29 research outputs found

    Technic and Collaboration Breakdown Structures: Drivers of collaborative problem solving approaches in a supply chain context

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    Problem Solving Methodologies have been par excellence a cornerstone element of the firms’ strategy on achieving effective continuous improvement. But the enterprise evolution towards an extended environment characterized by network-based organization has radically changed the problem solving paradigms. This paper aims to propose a generic and collaborative methodology addressing more complex and distributed problems, dealing with Supply Chain issues and having a key role as a driver for building global competitive advantages and create superior performances at a Supply Chain level

    Revisiting Ralph Sprague’s Framework for Developing Decision Support Systems

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    Ralph H. Sprague Jr. was a leader in the MIS field and helped develop the conceptual foundation for decision support systems (DSS). In this paper, I pay homage to Sprague and his DSS contributions. I take a personal perspective based on my years of working with Sprague. I explore the history of DSS and its evolution. I also present and discuss Sprague’s DSS development framework with its dialog, data, and models (DDM) paradigm and characteristics. At its core, the development framework remains valid in today’s world of business intelligence and big data analytics. I present and discuss a contemporary reference architecture for business intelligence and analytics (BI/A) in the context of Sprague’s DSS development framework. The practice of decision support continues to evolve and can be described by a maturity model with DSS, enterprise data warehousing, real-time data warehousing, big data analytics, and the emerging cognitive as successive generations. I use a DSS perspective to describe and provide examples of what the forthcoming cognitive generation will bring

    Early Warning System Potential for Single Sourcing Risk Mitigation

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    [EN] Network governance is described as a framework of policies and business rules, which is applied to manage an extended organization. Risk mitigation is crucial to avoid disruptions. A early warning systems could help to avoid these risk. In the paper a framework ro risk management using an early warning systems is presented.Franconetti Rodríguez, P.; Ortiz Bas, Á. (2014). Early Warning System Potential for Single Sourcing Risk Mitigation. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 434:610-617. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-44745-1_60S610617434Enderwick, P.: Avoiding quality fade in Chinese global supply chains. Bus. Proc. Manag. J. 15(6), 876–894 (2009)Christopher, M., Lee, H.: Mitigating supply chain risk through improved confidence. Int. J. Phys. Dist. Log. Manag. 34, 388–396 (2004)Chopra, S., Sodhi, M.S.: Managing Risk to avoid Supply-Chain breakdown. MIT Sloan Manag. Rev., 53–61 (2004)Zeng, A.Z.: A synthetic study of sourcing strategies. Ind. Manage Data Syst. 100(5), 219–226 (2000)Wu, Z., Jiao, J., He, Z.: A single control chart for monitoring the frequency and magnitude of an event. Int. J. Prod. Econom. 119, 24–33 (2009)Macedo, P., Cardoso, T., Camarinha-Matos, L.M.: Value Systems Alignment in Product Servicing Networks. In: Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Scherer, R.J. (eds.) PRO-VE 2013. IFIP AICT, vol. 408, pp. 71–80. Springer, Heidelberg (2013)Tummala, R., Schoenherr, T.: Assessing and managing risks using the Supply Chain Risk Management Process (SCRMP). Suppl. Chain Manag. 16(6), 474–483 (2011)Franconetti, P., Ortiz, A.: Sourcing risk management in industrial collaborative networks. IEEE T. Ind. Inform. (under revision)Blackhurst, J.V., Scheibe, K.P., Johnson, D.J.: Supplier risk assessment and monitoring for the automotive industry. Int. J. Phys. Dist. Log. Manag. 38(2), 143–165 (2008)Scandizzo, S.: Risk Mapping and Key Risk Indicators in Operational Risk Management. Ec. Notes Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena 34(2), 231–256 (2005)Stavrulaki, E., Davis, M.: Aligning products with supply chain processes and strategy. Int. J. Log. Manag. 21, 127–151 (2010)Chakraborty, D., Tah, D.: Real time statistical process advisor for effective quality control. Decision Support Systems 42(2), 700–711 (2006)Guiledge, T., Chavusholu, T.: Automating the construction of supply chain key performance indicators. Ind. Manag. Data Syst. 108(6), 750–777 (2008

    A New Prototype for Intelligent Visual Fraud Detection in Agent-Based Auditing Framework

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    While US. Sarbanes Oxley act has been viewed by most as an onerous and expensive requirement; it is having a positive impact on driving appropriate levels of investment in IT security, controls, and transactional systems. This paper introduces a new secure solution for auditing and accounting based on artificial intelligence technology. These days, security is a big issue among regulatory firms. Big companies are concerned about their data to be disseminated to their competitors; this high risk prevents them to provide full information to the regulatory firms. This solution not only significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access to the company’s information but also facilitate a framework for controlling the flow of disseminating information in a risk free method. Managing security is performed by a network of mobile agents in a pyramid structure among regulatory organization like securities and exchanges commissions, stock exchanges in top of this pyramid to the companies in the button. Because of security considerations, our strategy is to delegate all fraud detection algorithms to Intelligent Mobile Auditing Agent and web service undertake all inter communicational activity. Web services can follow auditing actives in predefined framework and they can act based on permitted security allowance to auditors. The current solution is designed based on Java-based mobile agents. Such design reaps strong mobility and security benefits. This new prototyped solution could be a framework for strengthening security for future development in this area. An insider trading case study is used to demonstrate and evaluate the approach


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    Blogs are a new type of media that have recently become popular users on the World Wide Web and have influence throughout society. The purpose of this study is to examine social motivations influencing intention of blog usage. Based on Technology Acceptance Model and Motivation Theory, This study considered perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, reputation, reciprocity, enjoyment of helping, social identity as the determinants of influencing the intention of blog usage. The purposed model was empirically evaluated using online survey data collected from 342 user of popular blog site in Korea (NAVER Blog , cyworld mihompy, daum blog, yahoo blog etc) The results revealed that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, reciprocity, social identity affected directly the intention of blog usage. Also social identity has moderate effect via reciprocity and enjoyment of helping on blog usage. This study contributes to a theoretical understanding of the factors as social motivation that affect the usage of blogs. Practically this study results provide blog service providers useful strategic insights and service guideline to enhance user\u27s intention of blogs

    Incorporating Virtually Immersive Environments as a Collaborative Medium for Virtual Teaming

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    Virtually immersive environments incorporate the use of various computer modelling and simulation techniques enabling geographically dispersed virtual project teams to interact within an artificially projected three-dimensional space online. This study focused on adoption of virtually immersive technologies as a collaborative media to support virtual teaming of both graduate and undergraduate-level project management students. The data and information from this study has implications for educators using virtually immersive environments in the classroom. In this study, we specifically evaluated two key components in this paper: 1) students' level of trust and; 2) students' willingness to use the technology, along with their belief about the virtual environment's ability to extend and improve knowledge sharing in their team work environment. We learned that while students did find the environment a positive add on for working collaboratively, there were students who were neither more nor less likely to use the technology for future collaborative ventures. Most of the students who were not very positive about the environment were “fence sitters” likely indicating needs related to additional training to improve communication skills. Finally, based on the full study results we have provided basic recommendations designed to support team trust building in the system along with interpersonal trust building to facilitate knowledge transfer and better strategic us of the technology

    Developing and Implementing Civic Engagement Programmes in Dublin 15

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    Moss (1994) compares Applied Portfolios to job applications where the candidate has to convince a committee of the strengths on offer; In the Applied Portfolio the student has to convince the teacher of what has been learned and how effectively. The period February and March of 2013 were not unlike a job interview, the basic structure was known (for the Applied Portfolio) and there was a sense that anything could happen next. Similar to a job interview the Portfolio process requires you demonstrate examples of your learning in an applied setting, a key difference being you get to propose an assessment criteria. Biggs and Tang (1998) assert common approaches to assessment stem from an objectivist theory of knowledge. The objectivist concept accords a dominant role to the measurement model of assessment (Taylor, 1994). Student assessment by applied portfolio according to Biggs and Tang (1998) enables students to apply and benefit from a constructive learning approach. Bay (2011) states learners using the constructive approach move away from memorization-based learning assessment to a more proactive approach where the emphasis is placed more on the learners’ assessment than the teachers

    Examining the Role of Usability, Compatibility and Social Influence in Mobile Banking Adoption in Indonesia

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    Adaptation to the internet and advances in mobile technology has become key to the survival of industries, including the banking industry. One of the latest electronic banking channels is mobile banking. While mobile banking offers various advantages, many banks in Indonesia are facing the problem of low adoption. This paper reports on the findings of our research project, which examines mobile banking adoption behavior in Indonesia from an interaction perspective. Specifically, the paper examines the role of usability, compatibility and social influence in explaining people’s intention to continue using mobile banking in Indonesia. Using an interaction perspective framework, a research model is proposed. Ten hypotheses are suggested, examining six constructs: satisfaction, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived learnability, compatibility and social influence. From a theoretical perspective, this paper is the first to combine usability, compatibility and social influence in a mobile banking adoption study. Data from 319 valid respondents were used to test the proposed model using partial least squares structural equation modeling. The results show that all the hypotheses are supported, and it was found that people’s intention to continue using mobile banking is significantly affected by satisfaction, compatibility, perceived usefulness, perceived learnability and social influence

    A Model for Supply Chain Performance of Electronics Industry in Malaysia

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    Abstract-During the last decades supply chain issues have attracted researchers and industrialists' attention especially in manufacturing-based industries. Enhancing supply chain performance can significantly affect firm's competitive position within competitive markets and provide the enterprise with competitive advantage over its rivals. Based on the existing literature in the context of supply chain, this study tries to present a model for supply chain performance. The conceptual model presented in this study consists of supply chain design, information sharing, flexibility, delivery and supply chain performance and the electronics industry in Malaysia is selected as the population of this study in order to test the model by using the data collected from the industry. The model is investigated through path analysis and then by using factor analysis, Friedman test and paired sign test the variables are identified and the priority of each variable is investigated. The model presented by this study can be employed as a platform by Malaysian electronics manufacturing companies in order to improve their supply chain performance and obtain competitive advantage within local and foreign markets