5 research outputs found

    Deciding Epistemic and Strategic Properties of Cryptographic Protocols

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    We propose a new, widely applicable model for analyzing knowledge-based (epistemic) and strategic properties of cryptographic protocols. The main result we prove is that the corresponding model checking problem with respect to an expressive epistemic extension of ATL* is decidable. As an application, we prove that abuse-freeness of contract signing protocols is decidable, resolving an open question. Further, we discuss anonymous broadcast and a coin-flipping protoco

    Modal Independence Logic

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    Proceeding volume: 10Peer reviewe

    Automatic Verification of Temporal Epistemic Logic under Convergent Equational Theories

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    We present a methodology for the automatic verification of multi-agent systems against temporal-epistemic specifications derived from higher-level languages defined over convergent equational theories. We introduce a modality called rewriting knowledge that operates on local equalities. We discuss the conditions under which its interpretation can be approximated by a second modality that we introduce called empirical knowledge. Empirical knowledge is computationally attractive from a verification perspective. We report on an implementation of a technique to verify this modality inside the open source model checker MCMAS. We evaluate the approach by verifying multi-agent models of electronic voting protocols automatically extracted from high-level descriptions

    Deciding Epistemic and Strategic Properties of Cryptographic Protocols ⋆

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    Abstract. We propose a new, widely applicable model for analyzing knowledge-based (epistemic) and strategic properties of cryptographic protocols. We prove that the corresponding model checking problem with respect to an expressive epistemic strategic logic is decidable. As corollaries, we obtain decidability of complex security properties including coercion-resistance of voting protocols, accountability of protocols using a trusted third party, and abuse-freeness of contract signing protocols