12 research outputs found

    A (Simplified) Bluetooth Maximum a Posteriori Probability (Map) Receiver

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    In our software-defined radio project, we aim at combining two standards luetooth and HIPERLAN/2. The HIPERLAN/2 receiver requires more computational power than Bluetooth. We choose to use this computational power also for Bluetooth and look for more advanced demodulation algorithms such as a maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) receiver. The paper discusses a simplified MAP receiver for Bluetooth GFSK signals. Laurent decomposition provides an orthogonal vector space for the MAP receiver. As the first Laurent waveform contains the most energy, we have used only this waveform for our (simplified) MAP receiver. This receiver requires a E/sub b//N/sub 0/ of about 11 dB for a BER of 10/sup -3/, required by the Bluetooth standard. This value is about 6 dB better than single bit demodulators. This performance is only met if the receiver has exact knowledge of the modulation index

    On the Power Spectral Density of the GSM Signaling Scheme

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    In this paper, the Power Spectral Density of encoded Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) which is the Signaling Scheme of the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) is derived by a combined approach of the autocorrelation method and Markov Process. In the analysis, the Amplitude Modulated Pulse decomposition proposed by P. Laurent is employed to ease computation. Encoding of the message data utilizes Convolutional Code of rate1/2. Results are for both the uncoded and coded waveform comparing variation in power spread over a range of frequency

    Exact Spectral Analysis of Single-h and Multi-h CPM Signals through PAM decomposition and Matrix Series Evaluation

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    In this paper we address the problem of closed-form spectral evaluation of CPM. We show that the multi-h CPM signal can be conveniently generated by a PTI SM. The output is governed by a Markov chain with the unusual peculiarity of being cyclostationary and reducible; this holds also in the single-h context. Judicious reinterpretation of the result leads to a formalization through a stationary and irreducible Markov chain, whose spectral evaluation is known in closed-form from the literature. Two are the major outcomes of this paper. First, unlike the literature, we obtain a PSD in true closed-form. Second, we give novel insights into the CPM format.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figure

    A highly efficient receiver for satellite-based Automatic Identification System signal detection

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    An innovative receiver architecture for the satellitebased Automatic Identification System (AIS) has been recently proposed. In this paper, we describe a few modifications that can be introduced on the algorithms for synchronization and detection, that provide an impressive performance improvement with respect to the previous system. The receiver architecture has been designed for an on-board implementation, and for this reason all algorithms have been realized keeping the complexity as low as possible. A prototype for the proposed receiver has been implemented by the University of Parma and CGS S.p.A. Compagnia Generale per 10 Spazio under the ESA project FENICE

    A highly efficient receiver for satellite-based automatic identification system signal detection

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    An innovative receiver architecture for the satellite-based automatic identification system has been recently proposed. In this paper, we describe a few modifications that can be introduced on the algorithms for synchronization and detection, which provide an impressive performance improvement. The receiver architecture has been designed for an on-board implementation, and a prototype has been implemented by the University of Parma and CGS S.p.A. Compagnia Generale per lo Spazio under the European Space Agency project FENICE (Flexible innovative AIS receiver prototype). A few modifications are also here described that could allow a further performance improvement in case of processing moved to ground-based stations, based on a priori information there available

    Simplified Soft-Output Detection of CPM Signals Over Coherent and Phase Noise Channels

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    Decomposition of M-ary CPM Signals into PAM Waveforms

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    It is widely known that minimum shift keying (MSK) may be seen as a PAM signaling scheme and that the same is true, albeit approximately, with MSK-like modulations. It is also known (perhaps not so widely) that any binary continuous phase-modulated (CPM) signal may be exactly decomposed into the sum of a few PAM waveforms. In this paper we show that this property extends to multilevel CPM signaling. Features of a PAM decomposition are discussed as a function of the alphabet size, the modulation index, and the frequency response of the system. It is found that, especially with signaling schemes with a long memory, the decomposition has so many terms that it becomes unmanageable. For these cases an approximation is proposed with a limited number of terms

    Advanced low-complexity multiuser receivers

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    It tema centrale di questa tesi è la rivelazione multi-utente per sistemi di comunicazione wireless ad elevata efficienza spettrale. Lo scopo del lavoro è quello di proporre nuovi ricevitori multi-utente a bassa complessità con elevate prestazioni. Sono considerati sistemi satellitari basati su FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing), in cui ogni utente adotta una modulazione CPM (Continuous Phase Modulation) concatenata serialmente con un codificatore tramite un interlacciatore e decodifica iterativa. Si considerano, inoltre, canali lineari in presenza di AWGN (additive white Gaussian noise). In particolare, si studiano sistemi FDM, in cui i canali adiacenti possono sovrapporsi in frequenza per aumentere l'efficienza spettrale, e sistemi CDMA (code division multiple access). Per gli scenari presi in esame, proponiamo schemi di rivelazione con un eccellente compromesso tra prestazioni e complessità computazionale, che permettono di implementare schemi di trasmissione con straordinaria efficienza spettrale, al prezzo di un limitato aumento di complessità rispetto ad un classico ricevitore singolo-utente che ignora l'interferenza.This thesis deals with multiuser detection (MUD) for spectrally-efficient wireless communication systems. The aim of this work is to propose new advanced low-complexity multiuser receivers with near-optimal detection performance. We consider frequency division multiplexing (FDM) satellite systems where each user employs a continuous phase modulation (CPM), serially concatenated with an outer code through an interleaver, and iterative detection/decoding. We also consider linear channels impaired by additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), focusing on FDM systems where adjacent channels are allowed to overlap in frequency, and on code division multiple access systems (CDMA). For the considered scenarios, we propose detection schemes with an excel- lent performance/complexity tradeoff which allow us to implement transmission schemes with unprecedented spectral efficiency at a price of a limited complexity increase with respect to a classical single-user receiver which neglects the interference

    A Linear Subspace Approach to Burst Communication Signal Processing

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    This dissertation focuses on the topic of burst signal communications in a high interference environment. It derives new signal processing algorithms from a mathematical linear subspace approach instead of the common stationary or cyclostationary approach. The research developed new algorithms that have well-known optimality criteria associated with them. The investigation demonstrated a unique class of multisensor filters having a lower mean square error than all other known filters, a maximum likelihood time difference of arrival estimator that outperformed previously optimal estimators, and a signal presence detector having a selectivity unparalleled in burst interference environments. It was further shown that these improvements resulted in a greater ability to communicate, to locate electronic transmitters, and to mitigate the effects of a growing interference environment