7 research outputs found

    Dedicated Software Analysis Tools

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    ERCIM news -- Special theme Software QualityThe data and software analysis platform Moose allows for the quick development of dedicated tools that can be customized at different levels. These tools are crucial for large software asystems that are subject to continuous evolutio

    Identifying the exact fixing actions of static rule violation

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    International audience—We study good programming practices expressed in rules and detected by static analysis checkers such as PMD or FindBugs. To understand how violations to these rules are corrected and whether this can be automated, we need to identify in the source code where they appear and how they were fixed. This presents some similarities with research on understanding software bugs, their causes, their fixes, and how they could be avoided. The traditional method to identify how a bug or a rule violation were fixed consists in finding the commit that contains this fix and identifying what was changed in this commit. If the commit is small, all the lines changed are ascribed to the fixing of the rule violation or the bug. However, commits are not always atomic, and several fixes and even enhancements can be mixed in a single one (a large commit). In this case, it is impossible to detect which modifications contribute to which fix. In this paper, we are proposing a method that identifies precisely the modifications that are related to the correction of a rule violation. The same method could be applied to bug fixes, providing there is a test illustrating this bug. We validate our solution on a real world system and actual rules

    Decomposing God Classes at Siemens

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    International audienceA group of developers at Siemens Digital Industry Division approached our team to help them restructure a large legacy system. Several problems were identified, including the presence of God classes (big classes with thousands of lines of code and hundred of methods). They had tried different approaches considering the dependencies between the classes, but none were satisfactory. Through interaction during the last three years with a lead software architect of the project, we designed a software visualization tool and an accompanying process that allows her to propose a decomposition of a God Class in a matter of one or two hours even without prior knowledge of the class (although actually implementing the decomposition in the source code could take a week of work). In this paper, we present the process that was formalized to decompose God Classes and the tool that was designed. We give details on the system itself and some of the classes that were decomposed. The presented process and visualisations have been successfully used for the last three years on a real industrial system at Siemens

    An Environment for dedicated Software Analysis tools

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    available at: http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/images/stories/EN88/EN88-web.pdfInternational audienceMoose is an open-source platform for the assessment of software and data analysis. Moose provides several engines to build tools, analyses and visualizations. One of Moose's strengths is the possibility to rapidly build domain-specific analysis tools

    An Environment for dedicated Software Analysis tools

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    available at: http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/images/stories/EN88/EN88-web.pdfInternational audienceMoose is an open-source platform for the assessment of software and data analysis. Moose provides several engines to build tools, analyses and visualizations. One of Moose's strengths is the possibility to rapidly build domain-specific analysis tools