12 research outputs found

    Systematizing Decentralization and Privacy: Lessons from 15 Years of Research and Deployments

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    Decentralized systems are a subset of distributed systems where multiple authorities control different components and no authority is fully trusted by all. This implies that any component in a decentralized system is potentially adversarial. We revise fifteen years of research on decentralization and privacy, and provide an overview of key systems, as well as key insights for designers of future systems. We show that decentralized designs can enhance privacy, integrity, and availability but also require careful trade-offs in terms of system complexity, properties provided, and degree of decentralization. These trade-offs need to be understood and navigated by designers. We argue that a combination of insights from cryptography, distributed systems, and mechanism design, aligned with the development of adequate incentives, are necessary to build scalable and successful privacy-preserving decentralized systems

    Attribute-based Anonymous Credential: Optimization for Single-Use and Multi-Use

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    User attributes can be authenticated by an attribute-based anonymous credential while keeping the anonymity of the user. Most attribute-based anonymous credential schemes are designed specifically for either multi-use or single-use. In this paper, we propose a unified attribute-based anonymous credential system, in which users always obtain the same format of credential from the issuer. The user can choose to use it for an efficient multi-use or single-use show proof. It is a more user-centric approach than the existing schemes. Technically, we propose an interactive approach to the credential issuance protocol using a two-party computation with an additive homomorphic encryption. At the same time, it keeps the security property of impersonation resilience, anonymity, and unlinkability. Apart from the interactive protocol, we further design the show proofs for efficient single-use credentials which maintain the user anonymity

    Zero-Knowledge Proof-of-Identity: Sybil-Resistant, Anonymous Authentication on Permissionless Blockchains and Incentive Compatible, Strictly Dominant Cryptocurrencies

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    Zero-Knowledge Proof-of-Identity from trusted public certificates (e.g., national identity cards and/or ePassports; eSIM) is introduced here to permissionless blockchains in order to remove the inefficiencies of Sybil-resistant mechanisms such as Proof-of-Work (i.e., high energy and environmental costs) and Proof-of-Stake (i.e., capital hoarding and lower transaction volume). The proposed solution effectively limits the number of mining nodes a single individual would be able to run while keeping membership open to everyone, circumventing the impossibility of full decentralization and the blockchain scalability trilemma when instantiated on a blockchain with a consensus protocol based on the cryptographic random selection of nodes. Resistance to collusion is also considered. Solving one of the most pressing problems in blockchains, a zk-PoI cryptocurrency is proved to have the following advantageous properties: - an incentive-compatible protocol for the issuing of cryptocurrency rewards based on a unique Nash equilibrium - strict domination of mining over all other PoW/PoS cryptocurrencies, thus the zk-PoI cryptocurrency becoming the preferred choice by miners is proved to be a Nash equilibrium and the Evolutionarily Stable Strategy - PoW/PoS cryptocurrencies are condemned to pay the Price of Crypto-Anarchy, redeemed by the optimal efficiency of zk-PoI as it implements the social optimum - the circulation of a zk-PoI cryptocurrency Pareto dominates other PoW/PoS cryptocurrencies - the network effects arising from the social networks inherent to national identity cards and ePassports dominate PoW/PoS cryptocurrencies - the lower costs of its infrastructure imply the existence of a unique equilibrium where it dominates other forms of paymentComment: 2.1: Proof-of-Personhood Considered Harmful (and Illegal); 4.1.5: Absence of Active Authentication; 4.2.6: Absence of Active Authentication; 4.2.7: Removing Single-Points of Failure; 4.3.2: Combining with Non-Zero-Knowledge Authentication; 4.4: Circumventing the Impossibility of Full Decentralizatio

    PERM: Practical reputation-based blacklisting without TTPs

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    Some users may misbehave under the cover of anonymity by, e.g., defacing webpages on Wikipedia or posting vulgar comments on YouTube. To prevent such abuse, a few anonymous credential schemes have been proposed that revoke access for misbehaving users while maintaining their anonymity such that no trusted third party (TTP) is involved in the revocation process. Recently we proposed BLACR, a TTP-free scheme that supports ‘reputation-based blacklisting’ — the service provider can score users’ anonymous sessions (e.g., good vs. inappropriate comments) and users with insufficient reputation are denied access. The major drawback of BLACR is the linear computational overhead in the size of the reputation list, which allows it to support reputation for only a few thousand user sessions in practical settings. We propose PERM, a revocationwindow- based scheme (misbehaviors must be caught within a window of time), which makes computation independent of the size of the reputation list. PERM thus supports millions of user sessions and makes reputation-based blacklisting practical for large-scale deployments

    Decentralized reputation

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    Reputation systems constitute one of the few workable mechanisms for distributed applications in which users can be made accountable for their actions. By collecting user experiences in reputation profiles, participants are encouraged to interact more with well-behaving peers hence better online behavior is motivated. In this work, we develop a privacy-preserving reputation scheme for collaborative systems such as P2P networks in which peers can represent themselves with different pseudonyms when interacting with others. All these pseudonyms, however, are bound to the same reputation token, allowing honest peers to maintain their good record, even when switching to a new pseudonym, while at the same time preventing malicious peers from making a fresh start. Our system is truly decentralized. Using an append-only distributed ledger such as Bitcoin’s blockchain, we show how participants can make anonymous yet verifiable assertions about their own reputation. In particular, reputation can be demonstrated and updated effectively using efficient zkSNARK proofs. The system maintains soundness, peer-pseudonym unlinkability as well as unlinkability among pseudonyms of the same peer. We formally prove these properties and we evaluate the efficiency of the various operations envisioned in our scheme

    Issuer-Hiding Attribute-Based Credentials

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    Attribute-based credential systems enable users to authenticate in a privacy-preserving manner. However, in such schemes verifying a user\u27s credential requires knowledge of the issuer\u27s public key, which by itself might already reveal private information about the user. In this paper, we tackle this problem by introducing the notion of issuer-hiding attribute-based credential systems. In such a system, the verifier can define a set of acceptable issuers in an ad-hoc manner, and the user can then prove that her credential was issued by one of the accepted issuers -- without revealing which one. We then provide a generic construction, as well as a concrete instantiation based on Groth\u27s structure preserving signature scheme (ASIACRYPT\u2715) and simulation-sound extractable NIZK, for which we also provide concrete benchmarks in order to prove its practicability. The online complexity of all constructions is independent of the number of acceptable verifiers, which makes it also suitable for highly federated scenarios

    Effective Privacy-Preserving Mechanisms for Vehicle-to-Everything Services

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    Owing to the advancement of wireless communication technologies, drivers can rely on smart connected vehicles to communicate with each other, roadside units, pedestrians, and remote service providers to enjoy a large amount of vehicle-to-everything (V2X) services, including navigation, parking, ride hailing, and car sharing. These V2X services provide different functions for bettering travel experiences, which have a bunch of benefits. In the real world, even without smart connected vehicles, drivers as users can utilize their smartphones and mobile applications to access V2X services and connect their smartphones to vehicles through some interfaces, e.g., IOS Carplay and Android Auto. In this way, they can still enjoy V2X services through modern car infotainment systems installed on vehicles. Most of the V2X services are data-centric and data-intensive, i.e., users have to upload personal data to a remote service provider, and the service provider can continuously collect a user's data and offer personalized services. However, the data acquired from users may include users' sensitive information, which may expose user privacy and cause serious consequences. To protect user privacy, a basic privacy-preserving mechanism, i.e, anonymization, can be applied in V2X services. Nevertheless, a big obstacle arises as well: user anonymization may affect V2X services' availability. As users become anonymous, users may behave selfishly and maliciously to break the functions of a V2X service without being detected and the service may become unavailable. In short, there exist a conflict between privacy and availability, which is caused by different requirements of users and service providers. In this thesis, we have identified three major conflicts between privacy and availability for V2X services: privacy vs. linkability, privacy vs. accountability, privacy vs. reliability, and then have proposed and designed three privacy-preserving mechanisms to resolve these conflicts. Firstly, the thesis investigates the conflict between privacy and linkability in an automated valet parking (AVP) service, where users can reserve a parking slot for their vehicles such that vehicles can achieve automated valet parking. As an optional privacy-preserving measure, users can choose to anonymize their identities when booking a parking slot for their vehicles. In this way, although user privacy is protected by anonymization, malicious users can repeatedly send parking reservation requests to a parking service provider to make the system unavailable (i.e., "Double-Reservation Attack"). Aiming at this conflict, a security model is given in the thesis to clearly define necessary privacy requirements and potential attacks in an AVP system, and then a privacy-preserving reservation scheme has been proposed based on BBS+ signature and zero-knowledge proof. In the proposed scheme, users can keep anonymous since users only utilize a one-time unlinkable token generated from his/her anonymous credential to achieve parking reservations. In the meantime, by utilizing proxy re-signature, the scheme can also guarantee that one user can only have one token at a time to resist against "Double-Reservation Attack". Secondly, the thesis investigates the conflict between privacy and accountability in a car sharing service, where users can conveniently rent a shared car without human intervention. One basic demand for car sharing service is to check the user's identity to determine his/her validity and enable the user to be accountable if he/she did improper behavior. If the service provider allows users to hide their identities and achieve anonymization to protect user privacy, naturally the car sharing service is unavailable. Aiming at this conflict, a decentralized, privacy-preserving, and accountable car sharing architecture has been proposed in the thesis, where multiple dynamic validation servers are employed to build decentralized trust for users. Under this architecture, the thesis proposes a privacy-preserving identity management scheme to assist in managing users' identities in a dynamic manner based on a verifiable secret sharing/redistribution technique, i.e. the validation servers who manage users' identities are dynamically changed with the time advancing. Moreover, the scheme enables a majority of dynamic validation servers to recover the misbehaving users' identities and guarantees that honest users' identities are confidential to achieve privacy preservation and accountability at the same time. Thirdly, the thesis investigates the conflict between privacy and reliability in a road condition monitoring service, where users can report road conditions to a monitoring service provider to help construct a live map based on crowdsourcing. Usually, a reputation-based mechanism is applied in the service to measure a user's reliability. However, this mechanism cannot be easily integrated with a privacy-preserving mechanism based on user anonymization. When users are anonymous, they can upload arbitrary reports to destroy the service quality and make the service unavailable. Aiming at this conflict, a privacy-preserving crowdsourcing-based road condition monitoring scheme has been proposed in the thesis. By leveraging homomorphic commitments and PS signature, the scheme supports anonymous user reputation management without the assistance of any third-party authority. Furthermore, the thesis proposes several zero-knowledge proof protocols to ensure that a user can keep anonymous and unlinkable but a monitoring service provider can still judge the reliability of this user's report through his/her reputation score. To sum up, with more attention being paid to privacy issues, how to protect user privacy for V2X services becomes more significant. The thesis proposes three effective privacy-preserving mechanisms for V2X services, which resolve the conflict between privacy and availability and can be conveniently integrated into current V2X applications since no trusted third party authority is required. The proposed approaches should be valuable for achieving practical privacy preservation in V2X services

    Privacy-Preserving and Regulation-Enabled Mechanisms for Blockchain-based Financial Services

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    With the success of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, blockchain technology has attracted extensive attention from both academia and industry. As a distributed ledger technology, blockchain provides decentralization and immutability, and can build trust among multiple parties. Owning to these unique characteristics, blockchain has become an innovative approach to secure and reliable record-keeping and transaction execution, and has the potential to revolutionize the financial industry and drive economic change on a global scale. For example, it can streamline banking and lending services, enable decentralized trading, and facilitate cross-border payment transactions. Although blockchain is expected to create a new paradigm for the financial industry, transactions stored on the blockchain are shared among the nodes in the blockchain network, which may contain sensitive information of users, such as the identities of senders and receivers, and the contents of transactions. Thus, privacy preservation should be achieved when applying blockchain to different financial services. Many privacy-preserving mechanisms have been proposed to guarantee identity privacy and data confidentiality for blockchain-based transactions. However, the strong degree of privacy may create new regulatory concerns. First, in privacy-preserving mortgage lending, there exists double-mortgage fraud, by which a borrower can use the same asset as collateral to obtain multiple loans from different financial institutions. Second, in decentralized data trading, data buyers may refuse to pay funds to data sellers after obtaining data, and data sellers may send fake data to data buyers. Verifying data availability and retrievability without viewing data before payment for fair trading is a challenging issue. Moreover, the identity privacy of data sellers should be preserved during the trading. Third, in privacy-preserving blockchain-based payment systems, the identities of the payer, payee, and transferred amount are protected. Nevertheless, the anonymity of transactions can be exploited for illegal activities, such as money laundering. Thus, considering the strict regulatory requirements of the financial industry, such as limiting the amount of cryptocurrency transferred over a period of time, privacy preservation and regulation should be balanced in blockchain-based financial services. In this thesis, we focus on three major blockchain-based financial services to concentrate on how to solve the dilemma between privacy protection and strict regulatory requirements at various phases in the fund flow, which are lending, trading, and payment. Firstly, the thesis investigates the borrower privacy and double-mortgage regulation issues in mortgage lending, and proposes a blockchain-based privacy-preserving and accountable mortgage data management scheme. In the scheme, the mortgage data of borrowers can be shared on the blockchain to detect the double-mortgage fraud without revealing the identity of borrowers. But financial institutions can still uncover the identity of a dishonest borrower if he/she pledges the same asset for multiple mortgages, which is achieved by integrating cryptographic tools such as verifiable secret sharing, zero-knowledge proof, and ElGamal encryption. A mortgage request contains a share of identity information of the borrower and the ownership certificate of an asset. By utilizing ElGamal encryption and verifiable secret sharing, the borrower can prove that its identity information is indeed included in the mortgage request and can be used to reconstruct its identity when double-mortgage behavior is detected. Secondly, the thesis investigates the identity privacy and trading-misbehavior regulation in blockchain-based data trading. Blockchain can build trust between data buyers and data sellers. To resolve the fairness issue of demonstrating data availability and retrievability without leaking data while preserving identity privacy of data sellers, we propose a blockchain-based fair data trading protocol with privacy preservation, where a data buyer can declare data requirements and acceptable issuers of data, and a data seller can conduct privacy-preserving and fine-grained data selling. We first define the fairness and privacy demands for both parties. By incorporating anonymous attribute-based credentials, structure-preserving signatures, and zero-knowledge proofs, data can be traded in part while data authenticity is guaranteed and data issuers are hidden. A smart contract is utilized to realize atomic transactions. Security proof is provided to demonstrate that the scheme can achieve privacy preservation and fairness for the participants. Thirdly, the thesis investigates the transaction privacy and anti-money laundering regulation issues in distributed anonymous payment (DAP) systems. To solve the conflict between privacy and regulation, we propose a novel DAP scheme that supports regulatory compliance and enforcement. We first introduce regulators into the system, who define regulatory policies, including limiting the total amount of cryptocurrency one can transfer and the frequency of transactions one can conduct in a time period. The policies are enforced through commitments and non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs for compostable statements. By this, users can prove that transactions are valid and comply with regulations. We use both Zero-knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge (Zk-SNARKs) and sigma protocols to generate the zero-knowledge proofs for regulation compliance. A tracing mechanism is designed in the scheme to allow regulators to recover the real identities of users when suspicious transactions are detected. In summary, this thesis proposes effective privacy-preserving and regulation-enabled solutions for blockchain-based lending, data trading, and anonymous payment. The results from the thesis should shed light for future study on blockchain-based systems where privacy preservation and regulation are required

    Post-Quantum Era Privacy Protection for Intelligent Infrastructures

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    As we move into a new decade, the global world of Intelligent Infrastructure (II) services integrated into the Internet of Things (IoT) are at the forefront of technological advancements. With billions of connected devices spanning continents through interconnected networks, security and privacy protection techniques for the emerging II services become a paramount concern. In this paper, an up-to-date privacy method mapping and relevant use cases are surveyed for II services. Particularly, we emphasize on post-quantum cryptography techniques that may (or must when quantum computers become a reality) be used in the future through concrete products, pilots, and projects. The topics presented in this paper are of utmost importance as (1) several recent regulations such as Europe's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have given privacy a significant place in digital society, and (2) the increase of IoT/II applications and digital services with growing data collection capabilities are introducing new threats and risks on citizens' privacy. This in-depth survey begins with an overview of security and privacy threats in IoT/IIs. Next, we summarize some selected Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) suitable for privacy-concerned II services, and then map recent PET schemes based on post-quantum cryptographic primitives which are capable of withstanding quantum computing attacks. This paper also overviews how PETs can be deployed in practical use cases in the scope of IoT/IIs, and maps some current projects, pilots, and products that deal with PETs. A practical case study on the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is presented to demonstrate how PETs can be applied in reality. Finally, we discuss the main challenges with respect to current PETs and highlight some future directions for developing their post-quantum counterparts

    Anonymous Point Collection - Improved Models and Security Definitions

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    This work is a comprehensive, formal treatment of anonymous point collection. The proposed definition does not only provide a strong notion of security and privacy, but also covers features which are important for practical use. An efficient realization is presented and proven to fulfill the proposed definition. The resulting building block is the first one that allows for anonymous two-way transactions, has semi-offline capabilities, yields constant storage size, and is provably secure