3 research outputs found

    Conditioned pilots for ISI channels

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    One of the proposals to increase the spectral efficiency of the DVB-S2 standard is based on time-frequency packing. This technique causes intersymbol and interchannel interferences to arise, requiring a significant growth of the number of pilots used to carry out frequency and phase synchronization. Therefore, a new pilot design will be introduced and suited optimal and suboptimal reduced-complexity algorithms derived. We will show that the proposed pilot strategy may outperform the classical one in terms of bit error rate and spectral efficiency

    Advanced low-complexity multiuser receivers

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    It tema centrale di questa tesi è la rivelazione multi-utente per sistemi di comunicazione wireless ad elevata efficienza spettrale. Lo scopo del lavoro è quello di proporre nuovi ricevitori multi-utente a bassa complessità con elevate prestazioni. Sono considerati sistemi satellitari basati su FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing), in cui ogni utente adotta una modulazione CPM (Continuous Phase Modulation) concatenata serialmente con un codificatore tramite un interlacciatore e decodifica iterativa. Si considerano, inoltre, canali lineari in presenza di AWGN (additive white Gaussian noise). In particolare, si studiano sistemi FDM, in cui i canali adiacenti possono sovrapporsi in frequenza per aumentere l'efficienza spettrale, e sistemi CDMA (code division multiple access). Per gli scenari presi in esame, proponiamo schemi di rivelazione con un eccellente compromesso tra prestazioni e complessità computazionale, che permettono di implementare schemi di trasmissione con straordinaria efficienza spettrale, al prezzo di un limitato aumento di complessità rispetto ad un classico ricevitore singolo-utente che ignora l'interferenza.This thesis deals with multiuser detection (MUD) for spectrally-efficient wireless communication systems. The aim of this work is to propose new advanced low-complexity multiuser receivers with near-optimal detection performance. We consider frequency division multiplexing (FDM) satellite systems where each user employs a continuous phase modulation (CPM), serially concatenated with an outer code through an interleaver, and iterative detection/decoding. We also consider linear channels impaired by additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), focusing on FDM systems where adjacent channels are allowed to overlap in frequency, and on code division multiple access systems (CDMA). For the considered scenarios, we propose detection schemes with an excel- lent performance/complexity tradeoff which allow us to implement transmission schemes with unprecedented spectral efficiency at a price of a limited complexity increase with respect to a classical single-user receiver which neglects the interference