15 research outputs found

    Parse Forest Diagnostics with Dr. Ambiguity

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    In this paper we propose and evaluate a method for locating causes of ambiguity in context-free grammars by automatic analysis of parse forests. A parse forest is the set of parse trees of an ambiguous sentence. % an output of a static ambiguity detection tool that has detected ambiguity in a context-free grammar or of a general parser that has accidentally parsed an ambiguous sentence. Deducing causes of ambiguity from observing parse forests is hard for grammar engineers because of (a) the size of the parse forests, (b) the complex shape of parse forests, and (c) the diversity of causes of ambiguity. We first analyze the diversity of ambiguities in grammars for programming languages and the diversity of solutions to these ambiguities. Then we introduce \drambiguity: a parse forest diagnostics tools that explains the causes of ambiguity by analyzing differences between parse trees and proposes solutions. We demonstrate its effectiveness using a small experiment with a grammar for Java 5

    Towards Zero-Overhead Disambiguation of Deep Priority Conflicts

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    **Context** Context-free grammars are widely used for language prototyping and implementation. They allow formalizing the syntax of domain-specific or general-purpose programming languages concisely and declaratively. However, the natural and concise way of writing a context-free grammar is often ambiguous. Therefore, grammar formalisms support extensions in the form of *declarative disambiguation rules* to specify operator precedence and associativity, solving ambiguities that are caused by the subset of the grammar that corresponds to expressions. **Inquiry** Implementing support for declarative disambiguation within a parser typically comes with one or more of the following limitations in practice: a lack of parsing performance, or a lack of modularity (i.e., disallowing the composition of grammar fragments of potentially different languages). The latter subject is generally addressed by scannerless generalized parsers. We aim to equip scannerless generalized parsers with novel disambiguation methods that are inherently performant, without compromising the concerns of modularity and language composition. **Approach** In this paper, we present a novel low-overhead implementation technique for disambiguating deep associativity and priority conflicts in scannerless generalized parsers with lightweight data-dependency. **Knowledge** Ambiguities with respect to operator precedence and associativity arise from combining the various operators of a language. While *shallow conflicts* can be resolved efficiently by one-level tree patterns, *deep conflicts* require more elaborate techniques, because they can occur arbitrarily nested in a tree. Current state-of-the-art approaches to solving deep priority conflicts come with a severe performance overhead. **Grounding** We evaluated our new approach against state-of-the-art declarative disambiguation mechanisms. By parsing a corpus of popular open-source repositories written in Java and OCaml, we found that our approach yields speedups of up to 1.73x over a grammar rewriting technique when parsing programs with deep priority conflicts--with a modest overhead of 1-2 % when parsing programs without deep conflicts. **Importance** A recent empirical study shows that deep priority conflicts are indeed wide-spread in real-world programs. The study shows that in a corpus of popular OCaml projects on Github, up to 17 % of the source files contain deep priority conflicts. However, there is no solution in the literature that addresses efficient disambiguation of deep priority conflicts, with support for modular and composable syntax definitions

    Providing Mainstream Parser Generators with Modular Language Definition Support

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    The composition and reuse of existing textual languages is a frequently re-occurring problem. One possibility of composing textual languages lies on the level of parser specifications which are mainly based on context-free grammars and regular expressions. Unfortunately most mainstream parser generators provide proprietary specification languages and usually do not provide strong abstractions for reuse. New forms of parser generators do support modular language development, but they can often not be easily integrated with existing legacy applications. To support modular language development based on mainstream parser generators, in this paper we apply the Invasive Software Composition (ISC) paradigm to parser specification languages by using our Reuseware framework. Our approach is grounded on a platform independent metamodel and thus does not rely on a specific parser generator

    Preventing injection attacks with syntax embeddings

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    Software written in one language often needs to construct sen-tences in another language, such as SQL queries, XML output, or shell command invocations. This is almost always done using un-hygienic string manipulation, the concatenation of constants and client-supplied strings. A client can then supply specially crafted input that causes the constructed sentence to be interpreted in an unintended way, leading to an injection attack. We describe a more natural style of programming that yields code that is impervious to injections by construction. Our approach embeds the grammars of the guest languages (e.g., SQL) into that of the host language (e.g., Java) and automatically generates code that maps the embed-ded language to constructs in the host language that reconstruct the embedded sentences, adding escaping functions where appropriate. This approach is generic, meaning that it can be applied with rela-tive ease to any combination of host and guest languages

    Providing rapid feedback in generated modular language environments

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    Reverse Engineering Aspects to Derive Application Class Models

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    Aspects provide a nice way to modify behavior and implement cross-cutting concerns in object-oriented systems. As such, aspects do not have an existence of their own the application classes that the aspects refer to must be present in order to instantiate the aspects. In this research, we present a reverse engineering approach to generate a minimal class model that has all the structural elements necessary in order to complete exercise a set of aspect

    Reverse Engineering Aspects to Derive Application Class Models

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    Aspects provide a nice way to modify behavior and implement cross-cutting concerns in object-oriented systems. As such, aspects do not have an existence of their own the application classes that the aspects refer to must be present in order to instantiate the aspects. In this research, we present a reverse engineering approach to generate a minimal class model that has all the structural elements necessary in order to complete exercise a set of aspect

    Declarative, formal, and extensible syntax definition for AspectJ

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    A Case for Scannerless Generalized-LR Parsing Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is attracting attention from both research and industry, as illustrated by the ever-growing popularity of AspectJ, the de facto standard AOP extension of Java. From a compiler construction perspective, AspectJ is interesting as it is a typical example of a compositional language, i.e. a language composed of a number of separate languages with different syntactical styles: in addition to plain Java, AspectJ includes a language for defining pointcuts and one for defining advices. Language composition represents a non-trivial challenge for conventional parsing techniques. First, combining several languages with different lexical syntax leads to considerable complexity in the lexical states to be processed. Second, as new language features for AOP are being explored, many research proposals are concerned with further extending the AspectJ language, resulting in a need for an extensible syntax definition. This paper shows how scannerless parsing elegantly addresses the issues encountered by conventional techniques when parsing AspectJ. We present the design of a modular, extensible, and formal definition of the lexical and context-free aspects of the AspectJ syntax in the Syntax Definition Formalism SDF, which is implemented by a scannerless, generalized-LR parser (SGLR). We introduce grammar mixins as a novel application of SDF’s modularity features, which allows the declarative definition of different keyword policies and combination of extensions. We illustrate the modular extensibility of our definition with syntax extensions taken from current research on aspect languages. Finally, benchmarks show the reasonable performance of scannerless generalized-LR parsing for this grammar