112 research outputs found

    Wearable Sensor Data Based Human Activity Recognition using Machine Learning: A new approach

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    Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of human activity recognition (HAR) based on wearable sensor data. One can find many practical applications in this area, especially in the field of health care. Many machine learning algorithms such as Decision Trees, Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbor, and Multilayer Perceptron are successfully used in HAR. Although these methods are fast and easy for implementation, they still have some limitations due to poor performance in a number of situations. In this paper, we propose a novel method based on the ensemble learning to boost the performance of these machine learning methods for HAR

    Identifying cross country skiing techniques using power meters in ski poles

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    Power meters are becoming a widely used tool for measuring training and racing effort in cycling, and are now spreading also to other sports. This means that increasing volumes of data can be collected from athletes, with the aim of helping coaches and athletes analyse and understanding training load, racing efforts, technique etc. In this project, we have collaborated with Skisens AB, a company producing handles for cross country ski poles equipped with power meters. We have conducted a pilot study in the use of machine learning techniques on data from Skisens poles to identify which "gear" a skier is using (double poling or gears 2-4 in skating), based only on the sensor data from the ski poles. The dataset for this pilot study contained labelled time-series data from three individual skiers using four different gears recorded in varied locations and varied terrain. We systematically evaluated a number of machine learning techniques based on neural networks with best results obtained by a LSTM network (accuracy of 95% correctly classified strokes), when a subset of data from all three skiers was used for training. As expected, accuracy dropped to 78% when the model was trained on data from only two skiers and tested on the third. To achieve better generalisation to individuals not appearing in the training set more data is required, which is ongoing work.Comment: Presented at the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Symposium 201

    A Machine Learning based Activity Recognition for Ambient Assisted Living

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    Ambient assisted living (AAL) technology is of considerable interest in supporting the independence and quality of life of older adults. As such, it is a core focus of the emerging field of gerontechnology, which considers how technological innovation can aid health and well-being in older age. Human activity recognition plays a vital role in AAL. Successful identification of human activity is crucial for any assistive care services for elderly people living alone in a home. In this paper, a method for activity recognition is proposed which recognizes or classifies activities based on sensor data. The method uses most trending algorithm in deep learning domain, i.e. LSTM to build the model .The proposed method is evaluated using a well known activity sensor dataset

    Understanding and Improving Recurrent Networks for Human Activity Recognition by Continuous Attention

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    Deep neural networks, including recurrent networks, have been successfully applied to human activity recognition. Unfortunately, the final representation learned by recurrent networks might encode some noise (irrelevant signal components, unimportant sensor modalities, etc.). Besides, it is difficult to interpret the recurrent networks to gain insight into the models' behavior. To address these issues, we propose two attention models for human activity recognition: temporal attention and sensor attention. These two mechanisms adaptively focus on important signals and sensor modalities. To further improve the understandability and mean F1 score, we add continuity constraints, considering that continuous sensor signals are more robust than discrete ones. We evaluate the approaches on three datasets and obtain state-of-the-art results. Furthermore, qualitative analysis shows that the attention learned by the models agree well with human intuition.Comment: 8 pages. published in The International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC) 201
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