153 research outputs found

    Deblurring Text Images via L0-Regularized Intensity and Gradient Prior

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    Improving Image Restoration with Soft-Rounding

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    Several important classes of images such as text, barcode and pattern images have the property that pixels can only take a distinct subset of values. This knowledge can benefit the restoration of such images, but it has not been widely considered in current restoration methods. In this work, we describe an effective and efficient approach to incorporate the knowledge of distinct pixel values of the pristine images into the general regularized least squares restoration framework. We introduce a new regularizer that attains zero at the designated pixel values and becomes a quadratic penalty function in the intervals between them. When incorporated into the regularized least squares restoration framework, this regularizer leads to a simple and efficient step that resembles and extends the rounding operation, which we term as soft-rounding. We apply the soft-rounding enhanced solution to the restoration of binary text/barcode images and pattern images with multiple distinct pixel values. Experimental results show that soft-rounding enhanced restoration methods achieve significant improvement in both visual quality and quantitative measures (PSNR and SSIM). Furthermore, we show that this regularizer can also benefit the restoration of general natural images.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Text Image Deblurring Using Kernel Sparsity Prior

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    Previous methods on text image motion deblurring seldom consider the sparse characteristics of the blur kernel. This paper proposes a new text image motion deblurring method by exploiting the sparse properties of both text image itself and kernel. It incorporates the Lâ‚€-norm for regularizing the blur kernel in the deblurring model, besides the Lâ‚€ sparse priors for the text image and its gradient. Such a Lâ‚€-norm-based model is efficiently optimized by half-quadratic splitting coupled with the fast conjugate descent method. To further improve the quality of the recovered kernel, a structure-preserving kernel denoising method is also developed to filter out the noisy pixels, yielding a clean kernel curve. Experimental results show the superiority of the proposed method. The source code and results are available at: https://github.com/shenjianbing/text-image-deblur

    Light Field Blind Motion Deblurring

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    We study the problem of deblurring light fields of general 3D scenes captured under 3D camera motion and present both theoretical and practical contributions. By analyzing the motion-blurred light field in the primal and Fourier domains, we develop intuition into the effects of camera motion on the light field, show the advantages of capturing a 4D light field instead of a conventional 2D image for motion deblurring, and derive simple methods of motion deblurring in certain cases. We then present an algorithm to blindly deblur light fields of general scenes without any estimation of scene geometry, and demonstrate that we can recover both the sharp light field and the 3D camera motion path of real and synthetically-blurred light fields.Comment: To be presented at CVPR 201

    Patch-Wise Blind Image Deblurring via Michelson Channel Prior

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    Blind Image Deblurring via Reweighted Graph Total Variation

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    Blind image deblurring, i.e., deblurring without knowledge of the blur kernel, is a highly ill-posed problem. The problem can be solved in two parts: i) estimate a blur kernel from the blurry image, and ii) given estimated blur kernel, de-convolve blurry input to restore the target image. In this paper, by interpreting an image patch as a signal on a weighted graph, we first argue that a skeleton image---a proxy that retains the strong gradients of the target but smooths out the details---can be used to accurately estimate the blur kernel and has a unique bi-modal edge weight distribution. We then design a reweighted graph total variation (RGTV) prior that can efficiently promote bi-modal edge weight distribution given a blurry patch. However, minimizing a blind image deblurring objective with RGTV results in a non-convex non-differentiable optimization problem. We propose a fast algorithm that solves for the skeleton image and the blur kernel alternately. Finally with the computed blur kernel, recent non-blind image deblurring algorithms can be applied to restore the target image. Experimental results show that our algorithm can robustly estimate the blur kernel with large kernel size, and the reconstructed sharp image is competitive against the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, April, 201

    Neuromorphic Imaging with Joint Image Deblurring and Event Denoising

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    Neuromorphic imaging reacts to per-pixel brightness changes of a dynamic scene with high temporal precision and responds with asynchronous streaming events as a result. It also often supports a simultaneous output of an intensity image. Nevertheless, the raw events typically involve a great amount of noise due to the high sensitivity of the sensor, while capturing fast-moving objects at low frame rates results in blurry images. These deficiencies significantly degrade human observation and machine processing. Fortunately, the two information sources are inherently complementary -- events with microsecond temporal resolution, which are triggered by the edges of objects that are recorded in latent sharp images, can supply rich motion details missing from the blurry images. In this work, we bring the two types of data together and propose a simple yet effective unifying algorithm to jointly reconstruct blur-free images and noise-robust events, where an event-regularized prior offers auxiliary motion features for blind deblurring, and image gradients serve as a reference to regulate neuromorphic noise removal. Extensive evaluations on real and synthetic samples present our superiority over other competing methods in restoration quality and greater robustness to some challenging realistic scenarios. Our solution gives impetus to the improvement of both sensing data and paves the way for highly accurate neuromorphic reasoning and analysis.Comment: Submitted to TI
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