11 research outputs found

    CARVE: Practical Security-Focused Software Debloating Using Simple Feature Set Mappings

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    Software debloating is an emerging field of study aimed at improving the security and performance of software by removing excess library code and features that are not needed by the end user (called bloat). Software bloat is pervasive, and several debloating techniques have been proposed to address this problem. While these techniques are effective at reducing bloat, they are not practical for the average user, risk creating unsound programs and introducing vulnerabilities, and are not well suited for debloating complex software such as network protocol implementations. In this paper, we propose CARVE, a simple yet effective security-focused debloating technique that overcomes these limitations. CARVE employs static source code annotation to map software features source code, eliminating the need for advanced software analysis during debloating and reducing the overall level of technical sophistication required by the user. CARVE surpasses existing techniques by introducing debloating with replacement, a technique capable of preserving software interoperability and mitigating the risk of creating an unsound program or introducing a vulnerability. We evaluate CARVE in 12 debloating scenarios and demonstrate security and performance improvements that meet or exceed those of existing techniques.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, 1 appendi

    SYSFLOW: Efficient Execution Platform for IoT Devices

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    Traditional executable delivery models pose challenges for IoT devices with limited storage, necessitating the download of complete executables and dependencies. Network solutions like NFS, designed for data files, encounter high IO overhead for irregular access patterns. This paper introduces SYSFLOW, a lightweight network-based executable delivery system for IoT. SYSFLOW delivers on-demand, redirecting local disk IO to the server through optimized network IO. To optimize cache hit rates, SYSFLOW employs server-side action-based prefetching, reducing latency by 45.1% to 75.8% compared to native Linux filesystems on SD cards. In wired environments, SYSFLOW's latency is up to 67.7% lower than NFS. In wireless scenarios, SYSFLOW performs 22.9% worse than Linux, comparable with Linux and outperforming NFS by up to 60.7%. While SYSFLOW's power consumption may be 6.7% higher than NFS, it offers energy savings due to lower processing time

    Automating Seccomp Filter Generation for Linux Applications

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    Software vulnerabilities in applications undermine the security of applications. By blocking unused functionality, the impact of potential exploits can be reduced. While seccomp provides a solution for filtering syscalls, it requires manual implementation of filter rules for each individual application. Recent work has investigated automated approaches for detecting and installing the necessary filter rules. However, as we show, these approaches make assumptions that are not necessary or require overly time-consuming analysis. In this paper, we propose Chestnut, an automated approach for generating strict syscall filters for Linux userspace applications with lower requirements and limitations. Chestnut comprises two phases, with the first phase consisting of two static components, i.e., a compiler and a binary analyzer, that extract the used syscalls during compilation or in an analysis of the binary. The compiler-based approach of Chestnut is up to factor 73 faster than previous approaches without affecting the accuracy adversely. On the binary analysis level, we demonstrate that the requirement of position-independent binaries of related work is not needed, enlarging the set of applications for which Chestnut is usable. In an optional second phase, Chestnut provides a dynamic refinement tool that allows restricting the set of allowed syscalls further. We demonstrate that Chestnut on average blocks 302 syscalls (86.5%) via the compiler and 288 (82.5%) using the binary-level analysis on a set of 18 widely used applications. We found that Chestnut blocks the dangerous exec syscall in 50% and 77.7% of the tested applications using the compiler- and binary-based approach, respectively. For the tested applications, Chestnut prevents exploitation of more than 62% of the 175 CVEs that target the kernel via syscalls. Finally, we perform a 6 month long-term study of a sandboxed Nginx server

    Coverage-Based Debloating for Java Bytecode

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    Software bloat is code that is packaged in an application but is actually not necessary to run the application. The presence of software bloat is an issue for security, for performance, and for maintenance. In this paper, we introduce a novel technique for debloating Java bytecode, which we call coverage-based debloating. We leverage a combination of state-of-the-art Java bytecode coverage tools to precisely capture what parts of a project and its dependencies are used at runtime. Then, we automatically remove the parts that are not covered to generate a debloated version of the compiled project. We successfully generate debloated versions of 220 open-source Java libraries, which are syntactically correct and preserve their original behavior according to the workload. Our results indicate that 68.3% of the libraries' bytecode and 20.5% of their total dependencies can be removed through coverage-based debloating. Meanwhile, we present the first experiment that assesses the utility of debloated libraries with respect to client applications that reuse them. We show that 80.9% of the clients with at least one test that uses the library successfully compile and pass their test suite when the original library is replaced by its debloated version

    Neural-guidance for symbolic reasoning

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    Symbolic reasoning begot Artificial Intelligence (AI). With the recent advances in Deep Learning, many traditional AI areas such as Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing have moved to probabilistic-based approaches. However, in applications where there is little to no room for uncertainty, such as Compiler or Software verification, symbolic reasoning is still the go-to option. In this thesis, we bring the advantage of data-driven learnable models into the precise world of symbolic reasoning. In particular, we choose to tackle two specific problems: Model Checking, in the context of Inductive Generalization, and Compiler Optimization, in the context of Software Debloating. We implemented our approach in two tools, named Dopey and DeepOccam, respectively. They both use traces generated from running a task to learn a better heuristic, and use said heuristic to improve subsequent runs of the same or similar tasks. Our results show that both neural-based heuristics outperform handcrafted heuristics