17 research outputs found

    Decompositions of two player games: potential, zero-sum, and stable games

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    We introduce several methods of decomposition for two player normal form games. Viewing the set of all games as a vector space, we exhibit explicit orthonormal bases for the subspaces of potential games, zero-sum games, and their orthogonal complements which we call anti-potential games and anti-zero-sum games, respectively. Perhaps surprisingly, every anti-potential game comes either from the Rock-Paper-Scissors type games (in the case of symmetric games) or from the Matching Pennies type games (in the case of asymmetric games). Using these decompositions, we prove old (and some new) cycle criteria for potential and zero-sum games (as orthogonality relations between subspaces). We illustrate the usefulness of our decomposition by (a) analyzing the generalized Rock-Paper-Scissors game, (b) completely characterizing the set of all null-stable games, (c) providing a large class of strict stable games, (d) relating the game decomposition to the decomposition of vector fields for the replicator equations, (e) constructing Lyapunov functions for some replicator dynamics, and (f) constructing Zeeman games -games with an interior asymptotically stable Nash equilibrium and a pure strategy ESS

    Nested potentials and robust equilibria

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    This paper introduces the notion of nested best-response potentials for complete in- formation games. It is shown that a unique maximizer of such a potential is a Nash equilibrium that is robust to incomplete information in the sense of Kajii and Morris (1997, mimeo).incomplete information, potential games, robustness, refinements

    Rosenthal's potential and a discrete version of the Debreu--Gorman Theorem

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    The acyclicity of individual improvements in a generalized congestion game (where the sums of local utilities are replaced with arbitrary aggregation rules) can be established with a Rosenthal-style construction if aggregation rules of all players are "quasi-separable." Every universal separable ordering on a finite set can be represented as a combination of addition and lexicography

    Rosenthal's potential and a discrete version of the Debreu--Gorman Theorem

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    The acyclicity of individual improvements in a generalized congestion game (where the sums of local utilities are replaced with arbitrary aggregation rules) can be established with a Rosenthal-style construction if aggregation rules of all players are "quasi-separable." Every universal separable ordering on a finite set can be represented as a combination of addition and lexicography

    Rosenthal's potential and a discrete version of the Debreu--Gorman Theorem

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    The acyclicity of individual improvements in a generalized congestion game (where the sums of local utilities are replaced with arbitrary aggregation rules) can be established with a Rosenthal-style construction if aggregation rules of all players are "quasi-separable." Every universal separable ordering on a finite set can be represented as a combination of addition and lexicography

    Flows and Decompositions of Games: Harmonic and Potential Games

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    In this paper we introduce a novel flow representation for finite games in strategic form. This representation allows us to develop a canonical direct sum decomposition of an arbitrary game into three components, which we refer to as the potential, harmonic and nonstrategic components. We analyze natural classes of games that are induced by this decomposition, and in particular, focus on games with no harmonic component and games with no potential component. We show that the first class corresponds to the well-known potential games. We refer to the second class of games as harmonic games, and study the structural and equilibrium properties of this new class of games. Intuitively, the potential component of a game captures interactions that can equivalently be represented as a common interest game, while the harmonic part represents the conflicts between the interests of the players. We make this intuition precise, by studying the properties of these two classes, and show that indeed they have quite distinct and remarkable characteristics. For instance, while finite potential games always have pure Nash equilibria, harmonic games generically never do. Moreover, we show that the nonstrategic component does not affect the equilibria of a game, but plays a fundamental role in their efficiency properties, thus decoupling the location of equilibria and their payoff-related properties. Exploiting the properties of the decomposition framework, we obtain explicit expressions for the projections of games onto the subspaces of potential and harmonic games. This enables an extension of the properties of potential and harmonic games to "nearby" games. We exemplify this point by showing that the set of approximate equilibria of an arbitrary game can be characterized through the equilibria of its projection onto the set of potential games