4 research outputs found

    Decentralized mobility models for data collection in wireless sensor networks

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    Controlled mobility in wireless sensor networks provides many benefits towards enhancing the network performance and prolonging its lifetime. Mobile elements, acting as mechanical data carriers, traverse the network collecting data using single-hop communication, instead of the more energy demanding multi-hop routing to the sink. Scaling up from single to multiple mobiles is based more on the mobility models and the coordination methodology rather than increasing the number of mobile elements in the network. This work addresses the problem of designing and coordinating decentralized mobile elements for scheduling data collection in wireless sensor networks, while preserving some performance measures, such as latency and amount of data collected. We propose two mobility models governing the behaviour of the mobile element, where the incoming data collection requests are scheduled to service according to bidding strategies to determine the winner element. Simulations are run to measure the performance of the proposed mobility models subject to the network size and the number of mobile elements.<br /

    A practical framework for data collection in wireless sensor networks

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    Optimizing energy consumption for extending the lifetime in wireless sensor networks is of dominant importance. Groups of autonomous robots and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) acting as mobile data collectors are utilized to minimize the energy expenditure of the sensor nodes by approaching the sensors and collecting their buffers via single hop communication, rather than using multihop routing to forward the buffers to the base station. This paper models the sensor network and the mobile collectors as a system-of-systems, and defines all levels and types of interactions. A practical framework that facilitates deploying heterogeneous mobiles without prior knowledge about the sensor network is presented. Realizing the framework is done through simulation experiments and tested against several performance metrics.<br /

    Analysis of User Mobility Models Based on Outdoor Measurement Data and Literature Surveys

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    The main objectives of the presented work are to study the various existing human mobility models based on literature reviews and to select an appropriate and simplified mobility model fit to the available measurement data. This thesis work is mainly processing a part of “Big Data” that was collected from large number of people, known as Mobile Data Challenge (MDC). MDC is large scale data collection from Smartphone based research. The thesis also addressed the fact that appropriate mobility models could be utilized in many important practical applications, such as in public health care units, for elderly care and monitoring, to improve the localization algorithms, in cellular communications networks to avoid traffic congestion, for designing of such systems that can predict prior users location, in economic forecasting, for public transportation systems and for developing social mobile applications. Basically, mobility models indicate the movement patterns of users and how their position, velocity and acceleration vary with respect to time. Such models can be widely used in the investigation of advanced communication and navigation techniques. These human mobility models are normally classified into two main models, namely; entity mobility models and group mobility models. The presented work focuses on the entity mobility models. The analysis was done in Matlab, based on the measurement data available in MDC database, the several parameters of Global Positioning System (GPS) data were extracted, such as time, latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, horizontal accuracy, horizontal Dilution of Precision (DOP), vertical accuracy, vertical DOP, speed accuracy etc. Parts of these parameters, namely the time, latitude, longitude, altitude and speed were further investigated in the context of basic random walk mobility model. The data extracted from the measurements was compared with the 2-D random walk mobility model. The main findings of the thesis are that the random walk model is not a perfect fit for the available user measurement data, but can be used as a starting point in analyzing the user mobility models

    Diseño, Especificación, Validación y Aplicación de una Arquitectura modular de gestión de Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores

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    Durante los últimos años las redes de sensores inalámbricas han sido objeto, como consecuencia de un creciente interés comercial, de una intensa actividad de investigación que ha determinado relevantes avances tanto en la tecnología base como en los aspectos de ingeniería a todos los niveles. Las redes de sensores inalámbricas se basan en el concepto de nodo sensor autónomo de bajo coste que proporciona recursos limitados en términos de cálculo y capacidad de almacenamiento de información, baja potencia de transmisión y sensorica avanzada. Se caracterizan por el tamaño extremadamente reducido y una ingeniería orientada a la eficiencia energética. A pesar de la disponibilidad de soluciones altamente avanzadas, caracterizadas por la eficiencia y la flexibilidad, la difusión comercial masiva se ha planteado más veces como hipótesis plausible y además parece tardar en concretarse de forma definitiva. Las principales causas están relacionadas, directamente o indirectamente, con dos factores: coste elevado y falta de suficiente fiabilidad/robustez. Una de las consecuencias del desarrollo de arquitecturas "ad-hoc" que caracteriza actualmente las redes de sensores inalámbricas es la de garantizar una gran cantidad de óptimos locales siendo la causa principal de una preocupante ausencia de estándares tanto en términos de protocolos de comunicación como en términos de organización y representación de información. También nuevos modelos de negocio y de explotación dentro de las organizaciones virtuales de última generación son actualmente temas de atención en el seno de la comunidad científica internacional. Este trabajo se sitúa en el marco de las últimas líneas de investigación orientadas a conciliar soluciones avanzadas, caracterizadas por una ingeniería innovadora, con su aplicación efectiva en el mundo realPileggi ., SF. (2011). Diseño, Especificación, Validación y Aplicación de una Arquitectura modular de gestión de Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10740Palanci