47,588 research outputs found

    PC1643+4631A,B: The Lyman-Alpha Forest at the Edge of Coherence

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    This is the first measurement and detection of coherence in the intergalactic medium (IGM) at substantially high redshift (z~3.8) and on large physical scales (~2.5 h^-1 Mpc). We perform the measurement by presenting new observations from Keck LRIS of the high redshift quasar pair PC 1643+4631A, B and their Ly-alpha absorber coincidences. This experiment extends multiple sightline quasar absorber studies to higher redshift, higher opacity, larger transverse separation, and into a regime where coherence across the IGM becomes weak and difficult to detect. We fit 222 discrete Ly-alpha absorbers to sightline A and 211 to sightline B. Relative to a Monte Carlo pairing test (using symmetric, nearest neighbor matching) the data exhibit a 4sigma excess of pairs at low velocity splitting (<150 km/s), thus detecting coherence on transverse scales of ~2.5 h^-1 Mpc. We use spectra extracted from an SPH simulation to analyze symmetric pair matching, transmission distributions as a function of redshift and compute zero-lag cross-correlations to compare with the quasar pair data. The simulations agree with the data with the same strength (~4sigma) at similarly low velocity splitting above random chance pairings. In cross-correlation tests, the simulations agree when the mean flux (as a function of redshift) is assumed to follow the prescription given by Kirkman et al. (2005). While the detection of flux correlation (measured through coincident absorbers and cross-correlation amplitude) is only marginally significant, the agreement between data and simulations is encouraging for future work in which even better quality data will provide the best insight into the overarching structure of the IGM and its understanding as shown by SPH simulations.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    The Star Formation Histories of z ~ 2 Dust-obscured Galaxies and Submillimeter-selected Galaxies

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    The Spitzer Space Telescope has identified a population of ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) at z ~ 2 that may play an important role in the evolution of massive galaxies. We measure the stellar masses (M_*) of two populations of Spitzer-selected ULIRGs that have extremely red R – [24] colors (dust-obscured galaxies, or DOGs) and compare our results with submillimeter-selected galaxies (SMGs). One set of 39 DOGs has a local maximum in their mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectral energy distribution (SED) at rest frame 1.6 μm associated with stellar emission ("bump DOGs"), while the other set of 51 DOGs have power-law mid-IR SEDs that are typical of obscured active galactic nuclei ("power-law DOGs"). We measure M_* by applying Charlot & Bruzual stellar population synthesis models to broadband photometry in the rest-frame ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared of each of these populations. Assuming a simple stellar population and a Chabrier initial mass function, we find that power-law DOGs and bump DOGs are on average a factor of 2 and 1.5 more massive than SMGs, respectively (median and inter-quartile M_* values for SMGs, bump DOGs, and power-law DOGs are log(M_*/M_☉) = 10.42^(+0.42)_(–0.36), 10.62^(+0.36)_(–0.32), and 10.71^(+0.40)_(–0.34), respectively). More realistic star formation histories drawn from two competing theories for the nature of ULIRGs at z ~ 2 (major merger versus smooth accretion) can increase these mass estimates by up to 0.5 dex. A comparison of our stellar masses with the instantaneous star formation rate (SFR) in these z ~ 2 ULIRGs provides a preliminary indication supporting high SFRs for a given M_*, a situation that arises more naturally in major mergers than in smooth accretion-powered systems

    Suited for Success? : Suits, Status, and Hybrid Masculinity

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version. The final, definitive version of this paper has been published in Men and Masculinities, March 2017, doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/1097184X17696193, published by SAGE Publishing, All rights reserved.This article analyzes the sartorial biographies of four Canadian men to explore how the suit is understood and embodied in everyday life. Each of these men varied in their subject positions—body shape, ethnicity, age, and gender identity—which allowed us to look at the influence of men’s intersectional identities on their relationship with their suits. The men in our research all understood the suit according to its most common representation in popular culture: a symbol of hegemonic masculinity. While they wore the suit to embody hegemonic masculine configurations of practice—power, status, and rationality—most of these men were simultaneously marginalized by the gender hierarchy. We explain this disjuncture by using the concept of hybrid masculinity and illustrate that changes in the style of hegemonic masculinity leave its substance intact. Our findings expand thinking about hybrid masculinity by revealing the ways subordinated masculinities appropriate and reinforce hegemonic masculinity.Peer reviewe

    Submillimetre galaxies in a hierarchical universe: number counts, redshift distribution and implications for the IMF

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    High-redshift submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) are some of the most rapidly star-forming galaxies in the Universe. Historically, galaxy formation models have had difficulty explaining the observed number counts of SMGs. We combine a semi-empirical model with 3D hydrodynamical simulations and 3D dust radiative transfer to predict the number counts of unlensed SMGs. Because the stellar mass functions, gas and dust masses, and sizes of our galaxies are constrained to match observations, we can isolate uncertainties related to the dynamical evolution of galaxy mergers and the dust radiative transfer. The number counts and redshift distributions predicted by our model agree well with observations. Isolated disc galaxies dominate the faint (S_(1.1) ≲ 1 or S_(850) ≲ 2 mJy) population. The brighter sources are a mix of merger-induced starbursts and galaxy-pair SMGs; the latter subpopulation accounts for ∼30–50 per cent of all SMGs at all S_(1.1) ≳ 0.5 mJy (S_(850) ≳ 1 mJy). The mean redshifts are ∼3.0–3.5, depending on the flux cut, and the brightest sources tend to be at higher redshifts. Because the galaxy-pair SMGs will be resolved into multiple fainter sources by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the bright ALMA counts should be as much as two times less than those observed using single-dish telescopes. The agreement between our model, which uses a Kroupa initial mass function (IMF), and observations suggests that the IMF in high-redshift starbursts need not be top heavy; if the IMF were top heavy, our model would overpredict the number counts. We conclude that the difficulty some models have reproducing the observed SMG counts is likely indicative of more general problems – such as an underprediction of the abundance of massive galaxies or a star formation rate and stellar mass relation normalization lower than that observed – rather than a problem specific to the SMG population

    Constraining Dust and Molecular Gas Properties in Lyα Blobs at z ~ 3

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    In order to constrain the bolometric luminosities, dust properties, and molecular gas content of giant Lyα nebulae, the so-called Lyα blobs, we have carried out a study of dust continuum and CO line emission in two well-studied representatives of this population at z ~ 3: an Lyα blob discovered by its strong Spitzer Multiband Infrared Photometer 24 μm detection (LABd05) and the Steidel blob 1 (SSA22-LAB01). We find that the spectral energy distribution of LABd05 is well described by an active-galactic-nucleus-starburst composite template with L_(FIR) = (4.0 ± 0.5) × 10^(12) L_☉, comparable to high-z submillimeter galaxies and ultraluminous infrared galaxies. New Large APEX Bolometer Camera 870 μm measurements rule out the reported Submillimeter Common-User Bolometer Array detection of the SSA22-LAB01 (S_(850 μm) = 16.8 mJy) at the >4σ level. Consistent with this, ultradeep Plateau de Bure Interferometer observations with ~2'' spatial resolution also fail to detect any 1.2 mm continuum source down to ≈0.45 mJy beam^(–1) (3σ). Combined with the existing (sub)millimeter observations in the literature, we conclude that the FIR luminosity of SSA22-LAB01 remains uncertain. No CO line is detected in either case down to integrated flux limits of S_νΔV ≾ 0.25-1.0 Jy km s^(–1), indicating a modest molecular gas reservoir, M(H_2) < (1-3) × 10^(10) M_☉. The non-detections exclude, with high significance (12σ), the previous tentative detection of a CO J = 4-3 line in the SSA22-LAB01. The increased sensitivity afforded by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array will be critical in studying molecular gas and dust in these interesting systems

    The relation between star formation rate and stellar mass of galaxies at z ∼\sim 1-4

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    The relation between the Star Formation Rate (SFR) and stellar mass (M⋆{\rm M}_{\star}) of galaxies represents a fundamental constraint on galaxy formation and has been studied extensively both in observations and cosmological simulations. However, the observed amplitude has not been successfully reproduced in simulations, indicating either that the halo accretion history and baryonic physics are poorly modeled or that observations contain biases. We examine the evolution of the SFR−M⋆-{\rm M}_{\star} relation of z∼1−4z\sim1-4 galaxies and display the inconsistency between observed relations that are obtained using different techniques. We employ cosmological hydrodynamic simulations and compare these with a range of observed SFR−M⋆-{\rm M}_{\star} relations. We find that numerical results are consistent with observations that use Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) techniques to estimate star formation rates and dust corrections. On the contrary, simulations are not able to reproduce results that were obtained by combining only UV and IR luminosities. These imply SFRs at a fixed stellar mass that are larger almost by a factor of 5 than those of SED measurements for z∼1.5−4z \sim1.5-4. Furthermore, we find remarkable agreement between the numerical results from various authors who have employed different cosmological codes and run simulations with different resolutions. This is interesting for two reasons. A) simulations can produce realistic populations of galaxies within representative cosmological volumes even at relatively modest resolutions. B) It is likely that current numerical codes that rely on similar subgrid multiphase Inter-Stellar Medium (ISM) models and are tuned to reproduce statistical properties of galaxies, produce similar results for the SFR−M⋆-{\rm M}_{\star} relation by construction, regardless of resolution, box size and, to some extent, the adopted feedback prescriptions.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in PAS

    The Size and Origin of Metal-enriched Regions in the Intergalactic Medium from Spectra of Binary Quasars

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    We present tomography of the circum-galactic metal distribution at redshift 1.7-4.5 derived from echellete spectroscopy of binary quasars. We find C IV systems at similar redshifts in paired sightlines more often than expected for sightline-independent redshifts. As the separation of the sightlines increases from 36 kpc to 907 kpc, the amplitude of this clustering decreases. At the largest separations, the C IV systems cluster similar to the Lyman-break galaxies studied by Adelberger et al. in 2005. The C IV systems are significantly less correlated than these galaxies, however, at separations less than R_1 0.42 ± 0.15 h^( –1) comoving Mpc. Measured in real space, i.e., transverse to the sightlines, this length scale is significantly smaller than the break scale estimated previously from the line-of-sight correlation function in redshift space by Scannapieco et al. in 2006. Using a simple model, we interpret the new real-space measurement as an indication of the typical physical size of enriched regions. We adopt this size for enriched regions and fit the redshift-space distortion in the line-of-sight correlation function. The fitted velocity kick is consistent with the peculiar velocity of galaxies as determined by the underlying mass distribution and places an upper limit on the average outflow (or inflow) speed of metals. The implied timescale for dispersing metals is larger than the typical stellar ages of Lyman-break galaxies, and we argue that enrichment by galaxies at z > 4.3 played a greater role in dispersing metals. To further constrain the growth of enriched regions, we discuss empirical constraints on the evolution of the C IV correlation function with cosmic time. This study demonstrates the potential of tomography for measuring the metal enrichment history of the circum-galactic medium

    The GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey VII: The Bivariate Neutral Hydrogen-Stellar Mass Function for Massive Galaxies

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    We present the bivariate neutral atomic hydrogen (HI)---stellar mass function (HISMF) (phi(M_HI, M_*)) for massive (log M_*/M_sun > 10) galaxies derived from a sample of 480 local (0.025 < z < 0.050) galaxies observed in HI at Arecibo as part of the GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey (GASS). We fit six different models to the HISMF and find that a Schechter function that extends down to a 1% HI gas fraction, with an additional fractional contribution below that limit, is the best parametrization of the HISMF. We calculate Omega_{HI, M_* >10^10} and find that massive galaxies contribute 41% of the HI density in the local universe. In addition to the binned HISMF we derive a continuous bivariate fit, which reveals that the Schechter parameters only vary weakly with stellar mass: M_HI^*, the characteristic HI mass, scales as M_*^0.39, alpha, the slope of the HISMF at moderate HI masses, scales as M_*^0.07, and f, the fraction of galaxies with HI gas fraction greater than 1%, scales as M_*^-0.24. The variation of f with stellar mass should be a strong constraint for numerical simulations. To understand the physical mechanisms that produce the shape of the HISMF we redefine the parameters of the Schechter function as explicit functions of stellar mass and star formation rate to produce a trivariate fit. This analysis reveals strong trends with SFR. While M_HI^* varies weakly with stellar mass and SFR, alpha is a stronger function of both stellar mass and especially star formation rate. The HISMF is a crucial tool that can be used to constrain cosmological galaxy simulations, test observational predictions of the HI content of populations of galaxies, and identify galaxies whose properties deviate from average trends.Comment: 31 pages, 20 figures, accepted to Ap
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