44 research outputs found

    Jean Epstein

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    Filmmaker and theoretician Jean Epstein profoundly influenced film practice, criticism and reception in France during the 1920s and well beyond. His work not only forms the crux of the debates of his time, but also remains key to understanding later developments in film practice and theory. Epstein' s film criticism is among the most wide-ranging, provocative and poetic writing about cinema and his often breathtaking films offer insights into cinema and the experience of modernity. This collection - the first comprehensive study in English of Epstein's far-reaching influence - arrives as several of the concerns most central to Epstein' s work are being reexamined, including theories of perception, realism, and the relationship between cinema and other arts. The volume also includes new translations from every major theoretical work Epstein published, presenting the widest possible historical and contextual range of Epstein' s work, from his beginnings as a biology student and literary critic to his late film projects and posthumously published writings.Filmmaker en -theoreticus Jean Epstein beïnvloedde sterk de filmpraktijk, -kritiek en -receptie in Frankrijk en ver daarbuiten tijdens de jaren twintig van de vorige eeuw. Zijn werk vormde niet alleen de kern van de debatten in die tijd, maar is ook een sleutel voor het begrijpen van latere ontwikkelingen in de filmpraktijk en -theorie. Epsteins filmkritieken zijn uiteenlopende, uitdagende en poëtisch geschreven teksten, en zijn vaak adembenemende films bieden belangrijke en moderne inzichten in de cinema. Dit boek verschijnt op het moment dat een aantal van de thema' s die centraal staan in het werk van Epstein opnieuw wordt onderzocht, met inbegrip van de theorie van de waarneming, realisme en de relatie tussen cinema en de andere kunsten. De kritische essays vormen een waardevolle inleiding tot het creatieve oeuvre van Epstein

    Jean Epstein

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    Filmmaker and theoretician Jean Epstein profoundly influenced film practice, criticism and reception in France during the 1920s and well beyond. His work not only forms the crux of the debates of his time, but also remains key to understanding later developments in film practice and theory. Epstein' s film criticism is among the most wide-ranging, provocative and poetic writing about cinema and his often breathtaking films offer insights into cinema and the experience of modernity. This collection - the first comprehensive study in English of Epstein's far-reaching influence - arrives as several of the concerns most central to Epstein' s work are being reexamined, including theories of perception, realism, and the relationship between cinema and other arts. The volume also includes new translations from every major theoretical work Epstein published, presenting the widest possible historical and contextual range of Epstein' s work, from his beginnings as a biology student and literary critic to his late film projects and posthumously published writings

    Operationalising luxury in the premium automotive industry

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    This thesis presents an Action Research project investigating the use of customers’ perceptions of premium and luxury cars within the premium automotive industry. The research was sponsored by Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), a UK-based automotive manufacturer. An inductive, phenomenological approach was adopted in which JLR’s Premiumness Research Programme (PRP) was used as a case study to build an understanding of the consumer’s perception of luxury, to discover how to communicate this understanding within the business, and to determine how it could be integrated into the NPD process. A passive exploratory study was conducted to understand JLR’s PRP work, to seek new insights about the nature of customer’s reactions when evaluating luxury and premium cars, and to assess JLR’s approach in conducting the PRP. An interventionist descriptive study was conducted to probe for deeper insights into how successful JLR’s research and dissemination process had been within the company, to establish how the wider NPD community interacted with the data, and to develop and test new ideas and tools that enhanced the utility and accessibility of the PRP data. The research generated 58 Research Observations and 36 individual insights that challenged conventional wisdom about how the voice of the customer (VoC) can be captured and used in the NPD process. JLR’s PRP methodology was revealed as a powerful multi-method technique for acquiring data about consumers’ expectations of luxury automotive brands and products, their reactions when evaluating luxury and premium vehicles, and their emotional satisfaction with features and attributes of luxury and premium vehicles. Limitations in JLR’s ability to process and operationalise such data lead to the development of a Premiumness Verbatims Database tool which enabled the wider NPD community to access the PRP knowledge in a safe and meaningful way by considering the translation and utility of subjective VoC data

    Toward knowledge-based automatic 3D spatial topological modeling from LiDAR point clouds for urban areas

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    Le traitement d'un trÚs grand nombre de données LiDAR demeure trÚs coûteux et nécessite des approches de modélisation 3D automatisée. De plus, les nuages de points incomplets causés par l'occlusion et la densité ainsi que les incertitudes liées au traitement des données LiDAR compliquent la création automatique de modÚles 3D enrichis sémantiquement. Ce travail de recherche vise à développer de nouvelles solutions pour la création automatique de modÚles géométriques 3D complets avec des étiquettes sémantiques à partir de nuages de points incomplets. Un cadre intégrant la connaissance des objets à la modélisation 3D est proposé pour améliorer la complétude des modÚles géométriques 3D en utilisant un raisonnement qualitatif basé sur les informations sémantiques des objets et de leurs composants, leurs relations géométriques et spatiales. De plus, nous visons à tirer parti de la connaissance qualitative des objets en reconnaissance automatique des objets et à la création de modÚles géométriques 3D complets à partir de nuages de points incomplets. Pour atteindre cet objectif, plusieurs solutions sont proposées pour la segmentation automatique, l'identification des relations topologiques entre les composants de l'objet, la reconnaissance des caractéristiques et la création de modÚles géométriques 3D complets. (1) Des solutions d'apprentissage automatique ont été proposées pour la segmentation sémantique automatique et la segmentation de type CAO afin de segmenter des objets aux structures complexes. (2) Nous avons proposé un algorithme pour identifier efficacement les relations topologiques entre les composants d'objet extraits des nuages de points afin d'assembler un modÚle de Représentation FrontiÚre. (3) L'intégration des connaissances sur les objets et la reconnaissance des caractéristiques a été développée pour inférer automatiquement les étiquettes sémantiques des objets et de leurs composants. Afin de traiter les informations incertitudes, une solution de raisonnement automatique incertain, basée sur des rÚgles représentant la connaissance, a été développée pour reconnaßtre les composants du bùtiment à partir d'informations incertaines extraites des nuages de points. (4) Une méthode heuristique pour la création de modÚles géométriques 3D complets a été conçue en utilisant les connaissances relatives aux bùtiments, les informations géométriques et topologiques des composants du bùtiment et les informations sémantiques obtenues à partir de la reconnaissance des caractéristiques. Enfin, le cadre proposé pour améliorer la modélisation 3D automatique à partir de nuages de points de zones urbaines a été validé par une étude de cas visant à créer un modÚle de bùtiment 3D complet. L'expérimentation démontre que l'intégration des connaissances dans les étapes de la modélisation 3D est efficace pour créer un modÚle de construction complet à partir de nuages de points incomplets.The processing of a very large set of LiDAR data is very costly and necessitates automatic 3D modeling approaches. In addition, incomplete point clouds caused by occlusion and uneven density and the uncertainties in the processing of LiDAR data make it difficult to automatic creation of semantically enriched 3D models. This research work aims at developing new solutions for the automatic creation of complete 3D geometric models with semantic labels from incomplete point clouds. A framework integrating knowledge about objects in urban scenes into 3D modeling is proposed for improving the completeness of 3D geometric models using qualitative reasoning based on semantic information of objects and their components, their geometric and spatial relations. Moreover, we aim at taking advantage of the qualitative knowledge of objects in automatic feature recognition and further in the creation of complete 3D geometric models from incomplete point clouds. To achieve this goal, several algorithms are proposed for automatic segmentation, the identification of the topological relations between object components, feature recognition and the creation of complete 3D geometric models. (1) Machine learning solutions have been proposed for automatic semantic segmentation and CAD-like segmentation to segment objects with complex structures. (2) We proposed an algorithm to efficiently identify topological relationships between object components extracted from point clouds to assemble a Boundary Representation model. (3) The integration of object knowledge and feature recognition has been developed to automatically obtain semantic labels of objects and their components. In order to deal with uncertain information, a rule-based automatic uncertain reasoning solution was developed to recognize building components from uncertain information extracted from point clouds. (4) A heuristic method for creating complete 3D geometric models was designed using building knowledge, geometric and topological relations of building components, and semantic information obtained from feature recognition. Finally, the proposed framework for improving automatic 3D modeling from point clouds of urban areas has been validated by a case study aimed at creating a complete 3D building model. Experiments demonstrate that the integration of knowledge into the steps of 3D modeling is effective in creating a complete building model from incomplete point clouds

    'A Different Nature' ” in Jean Epstein: Critical essays and new translations

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    An examination of the films Epstein made on the Oussant Islands off the coast of Brittany

    Pottery Making and Communities During the 5th Millennium BCE in Fars Province, Southwestern Iran

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    This book explores pottery making and communities during the Bakun period (c. 5000 – 4000 BCE) in the Kur River Basin, Fars province, southwestern Iran, through the analysis of ceramic materials collected at Tall-e Jari A, Tall-e Gap, and Tall-e Bakun A & B. Firstly, it reconsiders the stratigraphy and radiocarbon dates of the four sites by reviewing the descriptions of excavation trenches, then presents a new chronological relationship between the sites. The book sets out diachronic changes in the the Bakun pottery quantitatively, namely the increase of black-on-buff ware and the gradual shift of vessel forms. It also presents analyses of pottery-making techniques, painting skills, petrography, and geochemistry and clarifies minor changes in the chaînes opératoires and major changes in painting skill. Finally, the book discusses the organisation of pottery production from a relational perspective. It concludes that the more fixed community of pottery making imposed longer apprenticeship periods and that social inequality also increased

    Pottery Making and Communities During the 5th Millennium BCE in Fars Province, Southwestern Iran

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    This book explores pottery making and communities during the Bakun period (c. 5000 – 4000 BCE) in the Kur River Basin, Fars province, southwestern Iran, through the analysis of ceramic materials collected at Tall-e Jari A, Tall-e Gap, and Tall-e Bakun A & B. Firstly, it reconsiders the stratigraphy and radiocarbon dates of the four sites by reviewing the descriptions of excavation trenches, then presents a new chronological relationship between the sites. The book sets out diachronic changes in the the Bakun pottery quantitatively, namely the increase of black-on-buff ware and the gradual shift of vessel forms. It also presents analyses of pottery-making techniques, painting skills, petrography, and geochemistry and clarifies minor changes in the chaĂźnes opĂ©ratoires and major changes in painting skill. Finally, the book discusses the organisation of pottery production from a relational perspective. It concludes that the more fixed community of pottery making imposed longer apprenticeship periods and that social inequality also increased

    Pottery Making and Communities During the 5th Millennium BCE in Fars Province, Southwestern Iran

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    This book explores pottery making and communities during the Bakun period (c. 5000 – 4000 BCE) in the Kur River Basin, Fars province, southwestern Iran, through the analysis of ceramic materials collected at Tall-e Jari A, Tall-e Gap, and Tall-e Bakun A & B. Firstly, it reconsiders the stratigraphy and radiocarbon dates of the four sites by reviewing the descriptions of excavation trenches, then presents a new chronological relationship between the sites. The book sets out diachronic changes in the the Bakun pottery quantitatively, namely the increase of black-on-buff ware and the gradual shift of vessel forms. It also presents analyses of pottery-making techniques, painting skills, petrography, and geochemistry and clarifies minor changes in the chaînes opératoires and major changes in painting skill. Finally, the book discusses the organisation of pottery production from a relational perspective. It concludes that the more fixed community of pottery making imposed longer apprenticeship periods and that social inequality also increased