9 research outputs found

    Approaching Software Engineering for Marine Sciences: A Single Development Process for Multiple End-User Applications

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    Research software is currently used by a large number of scientists on a daily basis, and everything indicates that this trend will continue to increase in the future. Most of this scientific software is very often developed by the researchers themselves, who usually make it available to the rest of the scientific community. Although the relationship between science and software is unquestionably useful, it is not always successful. Some of the critical problems that scientists face include a lack of training in software development, a shortage of time and resources, or difficulty in effectively cooperating with other colleagues. Additional challenges arise in the context of increasingly common cross-cutting and multidisciplinary research. This often results in the developed software and code being slow, not reusable, lacks visibility and dissemination, and in the worst cases it is defective and unreliable. Therefore, a multidisciplinary framework is needed to meet the demands of both scientists and software engineers and handle the situation successfully. However, a multidisciplinary team is not always sufficient to solve this problem, and it is necessary to have links between scientists and developers: software engineers with a solid scientific background. This paper presents the approach used in the framework of the PROTOCOL project, and more particularly in the development of its applied software, in which a tool for the characterization of climate agents has been developed. The main guidelines of the development process include, among others, modularity, distributed control version, unit testing, profiling, inline documentation and the use of best practices and tools."Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarrollo", CYTED (project PROTOCOL) 917PTE0538Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness PCIN-2017-10

    An efficient graph representation for arithmetic circuit verification

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    Formal verification of an ARM processor

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    *PHDD: an efficient graph representation for floating point circuit verification

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    Mapping switch-level simulation onto gate-level hardware accelerators

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    In this paper, we present a framework for performing switch-level simulation on hardware accelerators

    A Methodology for Hardware Verification Based on Logic Simulation.

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    A differentiated proposal of three dimension i/o performance characterization model focusing on storage environments

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    The I/O bottleneck remains a central issue in high-performance environments. Cloud computing, high-performance computing (HPC) and big data environments share many underneath difficulties to deliver data at a desirable time rate requested by high-performance applications. This increases the possibility of creating bottlenecks throughout the application feeding process by bottom hardware devices located in the storage system layer. In the last years, many researchers have been proposed solutions to improve the I/O architecture considering different approaches. Some of them take advantage of hardware devices while others focus on a sophisticated software approach. However, due to the complexity of dealing with high-performance environments, creating solutions to improve I/O performance in both software and hardware is challenging and gives researchers many opportunities. Classifying these improvements in different dimensions allows researchers to understand how these improvements have been built over the years and how it progresses. In addition, it also allows future efforts to be directed to research topics that have developed at a lower rate, balancing the general development process. This research present a three-dimension characterization model for classifying research works on I/O performance improvements for large scale storage computing facilities. This classification model can also be used as a guideline framework to summarize researches providing an overview of the actual scenario. We also used the proposed model to perform a systematic literature mapping that covered ten years of research on I/O performance improvements in storage environments. This study classified hundreds of distinct researches identifying which were the hardware, software, and storage systems that received more attention over the years, which were the most researches proposals elements and where these elements were evaluated. In order to justify the importance of this model and the development of solutions that targets I/O performance improvements, we evaluated a subset of these improvements using a a real and complete experimentation environment, the Grid5000. Analysis over different scenarios using a synthetic I/O benchmark demonstrates how the throughput and latency parameters behaves when performing different I/O operations using distinct storage technologies and approaches.O gargalo de E/S continua sendo um problema central em ambientes de alto desempenho. Os ambientes de computação em nuvem, computação de alto desempenho (HPC) e big data compartilham muitas dificuldades para fornecer dados em uma taxa de tempo desejável solicitada por aplicações de alto desempenho. Isso aumenta a possibilidade de criar gargalos em todo o processo de alimentação de aplicativos pelos dispositivos de hardware inferiores localizados na camada do sistema de armazenamento. Nos últimos anos, muitos pesquisadores propuseram soluções para melhorar a arquitetura de E/S considerando diferentes abordagens. Alguns deles aproveitam os dispositivos de hardware, enquanto outros se concentram em uma abordagem sofisticada de software. No entanto, devido à complexidade de lidar com ambientes de alto desempenho, criar soluções para melhorar o desempenho de E/S em software e hardware é um desafio e oferece aos pesquisadores muitas oportunidades. A classificação dessas melhorias em diferentes dimensões permite que os pesquisadores entendam como essas melhorias foram construídas ao longo dos anos e como elas progridem. Além disso, também permite que futuros esforços sejam direcionados para tópicos de pesquisa que se desenvolveram em menor proporção, equilibrando o processo geral de desenvolvimento. Esta pesquisa apresenta um modelo de caracterização tridimensional para classificar trabalhos de pesquisa sobre melhorias de desempenho de E/S para instalações de computação de armazenamento em larga escala. Esse modelo de classificação também pode ser usado como uma estrutura de diretrizes para resumir as pesquisas, fornecendo uma visão geral do cenário real. Também usamos o modelo proposto para realizar um mapeamento sistemático da literatura que abrangeu dez anos de pesquisa sobre melhorias no desempenho de E/S em ambientes de armazenamento. Este estudo classificou centenas de pesquisas distintas, identificando quais eram os dispositivos de hardware, software e sistemas de armazenamento que receberam mais atenção ao longo dos anos, quais foram os elementos de proposta mais pesquisados e onde esses elementos foram avaliados. Para justificar a importância desse modelo e o desenvolvimento de soluções que visam melhorias no desempenho de E/S, avaliamos um subconjunto dessas melhorias usando um ambiente de experimentação real e completo, o Grid5000. Análises em cenários diferentes usando um benchmark de E/S sintética demonstra como os parâmetros de vazão e latência se comportam ao executar diferentes operações de E/S usando tecnologias e abordagens distintas de armazenamento