7 research outputs found

    Advancements of MultiRate Signal processing for Wireless Communication Networks: Current State Of the Art

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    With the hasty growth of internet contact and voice and information centric communications, many contact technologies have been urbanized to meet the stringent insist of high speed information transmission and viaduct the wide bandwidth gap among ever-increasing high-data-rate core system and bandwidth-hungry end-user complex. To make efficient consumption of the limited bandwidth of obtainable access routes and cope with the difficult channel environment, several standards have been projected for a variety of broadband access scheme over different access situation (twisted pairs, coaxial cables, optical fibers, and unchanging or mobile wireless admittance). These access situations may create dissimilar channel impairments and utter unique sets of signal dispensation algorithms and techniques to combat precise impairments. In the intended and implementation sphere of those systems, many research issues arise. In this paper we present advancements of multi-rate indication processing methodologies that are aggravated by this design trend. The thesis covers the contemporary confirmation of the current literature on intrusion suppression using multi-rate indication in wireless communiquE9; networks

    On the existence and uniqueness of the eigenvalue decomposition of a parahermitian matrix

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    This paper addresses the extension of the factorisation of a Hermitian matrix by an eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) to the case of a parahermitian matrix that is analytic at least on an annulus containing the unit circle. Such parahermitian matrices contain polynomials or rational functions in the complex variable z, and arise e.g. as cross spectral density matrices in broadband array problems. Specifically, conditions for the existence and uniqueness of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a parahermitian matrix EVD are given, such that these can be represented by a power or Laurent series that is absolutely convergent, at least on the unit circle, permitting a direct realisation in the time domain. Based on an analysis on the unit circle, we prove that eigenvalues exist as unique and convergent but likely infinite-length Laurent series. The eigenvectors can have an arbitrary phase response, and are shown to exist as convergent Laurent series if eigenvalues are selected as analytic functions on the unit circle, and if the phase response is selected such that the eigenvectors are Hölder continuous with α>½ on the unit circle. In the case of a discontinuous phase response or if spectral majorisation is enforced for intersecting eigenvalues, an absolutely convergent Laurent series solution for the eigenvectors of a parahermitian EVD does not exist. We provide some examples, comment on the approximation of a parahermitian matrix EVD by Laurent polynomial factors, and compare our findings to the solutions provided by polynomial matrix EVD algorithms

    Decorrelating MVDR filterbanks using the non-uniform discrete fourier transform

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    Minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) is a classic design criteria in signal adaptive spectral analysis as well as filter design. We extend this approach to filterbanks with the constraint that transform domain signal components must be uncorrelated. Our analysis shows that filterbanks based on Vandermonde decomposition of the autocorrelation matrix correspond to the non-uniform discrete Fourier transform and satisfies the MVDR criteria. Namely, the columns of the inverse Vandermonde matrix corresponds to filters with unit response at the pass-band while leakage is minimized with the constraint that components remain uncorrelated. In the special case that the autocorrelation matrix is rank deficient, the proposed filterbank coincides with Pisarenko's harmonic decomposition, which thus also satisfies the MVDR criteria

    Polynomial matrix eigenvalue decomposition techniques for multichannel signal processing

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    Polynomial eigenvalue decomposition (PEVD) is an extension of the eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) for para-Hermitian polynomial matrices, and it has been shown to be a powerful tool for broadband extensions of narrowband signal processing problems. In the context of broadband sensor arrays, the PEVD allows the para-Hermitian matrix that results from the calculation of a space-time covariance matrix of the convolutively mixed signals to be diagonalised. Once the matrix is diagonalised, not only can the correlation between different sensor signals be removed but the signal and noise subspaces can also be identified. This process is referred to as broadband subspace decomposition, and it plays a very important role in many areas that require signal separation techniques for multichannel convolutive mixtures, such as speech recognition, radar clutter suppression, underwater acoustics, etc. The multiple shift second order sequential best rotation (MS-SBR2) algorithm, built on the most established SBR2 algorithm, is proposed to compute the PEVD of para-Hermitian matrices. By annihilating multiple off-diagonal elements per iteration, the MS-SBR2 algorithm shows a potential advantage over its predecessor (SBR2) in terms of the computational speed. Furthermore, the MS-SBR2 algorithm permits us to minimise the order growth of polynomial matrices by shifting rows (or columns) in the same direction across iterations, which can potentially reduce the computational load of the algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed MS-SBR2 algorithm is demonstrated by various para-Hermitian matrix examples, including randomly generated matrices with different sizes and matrices generated from source models with different dynamic ranges and relations between the sources’ power spectral densities. A worked example is presented to demonstrate how the MS-SBR2 algorithm can be used to strongly decorrelate a set of convolutively mixed signals. Furthermore, the performance metrics and computational complexity of MS-SBR2 are analysed and compared to other existing PEVD algorithms by means of numerical examples. Finally, two potential applications of theMS-SBR2 algorithm, includingmultichannel spectral factorisation and decoupling of broadband multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, are demonstrated in this dissertation

    Proceedings of the EAA Spatial Audio Signal Processing symposium: SASP 2019

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