219,591 research outputs found

    A Leaf in the Stream and Sad Song

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    Includes: A Leaf in the Stream , by Betty Davenport and Sad Song , by Jane Beure

    Davenport Rally Speech

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    Speech for campaign rally in Davenport, IA, October, 13, 1984.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/vice_presidential_campaign_speeches_1984/1047/thumbnail.jp

    Multivariate Davenport series

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    We consider series of the form ∑an{n⋅x}\sum a_n \{n\cdot x\}, where n∈Zdn\in\Z^{d} and {x}\{x\} is the sawtooth function. They are the natural multivariate extension of Davenport series. Their global (Sobolev) and pointwise regularity are studied and their multifractal properties are derived. Finally, we list some open problems which concern the study of these series.Comment: 43 page

    Davenport constant with weights

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    For the cyclic group G=Z/nZG=\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z} and any non-empty A∈ZA\in\mathbb{Z}. We define the Davenport constant of GG with weight AA, denoted by DA(n)D_A(n), to be the least natural number kk such that for any sequence (x1,...,xk)(x_1, ..., x_k) with xi∈Gx_i\in G, there exists a non-empty subsequence (xj1,...,xjl)(x_{j_1}, ..., x_{j_l}) and a1,...,al∈Aa_1, ..., a_l\in A such that ∑i=1laixji=0\sum_{i=1}^l a_ix_{j_i} = 0. Similarly, we define the constant EA(n)E_A(n) to be the least t∈Nt\in\mathbb{N} such that for all sequences (x1,>...,xt)(x_1, >..., x_t) with xi∈Gx_i \in G, there exist indices j1,...,jn∈N,1≤j1<...<jn≤tj_1, ..., j_n\in\mathbb{N}, 1\leq j_1 <... < j_n\leq t, and ϑ1,>...,ϑn∈A\vartheta_1, >..., \vartheta_n\in A with ∑i=1nϑixji=0\sum^{n}_{i=1} \vartheta_ix_{j_i} = 0. In the present paper, we show that EA(n)=DA(n)+n−1E_A(n)=D_A(n)+n-1. This solve the problem raised by Adhikari and Rath \cite{ar06}, Adhikari and Chen \cite{ac08}, Thangadurai \cite{th07} and Griffiths \cite{gr08}.Comment: 6page

    Excerpts from Freshman Themes

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    Themes Include: Night Scene by, Maxine Peters; Beware of the Bovines! by, Maxine Peters; On Being Nineteen by, Betty Davenport; Smart Fish by, Nelson Collins; and Artistic Indianapolis by, Jane Colsher

    Review of the Davenport Promise Concept

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    The Davenport Promise would provide college scholarships for students living in the City of Davenport. The scholarship can be used to attend any accredited vocational training institute, college, or university of the student\u27s choice. This report provides estimates of the potential fiscal impact of the Davenport Promise on the City of Davenport and the Davenport Public Schools under several alternative scenarios
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