4 research outputs found

    State-of-the-Art: Assessing Semantic Similarity in Automated Short-Answer Grading Systems

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    The use of semantic in Natural Language Processing (NLP) has sparked the interest of academics and businesses in various fields. One such field is Automated Short-answer Grading Systems (ASAGS) for automatically evaluating responses for similarity with the expected answer. ASAGS poses semantic challenges because the responses of a topic are in the responder’s own words. This study is providing an in-depth analysis of work to improve the assessment of semantic similarity between corpora in natural language in the context of ASAGS. Three popular semantic approaches are corpus- based, knowledge-based, and deep learning are used to evaluate against the conventional methods in ASAGS. Finally, the gaps in knowledge are identified and new research areas are proposed

    Machine learning model for automated assessment of short subjective answers

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    Natural Language Processing (NLP) has recently gained significant attention; where, semantic similarity techniques are widely used in diverse applications, such as information retrieval, question-answering systems, and sentiment analysis. One promising area where NLP is being applied, is personalized learning, where assessment and adaptive tests are used to capture students' cognitive abilities. In this context, open-ended questions are commonly used in assessments due to their simplicity, but their effectiveness depends on the type of answer expected. To improve comprehension, it is essential to understand the underlying meaning of short text answers, which is challenging due to their length, lack of clarity, and structure. Researchers have proposed various approaches, including distributed semantics and vector space models, However, assessing short answers using these methods presents significant challenges, but machine learning methods, such as transformer models with multi-head attention, have emerged as advanced techniques for understanding and assessing the underlying meaning of answers. This paper proposes a transformer learning model that utilizes multi-head attention to identify and assess students' short answers to overcome these issues. Our approach improves the performance of assessing the assessments and outperforms current state-of-the-art techniques. We believe our model has the potential to revolutionize personalized learning and significantly contribute to improving student outcomes

    Short-text semantic similarity (STSS): Techniques, challenges and future perspectives

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    In natural language processing, short-text semantic similarity (STSS) is a very prominent field. It has a significant impact on a broad range of applications, such as question-answering systems, information retrieval, entity recognition, text analytics, sentiment classification, and so on. Despite their widespread use, many traditional machine learning techniques are incapable of identifying the semantics of short text. Traditional methods are based on ontologies, knowledge graphs, and corpus-based methods. The performance of these methods is influenced by the manually defined rules. Applying such measures is still difficult, since it poses various semantic challenges. In the existing literature, the most recent advances in short-text semantic similarity (STSS) research are not included. This study presents the systematic literature review (SLR) with the aim to (i) explain short sentence barriers in semantic similarity, (ii) identify the most appropriate standard deep learning techniques for the semantics of a short text, (iii) classify the language models that produce high-level contextual semantic information, (iv) determine appropriate datasets that are only intended for short text, and (v) highlight research challenges and proposed future improvements. To the best of our knowledge, we have provided an in-depth, comprehensive, and systematic review of short text semantic similarity trends, which will assist the researchers to reuse and enhance the semantic information.Yayasan UTP Pre-commercialization grant (YUTP-PRG) [015PBC-005]; Computer and Information Science Department of Universiti Teknologi PETRONASYayasan UTP, YUTP: 015PBC-00