11 research outputs found

    W-NetPan: Double-U network for inter-sensor self-supervised pan-sharpening

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    The increasing availability of remote sensing data allows dealing with spatial-spectral limitations by means of pan-sharpening methods. However, fusing inter-sensor data poses important challenges, in terms of resolution differences, sensor-dependent deformations and ground-truth data availability, that demand more accurate pan-sharpening solutions. In response, this paper proposes a novel deep learning-based pan-sharpening model which is termed as the double-U network for self-supervised pan-sharpening (W-NetPan). In more details, the proposed architecture adopts an innovative W-shape that integrates two U-Net segments which sequentially work for spatially matching and fusing inter-sensor multi-modal data. In this way, a synergic effect is produced where the first segment resolves inter-sensor deviations while stimulating the second one to achieve a more accurate data fusion. Additionally, a joint loss formulation is proposed for effectively training the proposed model without external data supervision. The experimental comparison, conducted over four coupled Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 datasets, reveals the advantages of W-NetPan with respect to several of the most important state-of-the-art pan-sharpening methods available in the literature. The codes related to this paper will be available at https://github.com/rufernan/WNetPan

    Exploring the Prospect of Enhancing Cancer Radiotherapy in Hospitals and Health Care Centers in Nigeria Through Artificial Intelligence: A Promising Frontier

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    Radiotherapy remains a cornerstone in the treatment and management of cancer, however, current developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have shown promising opportunities in this field. Hence, the objective of this paper is to assess the need for integrating artificial intelligence to enhance cancer radiotherapy in hospitals and healthcare centers in Nigeria, using the twelve radiotherapy centers across the country. The article highlights the need for Nigerian hospitals and healthcare centers to start working towards embracing and integrating AI techniques into her radiotherapy (RT) procedures for optimized cancer treatment. Also, important groundwork required to ease the integration process is discussed. To highlight the need for Nigerian hospitals and healthcare centers to embrace and integrate AI into their radiotherapy procedures, a state-of-the-art review of accessible literatures from Scopus, PubMed, and Google Scholar was carried out. Finally, several applications of AI (machine/deep learning) techniques in radiotherapy were identified. Also, the current status of radiotherapy services in Nigeria and factors hindering its marriage with AI has been highlighted. Necessary groundwork required for a seamless AI integration was equally highlighted

    Overview of Noninterpretive Artificial Intelligence Models for Safety, Quality, Workflow, and Education Applications in Radiology Practice

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    Artificial intelligence has become a ubiquitous term in radiology over the past several years, and much attention has been given to applications that aid radiologists in the detection of abnormalities and diagnosis of diseases. However, there are many potential applications related to radiologic image quality, safety, and workflow improvements that present equal, if not greater, value propositions to radiology practices, insurance companies, and hospital systems. This review focuses on six major categories for artificial intelligence applications: study selection and protocoling, image acquisition, worklist prioritization, study reporting, business applications, and resident education. All of these categories can substantially affect different aspects of radiology practices and workflows. Each of these categories has different value propositions in terms of whether they could be used to increase efficiency, improve patient safety, increase revenue, or save costs. Each application is covered in depth in the context of both current and future areas of work

    Algorithm Selection in Multimodal Medical Image Registration

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    Medical image acquisition technology has improved significantly throughout the last several decades, and clinicians now rely on medical images to diagnose illnesses, and to determine treatment protocols, and surgical planning. Medical images have been divided by researchers into two types of structures: functional and anatomical. Anatomical imaging, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography imaging (C.T.), ultrasound, and other systems, enables medical personnel to examine a body internally with great accuracy, thereby avoiding the risks associated with exploratory surgery. Functional (or physiological) imaging systems contain single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET), and other methods, which refer to a medical imaging system for discovering or evaluating variations in absorption, blood flow, metabolism, and regional chemical composition. Notably, one of these medical imaging models alone cannot usually supply doctors with adequate information. Additionally, data obtained from several images of the same subject generally provide complementary information via a process called medical image registration. Image registration may be defined as the process of geometrically mapping one -imageā€™s coordinate system to the coordinate system of another image acquired from a different perspective and with a different sensor. Registration performs a crucial role in medical image assessment because it helps clinicians observe the developing trend of the disease and make proper measures accordingly. Medical image registration (MIR) has several applications: radiation therapy, tumour diagnosis and recognition, template atlas application, and surgical guidance system. There are two types of registration: manual registration and registration-based computer system. Manual registration is when the radiologist /physician completes all registration tasks interactively with visual feedback provided by the computer system, which can result in serious problems. For instance, investigations conducted by two experts are not identical, and registration correctness is determined by the user's assessment of the relationship between anatomical features. Furthermore, it may take a long time for the user to achieve proper alignment, and the outcomes vary according to the user. As a result, the outcomes of manual alignment are doubtful and unreliable. The second registration approach is computer-based multimodal medical image registration that targets various medical images, and an arraof application types. . Additionally, automatic registration in medical pictures matches the standard recognized characteristics or voxels in pre- and intra-operative imaging without user input. Registration of multimodal pictures is the initial step in integrating data from several images. Automatic image processing has emerged to mitigate (Husein, do you mean ā€œmitigateā€ or ā€œimproveā€?) the manual image registration reliability, robustness, accuracy, and processing time. While such registration algorithms offer advantages when applied to some medical images, their use with others is accompanied by disadvantages. No registration technique can outperform all input datasets due to the changeability of medical imaging and the diverse demands of applications. However, no algorithm is preferable under all possible conditions; given many available algorithms, choosing the one that adapts the best to the task is vital. The essential factor is to choose which method is most appropriate for the situation. The Algorithm Selection Problem has emerged in numerous research disciplines, including medical diagnosis, machine learning, optimization, and computations. The choice of the most powerful strategy for a particular issue seeks to minimize these issues. This study delivers a universal and practical framework for multimodal registration algorithm choice. The primary goal of this study is to introduce a generic structure for constructing a medical image registration system capable of selecting the best registration process from a range of registration algorithms for various used datasets. Three strategies were constructed to examine the framework that was created. The first strategy is based on transforming the problem of algorithm selection into a classification problem. The second strategy investigates the effect of various parameters, such as optimization control points, on the optimal selection. The third strategy establishes a framework for choosing the optimal registration algorithm for a delivered dataset based on two primary criteria: registration algorithm applicability, and performance measures. The approach mentioned in this section has relied on machine learning methods and artificial neural networks to determine which candidate is most promising. Several experiments and scenarios have been conducted, and the results reveal that the novel Framework strategy leads to achieving the best performance, such as high accuracy, reliability, robustness, efficiency, and low processing time