13 research outputs found

    Analysis of the possibility of using selected hash functions submitted for the SHA-3 competition in the SDEx encryption method

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    The paper presents analysis of the possibility of using selected hash functions submitted for the SHA-3 competition in the SDEx encryption method. The group of these functions will include the finalists of the SHA-3 competition, i.e. BLAKE, Grøstl, JH, Keccak, Skein. The aim of the analysis is to develop more secure and faster cryptographic algorithm compared to the current version of the SDEx method with SHA-512 and the AES algorithm. When considering the speed of algorithms, mainly the software implementation will be taken into account, as it is the most commonly used

    Construction of secure and fast hash functions using nonbinary error-correcting codes

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    Practical-Time Related-Key Attack on GOST with Secret S-boxes

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    The block cipher GOST 28147-89 was the Russian Federation encryption standard for over 20 years, and is still one of its two standard block ciphers. GOST is a 32-round Feistel construction, whose security benefits from the fact that the S-boxes used in the design are kept secret. In the last 10 years, several attacks on the full 32-round GOST were presented. However, they all assume that the S-boxes are known. When the S-boxes are secret, all published attacks either target a small number of rounds, or apply for small sets of weak keys. In this paper we present the first practical-time attack on GOST with secret S-boxes. The attack works in the related-key model and is faster than all previous attacks in this model which assume that the S-boxes are known. The complexity of the attack is less than 2272^{27} encryptions. It was fully verified, and runs in a few seconds on a PC. The attack is based on a novel type of related-key differentials of GOST, inspired by local collisions. Our new technique may be applicable to certain GOST-based hash functions as well. To demonstrate this, we show how to find a collision on a Davies-Meyer construction based on GOST with an arbitrary initial value, in less than 2102^{10} hash function evaluations

    A privacy-preserving method for temporarily linking/revoking pseudonym certificates in vehicular networks

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    Vehicular communication (V2X) technologies are expected to become increasingly common in the future. Although they enable improvements on transportation safety and efficiency, the large scale deployment of V2X requires addressing some challenges. In particular, to prevent abuse by drivers and by the system itself, V2X architectures must: (1) ensure the authenticity of messages, which is usually accomplished by means of digital certification; and (2) preserve the privacy of honest users, so owners of non-revoked certificates cannot be easily identified and tracked by eavesdroppers. A promising design to address these requirements is the Security Credential Management System (SCMS), which is currently among the main candidates for protecting V2X communications in the United States. Even though SCMS provides efficient, scalable and privacy-preserving mechanisms for managing V2X-oriented certificates, in this article we show that its certificate revocation process can be further enhanced. Namely, we present two birthday attacks against SCMS\u27s revocation process, both of which degrade the system\u27s security as time passes and more certificates are revoked. We then describe an alternative design to prevent such security degradation with minimal computational overhead. In complement to these security gains, we also describe a mechanism for improving the flexibility of the revocation procedure, allowing certificates (as well as their owner\u27s privacy) to be temporarily revoked in an efficient manner. This should be useful, for example, to implement suspension mechanisms or to aid in investigations by law-enforcement authorities

    ACPC: Efficient revocation of pseudonym certificates using activation codes

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    Vehicular communication (V2X) technologies allow vehicles to exchange information about the road conditions and their own status, and thereby enhance transportation safety and efficiency. For broader deployment, however, such technologies are expected to address security and privacy concerns, preventing abuse by users and by the system\u27s entities. In particular, the system is expected to enable the revocation of malicious vehicles, e.g., in case they send invalid information to their peers or to the roadside infrastructure; it should also prevent the system from being misused for tracking honest vehicles.Both features are enabled by Vehicular Public Key Infrastructure (VPKI) solutions such as Security Credential Management Systems (SCMS), one of the leading candidates for protecting V2X communication in the United States. Unfortunately, though, SCMS\u27s original revocation mechanism can lead to large Certification Revocation Lists (CRLs), which in turn impacts the bandwidth usage and processing overhead of the system. In this article, we propose a novel design called Activation Codes for Pseudonym Certificates (ACPC), which can be integrated into SCMS to address this issue. Our proposal is based on activation codes, short bitstrings without which certificates previously issued to a vehicle cannot be used by the latter, which are periodically distributed to non-revoked vehicles using an efficient broadcast mechanism. As a result, the identifiers of the corresponding certificates do no need to remain on the CRL for a long time, reducing the CRLs\u27 size and streamlining their distribution and verification of any vehicle\u27s revocation status. Besides describing ACPC in detail, we also compare it to similar-purpose solutions such as Issue First Activate Later (IFAL) and Binary Hash Tree based Certificate Access Management (BCAM).This analysis shows that our proposal not only brings security improvements (e.g., in terms of resilience against colluding system authorities), but also leads to processing and bandwidth overheads that are orders of magnitude smaller than those observed in the state of the art

    On Software Implementation of High Performance GHASH Algorithms

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    There have been several modes of operations available for symmetric key block ciphers, among which Galois Counter Mode (GCM) of operation is a standard. GCM mode of operation provides confidentiality with the help of symmetric key block cipher operating in counter mode. The authentication component of GCM comprises of Galois hash (GHASH) computation which is a keyed hash function. The most important component of GHASH computation is carry-less multiplication of 128-bit operands which is followed by a modulo reduction. There have been a number of schemes proposed for efficient software implementation of carry-less multiplication to improve performance of GHASH by increasing the speed of multiplications. This thesis focuses on providing an efficient way of software implementation of high performance GHASH function as being proposed by Meloni et al., and also on the implementation of GHASH using a carry-less multiplication instruction provided by Intel on their Westmere architecture. The thesis work includes implementation of the high performance GHASH and its comparison to the older or standard implementation of GHASH function. It also includes comparison of the two implementations using Intel’s carry-less multiplication instruction. This is the first time that this kind of comparison is being done on software implementations of these algorithms. Our software implementations suggest that the new GHASH algorithm, which was originally proposed for the hardware implementations due to the required parallelization, can't take advantage of the Intel carry-less multiplication instruction PCLMULQDQ. On the other hand, when implementations are done without using the PCLMULQDQ instruction the new algorithm performs better, even if its inherent parallelization is not utilized. This suggest that the new algorithm will perform better on embedded systems that do not support PCLMULQDQ

    Construction of secure and fast hash functions using nonbinary error-correcting codes

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