNNs require large memory and computational resources, which hinders the deployment on mobile devices. Recent studies show that low-bit weight representation can reduce much storage and memory demand, and also can achieve efficient network inference. To achieve this goal, we propose a novel approach named BWNH to train Binary Weight Networks via Hashing. In this paper, we first reveal the strong connection between inner-product preserving hashing and binary weight networks, and show that training binary weight networks can be intrinsically regarded as a hashing problem. Based on this perspective, we propose an alternating optimization method to learn the hash codes instead of directly learning binary weights. Extensive experiments on CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and ImageNet demonstrate that our proposed BWNH outperforms current state-of-art by a large margin

    Training a Binary Weight Object Detector by Knowledge Transfer for Autonomous Driving

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    Autonomous driving has harsh requirements of small model size and energy efficiency, in order to enable the embedded system to achieve real-time on-board object detection. Recent deep convolutional neural network based object detectors have achieved state-of-the-art accuracy. However, such models are trained with numerous parameters and their high computational costs and large storage prohibit the deployment to memory and computation resource limited systems. Low-precision neural networks are popular techniques for reducing the computation requirements and memory footprint. Among them, binary weight neural network (BWN) is the extreme case which quantizes the float-point into just 11 bit. BWNs are difficult to train and suffer from accuracy deprecation due to the extreme low-bit representation. To address this problem, we propose a knowledge transfer (KT) method to aid the training of BWN using a full-precision teacher network. We built DarkNet- and MobileNet-based binary weight YOLO-v2 detectors and conduct experiments on KITTI benchmark for car, pedestrian and cyclist detection. The experimental results show that the proposed method maintains high detection accuracy while reducing the model size of DarkNet-YOLO from 257 MB to 8.8 MB and MobileNet-YOLO from 193 MB to 7.9 MB.Comment: Accepted by ICRA 201

    Towards Effective Low-bitwidth Convolutional Neural Networks

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    This paper tackles the problem of training a deep convolutional neural network with both low-precision weights and low-bitwidth activations. Optimizing a low-precision network is very challenging since the training process can easily get trapped in a poor local minima, which results in substantial accuracy loss. To mitigate this problem, we propose three simple-yet-effective approaches to improve the network training. First, we propose to use a two-stage optimization strategy to progressively find good local minima. Specifically, we propose to first optimize a net with quantized weights and then quantized activations. This is in contrast to the traditional methods which optimize them simultaneously. Second, following a similar spirit of the first method, we propose another progressive optimization approach which progressively decreases the bit-width from high-precision to low-precision during the course of training. Third, we adopt a novel learning scheme to jointly train a full-precision model alongside the low-precision one. By doing so, the full-precision model provides hints to guide the low-precision model training. Extensive experiments on various datasets ( i.e., CIFAR-100 and ImageNet) show the effectiveness of the proposed methods. To highlight, using our methods to train a 4-bit precision network leads to no performance decrease in comparison with its full-precision counterpart with standard network architectures ( i.e., AlexNet and ResNet-50).Comment: 11 page
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