8,635 research outputs found

    Percolation of satisfiability in finite dimensions

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    The satisfiability and optimization of finite-dimensional Boolean formulas are studied using percolation theory, rare region arguments, and boundary effects. In contrast with mean-field results, there is no satisfiability transition, though there is a logical connectivity transition. In part of the disconnected phase, rare regions lead to a divergent running time for optimization algorithms. The thermodynamic ground state for the NP-hard two-dimensional maximum-satisfiability problem is typically unique. These results have implications for the computational study of disordered materials.Comment: 4 pages, 4 fig

    Label-connected graphs and the gossip problem

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    A graph with m edges is called label-connected if the edges can be labeled with real numbers in such a way that, for every pair (u, v) of vertices, there is a (u, v)-path with ascending labels. The minimum number of edges of a label-connected graph on n vertices equals the minimum number of calls in the gossip problem for n persons, which is known to be 2n − 4 for n ≥ 4. A polynomial characterization of label-connected graphs with n vertices and 2n − 4 edges is obtained. For a graph G, let θ(G) denote the minimum number of edges that have to be added to E(G) in order to create a graph with two edge-disjoint spanning trees. It is shown that for a graph G to be label-connected, θ(G) ≤ 2 is necessary and θ(G) ≤ 1 is sufficient. For i = 1, 2, the condition θ(G) ≤ i can be checked in polynomial time. Yet recognizing label-connected graphs is an NP-complete problem. This is established by first showing that the following problem is NP-complete: Given a graph G and two vertices u and v of G, does there exist a (u, v)-path P in G such that G−E(P) is connected

    Community Structure in Industrial SAT Instances

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    Modern SAT solvers have experienced a remarkable progress on solving industrial instances. Most of the techniques have been developed after an intensive experimental process. It is believed that these techniques exploit the underlying structure of industrial instances. However, there are few works trying to exactly characterize the main features of this structure. The research community on complex networks has developed techniques of analysis and algorithms to study real-world graphs that can be used by the SAT community. Recently, there have been some attempts to analyze the structure of industrial SAT instances in terms of complex networks, with the aim of explaining the success of SAT solving techniques, and possibly improving them. In this paper, inspired by the results on complex networks, we study the community structure, or modularity, of industrial SAT instances. In a graph with clear community structure, or high modularity, we can find a partition of its nodes into communities such that most edges connect variables of the same community. In our analysis, we represent SAT instances as graphs, and we show that most application benchmarks are characterized by a high modularity. On the contrary, random SAT instances are closer to the classical Erd\"os-R\'enyi random graph model, where no structure can be observed. We also analyze how this structure evolves by the effects of the execution of a CDCL SAT solver. In particular, we use the community structure to detect that new clauses learned by the solver during the search contribute to destroy the original structure of the formula. This is, learned clauses tend to contain variables of distinct communities

    A Backtracking-Based Algorithm for Computing Hypertree-Decompositions

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    Hypertree decompositions of hypergraphs are a generalization of tree decompositions of graphs. The corresponding hypertree-width is a measure for the cyclicity and therefore tractability of the encoded computation problem. Many NP-hard decision and computation problems are known to be tractable on instances whose structure corresponds to hypergraphs of bounded hypertree-width. Intuitively, the smaller the hypertree-width, the faster the computation problem can be solved. In this paper, we present the new backtracking-based algorithm det-k-decomp for computing hypertree decompositions of small width. Our benchmark evaluations have shown that det-k-decomp significantly outperforms opt-k-decomp, the only exact hypertree decomposition algorithm so far. Even compared to the best heuristic algorithm, we obtained competitive results as long as the hypergraphs are not too large.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    A Constraint Programming Approach for Non-Preemptive Evacuation Scheduling

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    Large-scale controlled evacuations require emergency services to select evacuation routes, decide departure times, and mobilize resources to issue orders, all under strict time constraints. Existing algorithms almost always allow for preemptive evacuation schedules, which are less desirable in practice. This paper proposes, for the first time, a constraint-based scheduling model that optimizes the evacuation flow rate (number of vehicles sent at regular time intervals) and evacuation phasing of widely populated areas, while ensuring a nonpreemptive evacuation for each residential zone. Two optimization objectives are considered: (1) to maximize the number of evacuees reaching safety and (2) to minimize the overall duration of the evacuation. Preliminary results on a set of real-world instances show that the approach can produce, within a few seconds, a non-preemptive evacuation schedule which is either optimal or at most 6% away of the optimal preemptive solution.Comment: Submitted to the 21st International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2015). 15 pages + 1 reference pag

    Decomposing Cubic Graphs into Connected Subgraphs of Size Three

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    Let S={K1,3,K3,P4}S=\{K_{1,3},K_3,P_4\} be the set of connected graphs of size 3. We study the problem of partitioning the edge set of a graph GG into graphs taken from any non-empty S′⊆SS'\subseteq S. The problem is known to be NP-complete for any possible choice of S′S' in general graphs. In this paper, we assume that the input graph is cubic, and study the computational complexity of the problem of partitioning its edge set for any choice of S′S'. We identify all polynomial and NP-complete problems in that setting, and give graph-theoretic characterisations of S′S'-decomposable cubic graphs in some cases.Comment: to appear in the proceedings of COCOON 201
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