10 research outputs found

    Extensible Transactional Memory Testbed

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    Transactional Memory (TM) is a promising abstraction as it hides all synchronization complexities from the programmers of concurrent applications. More particularly the TM paradigm operated a complexity shift from the application programming to the TM programming. Therefore, expert programmers have now started to look for the ideal TM that will bring, once-for-all, performance to all concurrent applications. Researchers have recently identified numerous issues TMs may suffer from. Surprisingly, no TMs have ever been tested in these scenarios. In this paper, we present the first to date TM testbed. We propose a framework, TMunit, that provides a domain specific language to write rapidly TM workloads so that our test-suite is easily extensible. Our reproducible semantic tests indicate through reproducible counter-examples that existing TMs do not satisfy recent consistency criteria. Our performance tests identify workloads where well-known TMs perform differently. Finally, additional tests indicate some workloads preventing contention managers from progressing

    OSCAR. A Noise Injection Framework for Testing Concurrent Software

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    “Moore’s Law” is a well-known observable phenomenon in computer science that describes a visible yearly pattern in processor’s die increase. Even though it has held true for the last 57 years, thermal limitations on how much a processor’s core frequencies can be increased, have led to physical limitations to their performance scaling. The industry has since then shifted towards multicore architectures, which offer much better and scalable performance, while in turn forcing programmers to adopt the concurrent programming paradigm when designing new software, if they wish to make use of this added performance. The use of this paradigm comes with the unfortunate downside of the sudden appearance of a plethora of additional errors in their programs, stemming directly from their (poor) use of concurrency techniques. Furthermore, these concurrent programs themselves are notoriously hard to design and to verify their correctness, with researchers continuously developing new, more effective and effi- cient methods of doing so. Noise injection, the theme of this dissertation, is one such method. It relies on the “probe effect” — the observable shift in the behaviour of concurrent programs upon the introduction of noise into their routines. The abandonment of ConTest, a popular proprietary and closed-source noise injection framework, for testing concurrent software written using the Java programming language, has left a void in the availability of noise injection frameworks for this programming language. To mitigate this void, this dissertation proposes OSCAR — a novel open-source noise injection framework for the Java programming language, relying on static bytecode instrumentation for injecting noise. OSCAR will provide a free and well-documented noise injection tool for research, pedagogical and industry usage. Additionally, we propose a novel taxonomy for categorizing new and existing noise injection heuristics, together with a new method for generating and analysing concurrent software traces, based on string comparison metrics. After noising programs from the IBM Concurrent Benchmark with different heuristics, we observed that OSCAR is highly effective in increasing the coverage of the interleaving space, and that the different heuristics provide diverse trade-offs on the cost and benefit (time/coverage) of the noise injection process.Resumo A “Lei de Moore” é um fenómeno, bem conhecido na área das ciências da computação, que descreve um padrão evidente no aumento anual da densidade de transístores num processador. Mesmo mantendo-se válido nos últimos 57 anos, o aumento do desempenho dos processadores continua garrotado pelas limitações térmicas inerentes `a subida da sua frequência de funciona- mento. Desde então, a industria transitou para arquiteturas multi núcleo, com significativamente melhor e mais escalável desempenho, mas obrigando os programadores a adotar o paradigma de programação concorrente ao desenhar os seus novos programas, para poderem aproveitar o desempenho adicional que advém do seu uso. O uso deste paradigma, no entanto, traz consigo, por consequência, a introdução de uma panóplia de novos erros nos programas, decorrentes diretamente da utilização (inadequada) de técnicas de programação concorrente. Adicionalmente, estes programas concorrentes são conhecidos por serem consideravelmente mais difíceis de desenhar e de validar, quanto ao seu correto funcionamento, incentivando investi- gadores ao desenvolvimento de novos métodos mais eficientes e eficazes de o fazerem. A injeção de ruído, o tema principal desta dissertação, é um destes métodos. Esta baseia-se no “efeito sonda” (do inglês “probe effect”) — caracterizado por uma mudança de comportamento observável em programas concorrentes, ao terem ruído introduzido nas suas rotinas. Com o abandono do Con- Test, uma framework popular, proprietária e de código fechado, de análise dinâmica de programas concorrentes através de injecção de ruído, escritos com recurso `a linguagem de programação Java, viu-se surgir um vazio na oferta de framework de injeção de ruído, para esta mesma linguagem. Para mitigar este vazio, esta dissertação propõe o OSCAR — uma nova framework de injeção de ruído, de código-aberto, para a linguagem de programação Java, que utiliza manipulação estática de bytecode para realizar a introdução de ruído. O OSCAR pretende oferecer uma ferramenta livre e bem documentada de injeção de ruído para fins de investigação, pedagógicos ou até para a indústria. Adicionalmente, a dissertação propõe uma nova taxonomia para categorizar os dife- rentes tipos de heurísticas de injecção de ruídos novos e existentes, juntamente com um método para gerar e analisar traces de programas concorrentes, com base em métricas de comparação de strings. Após inserir ruído em programas do IBM Concurrent Benchmark, com diversas heurísticas, ob- servámos que o OSCAR consegue aumentar significativamente a dimensão da cobertura do espaço de estados de programas concorrentes. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que diferentes heurísticas produzem um leque variado de prós e contras, especialmente em termos de eficácia versus eficiência

    Property-based testing for functional programs

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    This thesis advances the view that property-based testing is a powerful way of testing functional programs, that has advantages not shared by traditional unit testing. It does this by showing two new applications of property-based testing to functional programming as well as a study of the effectiveness of property-based testing.First, we present a tool, QuickSpec, which attempts to infer an equational specification from a functional program with the help of testing. The resulting specifications can be used to improve your understanding of the code or as properties in a test suite. The tool is applicable to quite a wide variety of situations.Second, we describe a system that helps to find race conditions in Erlang programs. It consists of two parts: a randomised scheduler to provoke unusual behaviour in the program under test and allow replayability of test cases, and a module that tests that all of the functions of an API behave atomically with respect to each other.Finally, we present an experiment we carried out to compare property-based testing against test-driven development. The results were inconclusive, but in the process we developed a black-box algorithm for automatically grading student programs by testing, by inferring for each program a set of bugs that the program contains

    Property-based testing for functional programs

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    This thesis advances the view that property-based testing is a powerful way of testing functional programs, that has advantages not shared by traditional unit testing. It does this by showing two new applications of property-based testing to functional programming as well as a study of the effectiveness of property-based testing.First, we present a tool, QuickSpec, which attempts to infer an equational specification from a functional program with the help of testing. The resulting specifications can be used to improve your understanding of the code or as properties in a test suite. The tool is applicable to quite a wide variety of situations.Second, we describe a system that helps to find race conditions in Erlang programs. It consists of two parts: a randomised scheduler to provoke unusual behaviour in the program under test and allow replayability of test cases, and a module that tests that all of the functions of an API behave atomically with respect to each other.Finally, we present an experiment we carried out to compare property-based testing against test-driven development. The results were inconclusive, but in the process we developed a black-box algorithm for automatically grading student programs by testing, by inferring for each program a set of bugs that the program contains

    Lightweight verification of functional programs

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    We have built several tools to help with testing and verifying functional programs. All three tools are based on QuickCheck properties. Our goal is to allow programmers to do more with QuickCheck properties than just test them.The first tool is QuickSpec, which finds equational specifications, and can be used to help with writing a specification or for program understanding. On top of QuickSpec, we have built HipSpec, which proves properties about Haskell programs, and uses QuickSpec to prove the necessary lemmas. We also describe PULSE and eqc_par_statem, which together can be used to find race conditions in Erlang programs.We believe that testable properties are a good basis for reasoning and verification, and that they give many of the benefits of formal verification without the cost of proof. The chief reason is that they are formal specifications for which the programmer can always get a counterexample when they are false. Furthermore, using testable properties allows us to write better tools. None of our tools would be possible if our properties were not testable.We also present work on encoding types in first-order logic, an essential component when using first-order provers to reason about programs. Our encodings are simple but extremely efficient, as evidenced by benchmarks. We develop the theory behind sound type encodings, and have written tools that implement our ideas

    Lightweight verification of functional programs

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    We have built several tools to help with testing and verifying functional programs. All three tools are based on QuickCheck properties. Our goal is to allow programmers to do more with QuickCheck properties than just test them.The first tool is QuickSpec, which finds equational specifications, and can be used to help with writing a specification or for program understanding. On top of QuickSpec, we have built HipSpec, which proves properties about Haskell programs, and uses QuickSpec to prove the necessary lemmas. We also describe PULSE and eqc_par_statem, which together can be used to find race conditions in Erlang programs.We believe that testable properties are a good basis for reasoning and verification, and that they give many of the benefits of formal verification without the cost of proof. The chief reason is that they are formal specifications for which the programmer can always get a counterexample when they are false. Furthermore, using testable properties allows us to write better tools. None of our tools would be possible if our properties were not testable.We also present work on encoding types in first-order logic, an essential component when using first-order provers to reason about programs. Our encodings are simple but extremely efficient, as evidenced by benchmarks. We develop the theory behind sound type encodings, and have written tools that implement our ideas

    Lightweight verification of functional programs

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    We have built several tools to help with testing and verifying functional programs. All three tools are based on QuickCheck properties. Our goal is to allow programmers to do more with QuickCheck properties than just test them.The first tool is QuickSpec, which finds equational specifications, and can be used to help with writing a specification or for program understanding. On top of QuickSpec, we have built HipSpec, which proves properties about Haskell programs, and uses QuickSpec to prove the necessary lemmas. We also describe PULSE and eqc_par_statem, which together can be used to find race conditions in Erlang programs.We believe that testable properties are a good basis for reasoning and verification, and that they give many of the benefits of formal verification without the cost of proof. The chief reason is that they are formal specifications for which the programmer can always get a counterexample when they are false. Furthermore, using testable properties allows us to write better tools. None of our tools would be possible if our properties were not testable.We also present work on encoding types in first-order logic, an essential component when using first-order provers to reason about programs. Our encodings are simple but extremely efficient, as evidenced by benchmarks. We develop the theory behind sound type encodings, and have written tools that implement our ideas

    Adaptive monitoring and control framework in Application Service Management environment

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    The economics of data centres and cloud computing services have pushed hardware and software requirements to the limits, leaving only very small performance overhead before systems get into saturation. For Application Service Management–ASM, this carries the growing risk of impacting the execution times of various processes. In order to deliver a stable service at times of great demand for computational power, enterprise data centres and cloud providers must implement fast and robust control mechanisms that are capable of adapting to changing operating conditions while satisfying service–level agreements. In ASM practice, there are normally two methods for dealing with increased load, namely increasing computational power or releasing load. The first approach typically involves allocating additional machines, which must be available, waiting idle, to deal with high demand situations. The second approach is implemented by terminating incoming actions that are less important to new activity demand patterns, throttling, or rescheduling jobs. Although most modern cloud platforms, or operating systems, do not allow adaptive/automatic termination of processes, tasks or actions, it is administrators’ common practice to manually end, or stop, tasks or actions at any level of the system, such as at the level of a node, function, or process, or kill a long session that is executing on a database server. In this context, adaptive control of actions termination remains a significantly underutilised subject of Application Service Management and deserves further consideration. For example, this approach may be eminently suitable for systems with harsh execution time Service Level Agreements, such as real–time systems, or systems running under conditions of hard pressure on power supplies, systems running under variable priority, or constraints set up by the green computing paradigm. Along this line of work, the thesis investigates the potential of dimension relevance and metrics signals decomposition as methods that would enable more efficient action termination. These methods are integrated in adaptive control emulators and actuators powered by neural networks that are used to adjust the operation of the system to better conditions in environments with established goals seen from both system performance and economics perspectives. The behaviour of the proposed control framework is evaluated using complex load and service agreements scenarios of systems compatible with the requirements of on–premises, elastic compute cloud deployments, server–less computing, and micro–services architectures