7 research outputs found

    Secure Distributed Databases Using Cryptography

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    The computational encryption is used intensively by different databases management systems for ensuring privacy and integrity of information that are physically stored in files. Also, the information is sent over network and is replicated on different distributed systems. It is proved that a satisfying level of security is achieved if the rows and columns of tables are encrypted independently of table or computer that sustains the data. Also, it is very important that the SQL - Structured Query Language query requests and responses to be encrypted over the network connection between the client and databases server. All this techniques and methods must be implemented by the databases administrators, designer and developers in a consistent security policy.databases, encryption, cryptography, digital signature

    Security Issues in Data Warehouse

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    Data Warehouse (DWH) provides storage for huge amounts of historical data from heterogeneous operational sources in the form of multidimensional views, thus supplying sensitive and useful information which help decision-makers to improve the organization’s business processes. A data warehouse environment must ensure that data collected and stored in one big repository are not vulnerable. A review of security approaches specifically for data warehouse environment and issues concerning each type of security approach have been provided in this paper

    Access control systems for geo-spatial data and applications

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    Data security is today an important requirement in various applications because of the stringent need to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. Comprehensive solutions to data security are quite complicated and require the integration of different tools and techniques as well as specific organizational processes. In such a context, a fundamental role is played by the access control system (ACS) that establishes which subjects are authorized to perform which operations on which objects. Subjects are individuals or programs or other entities requiring access to the protected resources. When dealing with protection of information, the resources of interest are typically objects that record information, such as files in an operating system, tuples in a relational database, or a complex object in an object database. Because of its relevance in the context of solutions for information security, access control has been extensively investigated for database management systems (DBMSs) [6], digital libraries [3, 14], and multimedia applications [24]. Yet, the importance of the spatial dimension in access control has been highlighted only recently. We say that access control has a spatial dimension when the authorization to access a resource depends on position information.We broadly categorize spatially aware access control as object-driven, subject-driven, and hybrid based on whether the position information concerns objects, subjects, or both, respectively. In the former case, the spatial dimension is introduced because of the spatial nature of resources. For example, if the resources are georeferenced Earth images, then we can envisage an individual be allowed to only display images covering a certain region. The spatial dimension may also be required because of the spatial nature of subjects. This is the case of mobile individuals allowed to access a resource when located in a given area. For example, an individual may be authorized to view secret information only within a military base. Finally, position information may concern both objects and subjects like in the case of an individual authorized to display images of a region only within a military office. There is a wide range of applications which motivate spatially aware access control. The two challenging and contrasting applications we propose as examples 190 Maria Luisa Damiani and Elisa Bertino are the spatial data infrastructures (SDI) and location-based services (LBS). An SDI consists of the technological and organizational infrastructure which enables the sharing and coordinated maintenance of spatial data among multiple heterogeneous organizations, primarily public administrations, and government agencies. On the other side, LBS enable mobile users equipped with location-aware terminals to access information based on the position of terminals. These applications have different requirements on access control. In an SDI, typically, there is the need to account for various complex structured spatial data that may have multiple representations across different organizations. In an SDI, the access control is thus object-driven. Conversely, in LBS, there is the need to account for a dynamic and mobile user population which may request diversified services based on position. Access control is thus subject-driven or hybrid. However, despite the variety of requirements and the importance of spatial data protection in these and other applications, very few efforts have been devoted to the investigation of spatially aware access control models and systems. In this chapter, we pursue two main goals: the first is to present an overview of this emerging research area and in particular of requirements and research directions; the second is to analyze in more detail some research issues, focusing in particular on access control in LBS. We can expect LBS to be widely deployed in the near future when advanced wireless networks, such as mobile geosensor networks, and new positioning technologies, such as the Galileo satellite system will come into operation. In this perspective, access control will become increasingly important, especially for enabling selective access to services such as Enterprise LBS, which provide information services to mobile organizations, such as health care and fleet management enterprises. An access control model targeting mobile organizations is GEO-RBAC [4]. Such a model is based on the RBAC (role-based access control) standard and is compliant with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards with respect to the representation of the spatial dimension of the model. The main contributions of the chapter can be summarized as follows: \u2022 We provide an overview of the ongoing research in the field of spatially aware access control. \u2022 We show how the spatial dimension is interconnected with the security aspects in a specific access control model, that is, GEO-RBAC. \u2022 We outline relevant architectural issues related to the implementation of an ACS based on the GEO-RBAC model. In particular, we present possible strategies for security enforcement and the architecture of a decentralized ACS for large-scale LBS applications. The chapter is organized as follows. The next section provides some background knowledge on data security and in particular access control models. The subsequent section presents requirements for geospatial data security and then the state of the art. Afterward the GEO-RBAC model is introduced. In particular, we present the main concepts of the model defined in the basic layer of the model, the Core GEO-RBAC. Hence, architectural approaches supporting GEO-RBAC are presented. Open issues are finally reported in the concluding section along with directions for future work

    Decentralized information flow control for databases

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student-submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 177-194).Privacy and integrity concerns have been mounting in recent years as sensitive data such as medical records, social network records, and corporate and government secrets are increasingly being stored in online systems. The rate of high-profile breaches has illustrated that current techniques are inadequate for protecting sensitive information. Many of these breaches involve databases that handle information for a multitude of individuals, but databases don't provide practical tools to protect those individuals from each other, so that task is relegated to the application. This dissertation describes a system that improves security in a principled way by extending the database system and the application platform to support information flow control. Information flow control has been gaining traction as a practical way to protect information in the contexts of programming languages and operating systems. Recent research advocates the decentralized model for information flow control (DIFC), since it provides the necessary expressiveness to protect data for many individuals with varied security concerns.However, despite the fact that most applications implicated in breaches rely on relational databases, there have been no prior comprehensive attempts to extend DIFC to a database system. This dissertation introduces IFDB, which is a database management system that supports DIFC with minimal overhead. IFDB pioneers the Query by Label model, which provides applications with a simple way to delineate constraints on the confidentiality and integrity of the data they obtain from the database. This dissertation also defines new abstractions for managing information flows in a database and proposes new ways to address covert channels. Finally, the IFDB implementation and case studies with real applications demonstrate that database support for DIFC improves security, is easy for developers to use, and has good performance.by David Andrew Schultz.Ph.D

    A Uniform Formal Approach to Business and Access Control Models, Policies and their Combinations

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    Access control represents an important part of security in software systems, since access control policies determine which users of a software system have access to what objects and operations and under what constraints. One can view access control models as providing the basis for access control rules. Further, an access control policy can be seen as a combination of one or more rules, and one or more policies can be combined into a set of access control policies that control access to an entire system. The rules and resulting policies can be combined in many different ways, and the combination of rules and policies are included in policy languages. Approaches to access control (AC) policy languages, such as XACML, do not provide a formal representation for specifying rule- and policy-combining algorithms or for classifying and verifying properties of AC policies. In addition, there is no connection between the rules that form a policy and the general access control and business models on which those rules are based. Some authors propose formal representations for rule- and policy-combining algorithms. However, the proposed models are not expressive enough to represent formally classes of algorithms related to history of policy outcomes including ordered-permit-overrides, ordered-deny-overrides, and only-one-applicable. In fact, they are not able to express formally any algorithm that involves history including the class related to consensus such as weak-consensus, weak-majority, strong-consensus, strong-majority, and super-majoritypermit. In addition, some other authors propose a formal representation but do not present an approach and automated support for the formal verification of any classes of combining algorithms. The work presented in this thesis provides a uniform formal approach to business and access control models, policies and their combinations. The research involves a new formal representation for access control rules, policies, and their combination and supports formal verification. In addition, the approach explicitly connects the rules to the underlying access control model. Specically, the approach • provides a common representation for systematically describing and integrating business processes, access control models, their rules and policies, • expresses access control rules using an underlying access control model based on an existing augmented business modeling notation, • can express and verify formally all known policy- and rule-combining algorithms, a result not seen in the literature, • supports a classification of relevant access control properties that can be verified against policies and their combinations, and • supports automated formal verification of single policies and combined policy sets based on model checking. Finally, the approach is applied to an augmented version of the conference management system, a well-known example from the literature. Several properties, whose verification was not possible by prior approaches, such as ones involving history of policy outcomes, are verified in this thesis

    An Effective and Efficient Inference Control System for Relational Database Queries

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    Protecting confidential information in relational databases while ensuring availability of public information at the same time is a demanding task. Unwanted information flows due to the reasoning capabilities of database users require sophisticated inference control mechanisms, since access control is in general not sufficient to guarantee the preservation of confidentiality. The policy-driven approach of Controlled Query Evaluation (CQE) turned out to be an effective means for controlling inferences in databases that can be modeled in a logical framework. It uses a censor function to determine whether or not the honest answer to a user query enables the user to disclose confidential information which is declared in form of a confidentiality policy. In doing so, CQE also takes answers to previous queries and the user’s background knowledge about the inner workings of the mechanism into account. Relational databases are usually modeled using first-order logic. In this context, the decision problem to be solved by the CQE censor becomes undecidable in general because the censor basically performs theorem proving over an ever growing user log. In this thesis, we develop a stateless CQE mechanism that does not need to maintain such a user log but still reaches the declarative goals of inference control. This feature comes at the price of several restrictions for the database administrator who declares the schema of the database, the security administrator who declares the information to be kept confidential, and the database user who sends queries to the database. We first investigate a scenario with quite restricted possibilities for expressing queries and confidentiality policies and propose an efficient stateless CQE mechanism. Due to the assumed restrictions, the censor function of this mechanism reduces to a simple pattern matching. Based on this case, we systematically enhance the proposed query and policy languages and investigate the respective effects on confidentiality. We suitably adapt the stateless CQE mechanism to these enhancements and formally prove the preservation of confidentiality. Finally, we develop efficient algorithmic implementations of stateless CQE, thereby showing that inference control in relational databases is feasible for actual relational database management systems under suitable restrictions