596 research outputs found

    Liver Segmentation and Liver Cancer Detection Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network: A Brief Bibliometric Survey

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    Background: This study analyzes liver segmentation and cancer detection work, with the perspectives of machine learning and deep learning and different image processing techniques from the year 2012 to 2020. The study uses different Bibliometric analysis methods. Methods: The articles on the topic were obtained from one of the most popular databases- Scopus. The year span for the analysis is considered to be from 2012 to 2020. Scopus analyzer facilitates the analysis of the databases with different categories such as documents by source, year, and county and so on. Analysis is also done by using different units of analysis such as co-authorship, co-occurrences, citation analysis etc. For this analysis Vosviewer Version 1.6.15 is used. Results: In the study, a total of 518 articles on liver segmentation and liver cancer were obtained between the years 2012 to 2020. From the statistical analysis and network analysis it can be concluded that, the maximum articles are published in the year 2020 with China is the highest contributor followed by United States and India. Conclusions: Outcome from Scoups database is 518 articles with English language has the largest number of articles. Statistical analysis is done in terms of different parameters such as Authors, documents, country, affiliation etc. The analysis clearly indicates the potential of the topic. Network analysis of different parameters is also performed. This also indicate that there is a lot of scope for further research in terms of advanced algorithms of computer vision, deep learning and machine learning

    Deep Learning of Unified Region, Edge, and Contour Models for Automated Image Segmentation

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    Image segmentation is a fundamental and challenging problem in computer vision with applications spanning multiple areas, such as medical imaging, remote sensing, and autonomous vehicles. Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have gained traction in the design of automated segmentation pipelines. Although CNN-based models are adept at learning abstract features from raw image data, their performance is dependent on the availability and size of suitable training datasets. Additionally, these models are often unable to capture the details of object boundaries and generalize poorly to unseen classes. In this thesis, we devise novel methodologies that address these issues and establish robust representation learning frameworks for fully-automatic semantic segmentation in medical imaging and mainstream computer vision. In particular, our contributions include (1) state-of-the-art 2D and 3D image segmentation networks for computer vision and medical image analysis, (2) an end-to-end trainable image segmentation framework that unifies CNNs and active contour models with learnable parameters for fast and robust object delineation, (3) a novel approach for disentangling edge and texture processing in segmentation networks, and (4) a novel few-shot learning model in both supervised settings and semi-supervised settings where synergies between latent and image spaces are leveraged to learn to segment images given limited training data.Comment: PhD dissertation, UCLA, 202
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