5 research outputs found

    Proving opacity via linearizability: A sound and complete method

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    Transactional memory (TM) is a mechanism that manages thread synchronisation on behalf of a programmer so that blocks of code execute with the illusion of atomicity. The main safety criterion for transactional memory is opacity, which defines conditions for serialising concurrent transactions. Verifying opacity is complex because one must not only consider the orderings between fine-grained (and hence concurrent) transactional operations, but also between the transactions themselves. This paper presents a sound and complete method for proving opacity by decomposing the proof into two parts, so that each form of concurrency can be dealt with separately. Thus, in our method, verification involves a simple proof of opacity of a coarse-grained abstraction, and a proof of linearizability, a better-understood correctness condition. The most difficult part of these verifications is dealing with the fine-grained synchronization mechanisms of a given implementation; in our method these aspects are isolated to the linearizability proof. Our result makes it possible to leverage the many sophisticated techniques for proving linearizability that have been developed in recent years. We use our method to prove opacity of two algorithms from the literature. Furthermore, we show that our method extends naturally to weak memory models by showing that both these algorithms are opaque under the TSO memory model, which is the memory model of the (widely deployed) x86 family of processors. All our proofs have been mechanised, either in the Isabelle theorem prover or the PAT model checker

    Mechanized proofs of opacity: A comparison of two techniques

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    Software transactional memory (STM) provides programmers with a high-level programming abstraction for synchronization of parallel processes, allowing blocks of codes that execute in an interleaved manner to be treated as atomic blocks. This atomicity property is captured by a correctness criterion called opacity, which relates the behaviour of an STM implementation to those of a sequential atomic specification. In this paper, we prove opacity of a recently proposed STM implementation: the Transactional Mutex Lock (TML) by Dalessandro et al. For this, we employ two different methods: the first method directly shows all histories of TML to be opaque (proof by induction), using a linearizability proof of TML as an assistance; the second method shows TML to be a refinement of an existing intermediate specification called TMS2 which is known to be opaque (proof by simulation). Both proofs are carried out within interactive provers, the first with KIV and the second with both Isabelle and KIV. This allows to compare not only the proof techniques in principle, but also their complexity in mechanization. It turns out that the second method, already leveraging an existing proof of opacity of TMS2, allows the proof to be decomposed into two independent proofs in the way that the linearizability proof does not

    Decomposing Opacity

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    Abstract. Transactional memory (TM) algorithms are subtle and the TM correctness conditions are intricate. Decomposition of the correctness condition can bring modularity to TM algorithm design and verification. We present a decomposition of opacity called markability as a conjunction of separate intuitive invariants. We prove the equivalence of opacity and markability. The proofs of markability of TM algorithms can be aided by and mirror the algorithm design intuitions. As an example, we prove the markability and hence opacity of the TL2 algorithm. In addition, based on one of the invariants, we present lower bound results for the time complexity of TM algorithms.

    Decomposing Opacity (Appendix)

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