12 research outputs found

    On Algorithms and Complexity for Sets with Cardinality Constraints

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    Typestate systems ensure many desirable properties of imperative programs, including initialization of object fields and correct use of stateful library interfaces. Abstract sets with cardinality constraints naturally generalize typestate properties: relationships between the typestates of objects can be expressed as subset and disjointness relations on sets, and elements of sets can be represented as sets of cardinality one. Motivated by these applications, this paper presents new algorithms and new complexity results for constraints on sets and their cardinalities. We study several classes of constraints and demonstrate a trade-off between their expressive power and their complexity. Our first result concerns a quantifier-free fragment of Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic. We give a nondeterministic polynomial-time algorithm for reducing the satisfiability of sets with symbolic cardinalities to constraints on constant cardinalities, and give a polynomial-space algorithm for the resulting problem. In a quest for more efficient fragments, we identify several subclasses of sets with cardinality constraints whose satisfiability is NP-hard. Finally, we identify a class of constraints that has polynomial-time satisfiability and entailment problems and can serve as a foundation for efficient program analysis.Comment: 20 pages. 12 figure

    Quantifier-Free Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic is NP-Complete

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    Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (BAPA) combines1) Boolean algebras of sets of uninterpreted elements (BA)and 2) Presburger arithmetic operations (PA). BAPA canexpress the relationship between integer variables andcardinalities of unbounded finite sets and can be used toexpress verification conditions in verification of datastructure consistency properties.In this report I consider the Quantifier-Free fragment ofBoolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic (QFBAPA).Previous algorithms for QFBAPA had non-deterministicexponential time complexity. In this report I show thatQFBAPA is in NP, and is therefore NP-complete. My resultyields an algorithm for checking satisfiability of QFBAPAformulas by converting them to polynomially sized formulasof quantifier-free Presburger arithmetic. I expect thisalgorithm to substantially extend the range of QFBAPAproblems whose satisfiability can be checked in practice

    Programming with Specifications

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    This thesis explores the use of specifications for the construction of correct programs. We go beyond their standard use as run-time assertions, and present algorithms, techniques and implementations for the tasks of 1) program verification, 2) declarative programming and 3) software synthesis. These results are made possible by our advances in the domains of decision procedure design and implementation. In the first part of this thesis, we present a decidability result for a class of logics that support user-defined recursive function definitions. Constraints in this class can encode expressive properties of recursive data structures, such as sortedness of a list, or balancing of a search tree. As a result, complex verification conditions can be stated concisely and solved entirely automatically. We also present a new decision procedure for a logic to reason about sets and constraints over their cardinalities. The key insight lies in a technique to decompose con- straints according to mutual dependencies. Compared to previous techniques, our algorithm brings significant improvements in running times, and for the first time integrates reasoning about cardinalities within the popular DPLL(T ) setting. We integrated our algorithmic ad- vances into Leon, a static analyzer for functional programs. Leon can reason about constraints involving arbitrary recursive function definitions, and has the desirable theoretical property that it will always find counter-examples to assertions that do not hold. We illustrate the flexibility and efficiency of Leon through experimental evaluation, where we used it to prove detailed correctness properties of data structure implementations. We then illustrate how program specifications can be used as a high-level programming construct ; we present Kaplan, an extension of Scala with first-class logical constraints. Kaplan allows programmers to create, manipulate and combine constraints as they would any other data structure. Our implementation of Kaplan illustrates how declarative programming can be incorporated into an existing mainstream programming language. Moreover, we examine techniques to transform, at compile-time, program specifications into efficient executable code. This approach of software synthesis combines the correctness benefits of declarative programming with the efficiency of imperative or functional programming

    On Decision Procedures for Set-Valued Fields Abstract

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    An important feature of object-oriented programming languages is the ability to dynamically instantiate user-defined container data structures such as lists, trees, and hash tables. Programs implement such data structures using references to dynamically allocated objects, which allows data structures to store unbounded numbers of objects, but makes reasoning about programs more difficult. Reasoning about object-oriented programs with complex data structures is simplified if data structure operations are specified in terms of abstract sets of objects associated with each data structure. For example, an insertion into a data structure in this approach becomes simply an insertion into a dynamically changing set-valued field of an object, as opposed to a manipulation of a dynamically linked structure linked to the object. In this paper we explore reasoning techniques for programs that manipulate data structures specified using set-valued abstract fields associated with container objects. We compare the expressive power and the complexity of specification languages based on 1) decidable prefix vocabulary classes of first-order logic, 2) twovariable logic with counting, and 3) Nelson-Oppen combinations of multisorted theories. Such specification logics can be used for verification of object-oriented programs with supplied invariants. Moreover, by selecting an appropriate subset of properties expressible in such logic, the decision procedures for these logics yield automated computation of lattice operations in abstract interpretation domain, as well as automated computation of abstract program semantics.