22,534 research outputs found

    A framework for evaluating the effectiveness of flood emergency management systems in Europe

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    Calls for enhancing societal resilience to flooding are echoed across Europe alongside mounting evidence that flood risk will increase in response to climate change amongst other risk-enhancing factors. At a time where it is now widely accepted that flooding cannot be fully prevented, resilience discourse in public policy stresses the importance of improving societal capacities to absorb and recover from flood events. Flood emergency management has thus emerged as a crucial strategy in flood risk management. However, the extent to which emergency management supports societal resilience is dependent on the effectiveness of governance and performance in practice. Drawing from the extensive body of literature documenting the success conditions of so-called effective emergency management more broadly, this study formulates an evaluation framework specifically tailored to the study of Flood Emergency Management Systems (FEMS) in Europe. Applying this framework, this research performs a cross-country comparison of FEMS in the Netherlands, England, Poland, France, and Sweden. Important differences are observed in how FEMS have evolved in relation to differing contextual backgrounds (political, cultural, administrative and socio-economic) and exposures to flood hazard. Whereas the organization and coordination of actors are functioning effectively, other aspects of effective FEMS are relatively under-developed in several countries, such as provisions for institutional learning, recovery-based activities and community preparedness. Drawing from examples of good practice, this paper provides a critical reflection on the opportunities and constraints to enhancing the effectiveness of FEMS in Europe

    Disaster response and climate change in the Pacific

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    AbstractDisasters, and therefore disaster response, in the Pacific are expected to be affected by climate change. This research addressed this issue, and focused on the immediate humanitarian needs following a disaster, drawing upon adaptive capacity as a concept to assess the resilience of individual organisations and the robustness of the broader system of disaster response. Four case study countries (Fiji, Cook Islands, Vanuatu and Samoa) were chosen for deeper investigation of the range of issues present in the Pacific. The research process was guided by a Project Reference Group, which included key stakeholders from relevant organisations involved in Pacific disaster response to guide major decisions of the research process and to influence its progression.Given the complexity of issues involved, including the contested definitions of adaptive capacity, the research team developed a conceptual framework to underpin the research. This framework drew upon concepts from a range of relevant disciplines including Earth System Governance, climate change adaptation, health resources, resilience in institutions and practice theory. Objective and subjective determinants of adaptive capacity were used to assess the ‘disaster response system’, comprised of actors and agents from government and non-government sectors, and the governance structures, policies, plans and formal and informal networks that support them.Results revealed the most important determinant of adaptive capacity in the Pacific to be communications and relationships, with both informal and formal mechanisms found to be essential. Capacity (including human, financial and technical); leadership, management and governance structures; and risk perceptions were also highly important determinants of adaptive capacity. The research also found that in small Pacific island bureaucracies, responsibility and capacity often rests with individuals rather than organisations. Leadership, trust, informal networks and relationships were found to have a strong influence on the adaptive capacity of organisations and the broader disaster response system.A common finding across all four case study countries affecting adaptive capacity was the limited human resources for health and disaster response more generally, both in times of disaster response and in day-to-day operations. Another common finding was the gap in psychosocial support after a disaster. Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) as an immediate post-disaster humanitarian need was relatively well established amongst responding organisations (although long term WASH issues were not resolved), while other humanitarian needs (health care, and food and nutrition) had varying stages of capacity – often limited by human, financial and technical resources. Adaptive capacity was therefore constrained by current gaps which need addressing alongside a future focus where risk is changing.Drawing on these and other findings, recommendations for addressing key determinants of adaptive capacity were developed for relevant stakeholder groups including policy makers and practitioners in the disaster and emergency response sectors in Australia and the Pacific

    An Epistemological Inquiry into the Incorporation of Emergency Management Concept in the Homeland Security with a Post-Disaster Security Centric Focus

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    The historical roots of the Emergency Management concept in the U.S. date back to 19th century. As disasters occurred, policies relating to disaster response have been developed, and many statuary provisions, including several Federal Disaster Relief Acts, conceptually established the framework of Emergency Management. In 1979, with the foundation of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), disaster relief efforts were finally institutionalized, and the federal government acknowledged that Emergency Management included mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery activities as abbreviated \u27MPRR.\u27 However, after 2000, the U.S. experienced two milestone events - the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Following the foundation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2002, the definitional context of Emergency Management and its phases/components, simply its essence, evolved and was incorporated into many official documents differently, creating contextual inconsistencies. Recent key official documents embody epistemological problems that have the potential to traumatize the coherence of the Homeland Security contextual framework as well as to impose challenges theoretically to the education and training of Homeland Security/Emergency Management stakeholders. Furthermore, the conceptual design of the Emergency Support Functions (ESF) which have been defined within the context of the National Response Framework (NRF) displays similar problematic symptoms, and existing urban area Public Safety and Security planning processes have also not been supported by methodologies that are aligned with the post-disaster security requirements. To that end, the conceptual framework of Emergency Management and its incorporation in the Homeland Security global architecture should be revised and redefined to enhance coherence and reliability. Coherence in the contextual structure directly links to the system\u27s organizational structure and its viability functions. Also, holistic multi-dimensional system representations/abstractions, which would support appreciation of the system\u27s complex context, should be incorporated in policy documents to be utilized to educate the relevant stakeholders (individuals, teams, etc.) during the training/orientation programs. In addition, the NRF and its ESFs should be reviewed through a post-disaster security centric focus, since the post-disaster environment has unique characteristics that should be addressed by different approaches. In that sense, this dissertation develops a Post-Disaster Security Index (PDSI) Model that provides valuable insights for security agents and other Emergency Management and Homeland Security stakeholders

    Supporting evidence-based adaptation decision-making in Victoria: a synthesis of climate change adaptation research

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    This research synthesis provides policy-makers and practitioners with an understanding of the building blocks for effective adaptation decision-making, as evidenced through the NCCARF research program. It synthesised a portfolio of adaptation research for each Australian state and territory and addressing the complex relationships between research and policy development. Each state and territory synthesis report directs users to research relevant identified priorities

    Ready or Not? Protecting the Public's Health From Diseases, Disasters, and Bioterrorism, 2009

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    Based on ten indicators, assesses progress in the readiness of states, federal government, and hospitals to respond to public health emergencies, with a focus on the H1N1 flu. Outlines improvements and concerns in funding, accountability, and other areas

    Supporting evidence-based adaptation decision-making in South Australia: a synthesis of climate change adaptation research

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    This research synthesis provides policy-makers and practitioners with an understanding of the building blocks for effective adaptation decision-making, as evidenced through the NCCARF research program. It synthesised a portfolio of adaptation research for each Australian state and territory and addressing the complex relationships between research and policy development.   Each state and territory synthesis report directs users to research relevant identified priorities

    Moving from Flood Resistance to Resilience: “Still doing it the hard way” in Western Canada

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    Flooding poses a significant threat to society, a threat that is likely to increase with changing climate. Over recent decades, the limitations of a historical reliance on command and control approaches to flood risk management (FRM) have been recognised and scholarly and practical effort has been made towards becoming flood resilient rather than flood resistant. Despite these efforts, the cost of flood events continues to rise. Progressing FRM in a way that increases resilience to flooding requires a better understanding of the challenges that exist when attempting to operationalise theoretical principles of resilience in practice. Empirical studies of FRM implementation, however, are not well represented in the literature. This thesis enhances understanding of the challenges involved in operationalising flood resilience concepts. To achieve this aim, scholarly literature self-identified by the authors as being related to flood risk management, governance and resilience was analysed, and the Prairie Provinces of Canada were utilised as a case study of FRM practice, priorities and preferences. It was found that rather than tackling flood resilience as a defined research topic, FRM and flood resilience research is carried out in specialised disciplinary silos and which does not relate well to the challenges of implementing FRM. Within the Canadian Prairie Provinces, FRM practitioners understand the need for a diverse policy approach to flood risk and for more coordinated and collaborative management; however, challenges from fragmented governance exist in the region including unclear roles and responsibilities, policy conflicts, and inefficiency. Broadly effective emergency planning and response suggests that these challenges are not insurmountable. The FRM priorities of stakeholders are similar across the study area suggesting that there is an underlying foundation for an inter-provincial regional strategy. The heterogeneous policy preferences between provinces and homogenous preferences within provinces, however, present challenges to implementing coordinated multi-level FRM strategies. Importantly, it was found that existing flood policy instruments may not be effective in influencing policy choices, and that innovation is required in this area to progress more resilient FRM. Overall, the findings of this thesis strongly support: the need for close linkages between the academic and practice communities; that research and policy programs should treat FRM as a distinct, holistic, issue, and; that organisations or agencies are needed to facilitate the coordination of stakeholders and resources required to research, manage and continually improve FRM