7 research outputs found

    On the complexity of checking semantic equivalences between pushdown processes and finite-state processes

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    AbstractSimulation preorder/equivalence and bisimulation equivalence are the most commonly used equivalences in concurrency theory. Their standard definitions are often called strong simulation/bisimulation, while weak simulation/bisimulation abstracts from internal τ-actions.We study the computational complexity of checking these strong and weak semantic preorders/equivalences between pushdown processes and finite-state processes.We present a complete picture of the computational complexity of these problems and also study fixed-parameter tractability in two important input parameters: x, the size of the finite control of the pushdown process, and y, the size of the finite-state process.All simulation problems are generally EXPTIME-complete and only become polynomial if both parameters x and y are fixed.Weak bisimulation equivalence is PSPACE-complete, but becomes polynomial if and only if parameter x is fixed.Strong bisimulation equivalence is PSPACE-complete, but becomes polynomial if either parameter x or y is fixed