63 research outputs found

    Electrostatic Friction Displays to Enhance Touchscreen Experience

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    Touchscreens are versatile devices that can display visual content and receive touch input, but they lack the ability to provide programmable tactile feedback. This limitation has been addressed by a few approaches generally called surface haptics technology. This technology modulates the friction between a user’s fingertip and a touchscreen surface to create different tactile sensations when the finger explores the touchscreen. This functionality enables the user to see and feel digital content simultaneously, leading to improved usability and user experiences. One major approach in surface haptics relies on the electrostatic force induced between the finger and an insulating surface on the touchscreen by supplying high AC voltage. The use of AC also induces a vibrational sensation called electrovibration to the user. Electrostatic friction displays require only electrical components and provide uniform friction over the screen. This tactile feedback technology not only allows easy and lightweight integration into touchscreen devices but also provides dynamic, rich, and satisfactory user interfaces. In this chapter, we review the fundamental operation of the electrovibration technology as well as applications have been built upon

    Realistic tool-tissue interaction models for surgical simulation and planning

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    Surgical simulators present a safe and potentially effective method for surgical training, and can also be used in pre- and intra-operative surgical planning. Realistic modeling of medical interventions involving tool-tissue interactions has been considered to be a key requirement in the development of high-fidelity simulators and planners. The soft-tissue constitutive laws, organ geometry and boundary conditions imposed by the connective tissues surrounding the organ, and the shape of the surgical tool interacting with the organ are some of the factors that govern the accuracy of medical intervention planning.\ud \ud This thesis is divided into three parts. First, we compare the accuracy of linear and nonlinear constitutive laws for tissue. An important consequence of nonlinear models is the Poynting effect, in which shearing of tissue results in normal force; this effect is not seen in a linear elastic model. The magnitude of the normal force for myocardial tissue is shown to be larger than the human contact force discrimination threshold. Further, in order to investigate and quantify the role of the Poynting effect on material discrimination, we perform a multidimensional scaling study. Second, we consider the effects of organ geometry and boundary constraints in needle path planning. Using medical images and tissue mechanical properties, we develop a model of the prostate and surrounding organs. We show that, for needle procedures such as biopsy or brachytherapy, organ geometry and boundary constraints have more impact on target motion than tissue material parameters. Finally, we investigate the effects surgical tool shape on the accuracy of medical intervention planning. We consider the specific case of robotic needle steering, in which asymmetry of a bevel-tip needle results in the needle naturally bending when it is inserted into soft tissue. We present an analytical and finite element (FE) model for the loads developed at the bevel tip during needle-tissue interaction. The analytical model explains trends observed in the experiments. We incorporated physical parameters (rupture toughness and nonlinear material elasticity) into the FE model that included both contact and cohesive zone models to simulate tissue cleavage. The model shows that the tip forces are sensitive to the rupture toughness. In order to model the mechanics of deflection of the needle, we use an energy-based formulation that incorporates tissue-specific parameters such as rupture toughness, nonlinear material elasticity, and interaction stiffness, and needle geometric and material properties. Simulation results follow similar trends (deflection and radius of curvature) to those observed in macroscopic experimental studies of a robot-driven needle interacting with gels

    Modeling of frictional forces during bare-finger interactions with solid surfaces

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    Touching an object with our fingers yields frictional forces that allow us to perceive and explore its texture, shape, and other features, facilitating grasping and manipulation. While the relevance of dynamic frictional forces to sensory and motor function in the hand is well established, the way that they reflect the shape, features, and composition of touched objects is poorly understood. Haptic displays -electronic interfaces for stimulating the sense of touch- often aim to elicit the perceptual experience of touching real surfaces by delivering forces to the fingers that mimic those felt when touching real surfaces. However, the design and applications of such displays have been limited by the lack of knowledge about what forces are felt during real touch interactions. This represents a major gap in current knowledge about tactile function and haptic engineering. This dissertation addresses some aspects that would assist in their understanding. The goal of this research was to measure, characterize, and model frictional forces produced by a bare finger sliding over surfaces of multiple shapes. The major contributions of this work are (1) the design and development of a sensing system for capturing fingertip motion and forces during tactile exploration of real surfaces; (2) measurement and characterization of contact forces and the deformation of finger tissues during sliding over relief surfaces; (3) the development of a low order model of frictional force production based on surface specifications; (4) the analysis and modeling of contact geometry, interfacial mechanics, and their effects in frictional force production during tactile exploration of relief surfaces. This research aims to guide the design of algorithms for the haptic rendering of surface textures and shape. Such algorithms can be used to enhance human-machine interfaces, such as touch-screen displays, by (1) enabling users to feel surface characteristics also presented visually; (2) facilitating interaction with these devices; and (3) reducing the need for visual input to interact with them.Ph.D., Electrical Engineering -- Drexel University, 201

    Sensory Communication

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    Contains table of contents for Section 2 and reports on five research projects.National Institutes of Health Contract 2 R01 DC00117National Institutes of Health Contract 1 R01 DC02032National Institutes of Health Contract 2 P01 DC00361National Institutes of Health Contract N01 DC22402National Institutes of Health Grant R01-DC001001National Institutes of Health Grant R01-DC00270National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00126National Institutes of Health Grant R29-DC00625U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-88-K-0604U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-91-J-1454U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-92-J-1814U.S. Navy - Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division Contract N61339-94-C-0087U.S. Navy - Naval Air Warfare Center Training System Division Contract N61339-93-C-0055U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-93-1-1198National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Ames Research Center Grant NCC 2-77

    Sensory Communication

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    Contains table of contents for Section 2, an introduction and reports on fifteen research projects.National Institutes of Health Grant RO1 DC00117National Institutes of Health Grant RO1 DC02032National Institutes of Health Contract P01-DC00361National Institutes of Health Contract N01-DC22402National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Grant 2 R01 DC00126National Institutes of Health Grant 2 R01 DC00270National Institutes of Health Contract N01 DC-5-2107National Institutes of Health Grant 2 R01 DC00100U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research/Naval Air Warfare Center Contract N61339-94-C-0087U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research/Naval Air Warfare Center Contract N61339-95-K-0014U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research/Naval Air Warfare Center Grant N00014-93-1-1399U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research/Naval Air Warfare Center Grant N00014-94-1-1079U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Subcontract 40167U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-92-J-1814National Institutes of Health Grant R01-NS33778U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N00014-88-K-0604National Aeronautics and Space Administration Grant NCC 2-771U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant F49620-94-1-0236U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Agreement with Brandeis Universit

    Tribological interactions of the finger pad and tactile displays

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    This thesis summarise the results of an investigation of the tribological interactions of the human finger pad with different surfaces and tactile displays. In the wide range of analyses of the mechanical properties of the finger pad, an attempt has been made to explain the nature of the interactions based on critical material parameters and experimental data. The experimental data are presented together with detailed modelling of the contact mechanics of the finger pad compressed against a smooth flat surface. Based on the model and the experimental data, it was possible to account of the loading behaviour of a finger pad and derive the Young’s modulus of the fingerprint ridges. The frictional measurements of a finger pad against smooth flat surfaces are consistent with an occlusion mechanism that is governed by first order kinetics. In contrast, measurements against a rough surface demonstrated that the friction is unaffected by occlusion since Coulombic slip was exhibited. The thesis includes an investigation of critical parameters such as the contact area. It has been shown that four characteristic length scales, rather than just two as previously assumed, are required to describe the contact mechanics of the finger pad. In addition, there are two characteristic times respectively associated with the growth rates of junctions formed by the finger pad ridges and of the real area of contact. These length and time scales are important in understanding how the Archardian-Hertzian transition drives both the large increase of friction and the reduction of the areal load index during persisting finger contacts with impermeable surfaces. Established and novel models were evaluated with statistically meaningful experiments for phenomena such as lateral displacement, electrostatic forces and squeeze-film that have advanced applications

    Determining the Contribution of Visual and Haptic Cues during Compliance Discrimination in the Context of Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    While minimally invasive surgery is replacing open surgery in an increasing number of surgical procedures, it still poses risks such as unintended tissue damage due to reduced visual and haptic feedback. Surgeons assess tissue health by analysing mechanical properties such as compliance. The literature shows that while both types of feedback contribute to the final percept, visual information is dominant during compliance discrimination tasks. The magnitude of that contribution, however, was never quantitatively determined. To determine the effect of the type of visual feedback on compliance discrimination, a psychophysical experiment was set up using different combinations of direct and indirect visual and haptic cues. Results reiterated the significance of visual information and suggested a visio-haptic cross-modal integration. Consequently, to determine which cues contributed most to visual feedback, the impact of force and position on the ability to discriminate compliance using visual information only was assessed. Results showed that isolating force and position cues during indentation enhanced performance. Furthermore, under force and position constraints, visual information was shown to be sufficient to determine the compliance of deformable objects. A pseudo-haptic feedback system was developed to quantitatively determine the contribution of visual feedback during compliance discrimination. A psychophysical experiment showed that the system realistically simulated viscoelastic behaviour of compliant objects. Through a magnitude estimation experiment, the pseudo-haptic system was shown to be successful at generating haptic sensations of compliance during stimuli indentation only by modifying the visual feedback presented to participants. This can be implemented in research and educational facilities where advanced force feedback devices are inaccessible. Moreover, it can be incorporated into virtual reality simulators to enhance force ranges. Future work will assess the value of visual cue augmentation in more complicated surgical tasks

    Haptics Rendering and Applications

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    There has been significant progress in haptic technologies but the incorporation of haptics into virtual environments is still in its infancy. A wide range of the new society's human activities including communication, education, art, entertainment, commerce and science would forever change if we learned how to capture, manipulate and reproduce haptic sensory stimuli that are nearly indistinguishable from reality. For the field to move forward, many commercial and technological barriers need to be overcome. By rendering how objects feel through haptic technology, we communicate information that might reflect a desire to speak a physically- based language that has never been explored before. Due to constant improvement in haptics technology and increasing levels of research into and development of haptics-related algorithms, protocols and devices, there is a belief that haptics technology has a promising future

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationVirtual reality is becoming a common technology with applications in fields such as medical training, product development, and entertainment. Providing haptic (sense of touch) information along with visual and audio information can create an immersive vi

    An investigation of skin tribology phenomena involved in tactile communication through braille and its associated psychophysical response during task-based discrimination

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    Most individuals utilize all five senses, especially their sense of sight, to create a unique sensory experience depicting the surrounding environment. Unfortunately, individuals in the blind and visually impaired (BVI) community lack the sense of sight and rely primarily on tactile means to acquire valuable or potentially vital information, leading to the advent of tactile communication methods like braille. A key challenge in controlling the haptic experience of a surface is the lack of fundamental understanding of how various surface attributes, such as friction and texture, affect the tactile response. Oftentimes, braille users experience tactile confusion when scanning complex tactual codes such as tactile graphics or advanced mathematics commonly seen in the STEM fields, but coding standards and limitations in perceptive resolution reduce the opportunity for innovating or redesigning the language to aid the reader. This dissertation aims to address confusion in tactile information transfer by identifying, characterizing, and developing an understanding of the skin-surface contact interactions experienced during braille reading in order to promote innovations in surface engineering and material design that can improve existing tactile communication methods. The authors first propose a method to directly observe an individual’s cognitive response to tactile experiences through an “oddball paradigm” discrimination task using event-related potential (ERP) via electroencephalography (EEG), a technique that is common in visual and auditory psychological sensory studies. Results indicate that varying levels of friction and roughness from textured samples (i.e. sandpaper) elicit different magnitudes of cognitive activity, suggesting that this technique may prove to be a valuable tool in identifying and understanding the root causes of tactile confusion. The second aspect of the research seeks to characterize the fundamental frictional forces that occur during braille reading by investigating the loading interactions as the fingerpad slides over a single braille dot and then progressively increasing the complexity of the topographies (i.e. dot spacing, orientation, count). Derived from Greenwood and Tabor, the authors develop and propose a multi-term friction model that predicts the adhesion and deformation frictional effects of a single feature during skin-on-dot sliding, identifying deformation as the dominant friction mechanism when a soft body slides over a spherical geometry. Incorporating both computational modeling and large-scale tribological tests under displacement-controlled sliding further decomposes the frictional loading mechanisms showing that surface tension and compression are driven by the elastic material’s Poisson effect dependent on the bulk’s position with respect to the dot feature. Here, loads in the vertical direction are governed by bulk material deformation due to contact pressure and loads in the lateral direction are governed by bulk material deformation due to both contact pressure and frictional shear