6 research outputs found

    Decreasing-Rate Pruning Optimizes the Construction of Efficient and Robust Distributed Networks

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    Robust, efficient, and low-cost networks are advantageous in both biological and engineered systems. During neural network development in the brain, synapses are massively over-produced and then pruned-back over time. This strategy is not commonly used when designing engineered networks, since adding connections that will soon be removed is considered wasteful. Here, we show that for large distributed routing networks, network function is markedly enhanced by hyper-connectivity followed by aggressive pruning and that the global rate of pruning, a developmental parameter not previously studied by experimentalists, plays a critical role in optimizing network structure. We first used high-throughput image analysis techniques to quantify the rate of pruning in the mammalian neocortex across a broad developmental time window and found that the rate is decreasing over time. Based on these results, we analyzed a model of computational routing networks and show using both theoretical analysis and simulations that decreasing rates lead to more robust and efficient networks compared to other rates. We also present an application of this strategy to improve the distributed design of airline networks. Thus, inspiration from neural network formation suggests effective ways to design distributed networks across several domains

    Longitudinal Task-Related Functional Connectivity Changes Predict Reading Development

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    Longitudinal studies suggest developmentally dependent changes in lexical processing during reading development, implying a change in inter-regional functional connectivity over this period. The current study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to explore developmental changes in functional connectivity across multiple runs of a rhyming judgment task in young readers (8–14 years) over an average 2.5-year span. Changes in functional segregation are correlated with and predict changes in the skill with which typically developing children learn to apply the alphabetic principle, as measured by pseudoword decoding. This indicates a developmental shift in the proportion of specialized functional clusters is associated with changes in reading skill and suggests a dependency of reading development on changes of particular neural pathways, specifically decreases in transitivity is indicative of greater network integration. This work provides evidence that characteristics of these pathways, quantified using graph-theoretic metrics, can be used to predict individual differences in reading development

    Cortical grey matter volume differences in children with developmental coordination disorder compared to typically developing children

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    IntroductionThe cause of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) is unknown, but neuroimaging evidence suggests that DCD may be related to altered brain development. Children with DCD show less structural and functional connectivity compared to typically developing (TD) children, but few studies have examined cortical volume in children with DCD. The purpose of this study was to investigate cortical grey matter volume using voxel-based morphometry (VBM) in children with DCD compared to TD children.MethodsThis cross-sectional study was part of a larger randomized-controlled trial (ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT02597751) that involved various MRI scans of children with/without DCD. This paper focuses on the anatomical scans, performing VBM of cortical grey matter volume in 30 children with DCD and 12 TD children. Preprocessing and VBM data analysis were conducted using the Computational Anatomy Tool Box-12 and a study-specific brain template. Differences between DCD and TD groups were assessed using a one-way ANOVA, controlling for total intracranial volume. Regression analyses examined if motor and/or attentional difficulties predicted grey matter volume. We used threshold-free cluster enhancement (5,000 permutations) and set an alpha level of 0.05. Due to the small sample size, we did not correct for multiple comparisons.ResultsCompared to the TD group, children with DCD had significantly greater grey matter in the left superior frontal gyrus. Lower motor scores (meaning greater impairment) were related to greater grey matter volume in left superior frontal gyrus, frontal pole, and right middle frontal gyrus. Greater grey matter volume was also significantly correlated with higher scores on the Conners 3 ADHD Index in the left superior frontal gyrus, superior parietal lobe, and precuneus. These results indicate that greater grey matter volume in these regions is associated with poorer motor and attentional skills.DiscussionGreater grey matter volume in the left superior frontal gyrus in children with DCD may be a result of delayed or absent healthy cortical thinning, potentially due to altered synaptic pruning as seen in other neurodevelopmental disorders. These findings provide further support for the hypothesis that DCD is related to altered brain development

    A distributed algorithm to maintain and repair the trail networks of arboreal ants

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    We study how the arboreal turtle ant (Cephalotes goniodontus) solves a fundamental computing problem: maintaining a trail network and finding alternative paths to route around broken links in the network. Turtle ants form a routing backbone of foraging trails linking several nests and temporary food sources. This species travels only in the trees, so their foraging trails are constrained to lie on a natural graph formed by overlapping branches and vines in the tangled canopy. Links between branches, however, can be ephemeral, easily destroyed by wind, rain, or animal movements. Here we report a biologically feasible distributed algorithm, parameterized using field data, that can plausibly describe how turtle ants maintain the routing backbone and find alternative paths to circumvent broken links in the backbone. We validate the ability of this probabilistic algorithm to circumvent simulated breaks in synthetic and real-world networks, and we derive an analytic explanation for why certain features are crucial to improve the algorithm's success. Our proposed algorithm uses fewer computational resources than common distributed graph search algorithms, and thus may be useful in other domains, such as for swarm computing or for coordinating molecular robots