86,059 research outputs found

    An Algorithm for Generating Non-Redundant Sequential Rules for Medical Time Series Data

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    In this paper, an algorithm for generating non-redundant sequential rules for the medical time series data is designed. This study is the continuation of my previous study titled �An Algorithm for Mining Closed Weighted Sequential Patterns with Flexing Time Interval for Medical Time Series Data� [25]. In my previous work, the sequence weight for each sequence was calculated based on the time interval between the itemsets.Subsequently, the candidate sequences were generated with flexible time intervals initially. The next step was, computation of frequent sequential patterns with the aid of proposed support measure. Next the frequent sequential patterns were subjected to closure checking process which leads to filter the closed sequential patterns with flexible time intervals. Finally, the methodology produced with necessary sequential patterns was proved. This methodology constructed closed sequential patterns which was 23.2% lesser than the sequential patterns. In this study, the sequential rules are generated based on the calculation of confidence value of the rule from the closed sequential pattern. Once the closed sequential rules are generated which are subjected to non-redundant checking process, that leads to produce the final set of non-redundant weighted closed sequential rules with flexible time intervals. This study produces non-redundant sequential rules which is 172.37% lesser than sequential rules

    Advances in Processing, Mining, and Learning Complex Data: From Foundations to Real-World Applications

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    Processing, mining, and learning complex data refer to an advanced study area of data mining and knowledge discovery concerning the development and analysis of approaches for discovering patterns and learning models from data with a complex structure (e.g., multirelational data, XML data, text data, image data, time series, sequences, graphs, streaming data, and trees) [1–5]. These kinds of data are commonly encountered in many social, economic, scientific, and engineering applications. Complex data pose new challenges for current research in data mining and knowledge discovery as they require new methods for processing, mining, and learning them. Traditional data analysis methods often require the data to be represented as vectors [6]. However, many data objects in real-world applications, such as chemical compounds in biopharmacy, brain regions in brain health data, users in business networks, and time-series information in medical data, contain rich structure information (e.g., relationships between data and temporal structures). Such a simple feature-vector representation inherently loses the structure information of the objects. In reality, objects may have complicated characteristics, depending on how the objects are assessed and characterized. Meanwhile, the data may come from heterogeneous domains [7], such as traditional tabular-based data, sequential patterns, graphs, time-series information, and semistructured data. Novel data analytics methods are desired to discover meaningful knowledge in advanced applications from data objects with complex characteristics. This special issue contributes to the fundamental research in processing, mining, and learning complex data, focusing on the analysis of complex data sources

    Advances in Processing, Mining, and Learning Complex Data: From Foundations to Real-World Applications

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    Processing, mining, and learning complex data refer to an advanced study area of data mining and knowledge discovery concerning the development and analysis of approaches for discovering patterns and learning models from data with a complex structure (e.g., multirelational data, XML data, text data, image data, time series, sequences, graphs, streaming data, and trees) [1–5]. These kinds of data are commonly encountered in many social, economic, scientific, and engineering applications. Complex data pose new challenges for current research in data mining and knowledge discovery as they require new methods for processing, mining, and learning them. Traditional data analysis methods often require the data to be represented as vectors [6]. However, many data objects in real-world applications, such as chemical compounds in biopharmacy, brain regions in brain health data, users in business networks, and time-series information in medical data, contain rich structure information (e.g., relationships between data and temporal structures). Such a simple feature-vector representation inherently loses the structure information of the objects. In reality, objects may have complicated characteristics, depending on how the objects are assessed and characterized. Meanwhile, the data may come from heterogeneous domains [7], such as traditional tabular-based data, sequential patterns, graphs, time-series information, and semistructured data. Novel data analytics methods are desired to discover meaningful knowledge in advanced applications from data objects with complex characteristics. This special issue contributes to the fundamental research in processing, mining, and learning complex data, focusing on the analysis of complex data sources

    Sequential Pattern Mining Model of Performing Video Learning History Data to Extract the Most Difficult Learning Subjects

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    The paper aim is to define a method for performing video learning data history of learner’s video watching logs, video segments or time series data in consistency with learning processes. To achieve this aim, a theoretical method is introduced. Sequential pattern mining with learning histories are used to extract the most difficult learning subjects. Based on this method, it is designed a model for understanding and learning the most difficult topics of students. The performed video learning history data of learner’s video watching logs makeup of stop/replay/backward data activities functions. They correspond as output of sequence of the learning histories, extraction of significant patterns by a set of sequences, and findings of learner’s most difficult/important topic from the extracted patterns. The paper mostly aim to devise the model for understanding and learning the most difficult topics through method of mining sequential pattern. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Multivariate sequential contrast pattern mining and prediction models for critical care clinical informatics

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Data mining and knowledge discovery involves efficient search and discovery of patterns in data that are able to describe the underlying complex structure and properties of the corresponding system. To be of practical use, the discovered patterns need to be novel, informative and interpretable. Large-scale unstructured biomedical databases such as electronic health records (EHRs) tend to exacerbate the problem of discovering interesting and useful patterns. Typically, patients in intensive care units (ICUs) require constant monitoring of vital signs. To this purpose, significant quantities of patient data, coupled with waveform signals are gathered from biosensors and clinical information systems. Subsequently, clinicians face an enormous challenge in the assimilation and interpretation of large volumes of unstructured, multidimensional, noisy and dynamically fluctuating patient data. The availability of de-identified ICU datasets like the MIMIC-II (Multiparameter Intelligent Monitoring in Intensive Care) databases provide an opportunity to advance medical care, by benchmarking algorithms that capture subtle patterns associated with specific medical conditions. Such patterns are able to provide fresh insights into disease dynamics over long time scales. In this research, we focus on the extraction of computational physiological markers, in the form of relevant medical episodes, event sequences and distinguishing sequential patterns. These interesting patterns known as sequential contrast patterns are combined with patient clinical features to develop powerful clinical prediction models. Later, the clinical models are used to predict critical ICU events, pertaining to numerous forms of hemodynamic instabilities causing acute hypotension, multiple organ failures, and septic shock events. In the process, we employ novel sequential pattern mining methodologies for the structured analysis of large-scale ICU datasets. The reported algorithms use a discretised representation such as symbolic aggregate approximation for the analysis of physiological time series data. Thus, symbolic sequences are used to abstract physiological signals, facilitating the development of efficient sequential contrast mining algorithms to extract high risk patterns and then risk stratify patient populations, based on specific clinical inclusion criteria. Chapter 2 thoroughly reviews the pattern mining research literature relating to frequent sequential patterns, emerging and contrast patterns, and temporal patterns along with their applications in clinical informatics. In Chapter 3, we incorporate a contrast pattern mining algorithm to extract informative sequential contrast patterns from hemodynamic data, for the prediction of critical care events like Acute Hypotension Episodes (AHEs). The proposed technique extracts a set of distinguishing sequential patterns to predict the occurrence of an AHE in a future time window, following the passage of a user-defined gap interval. The method demonstrates that sequential contrast patterns are useful as potential physiological biomarkers for building optimal patient risk stratification systems and for further clinical investigation of interesting patterns in critical care patients. Chapter 4 reports a generic two stage sequential patterns based classification framework, which is used to classify critical patient events including hypotension and patient mortality, using contrast patterns. Here, extracted sequential patterns undergo transformation to construct binary valued and frequency based feature vectors for developing critical care classification models. Chapter 5 proposes a novel machine learning approach using sequential contrast patterns for the early prediction of septic shock. The approach combines highly informative sequential patterns extracted from multiple physiological variables and captures the interactions among these patterns via Coupled Hidden Markov Models (CHMM). Our results demonstrate a strong competitive accuracy in the predictions, especially when the interactions between the multiple physiological variables are accounted for using multivariate coupled sequential models. The novelty of the approach stems from the integration of sequence-based physiological pattern markers with the sequential CHMM to learn dynamic physiological behavior as well as from the coupling of such patterns to build powerful risk stratification models for septic shock patients. All of the described methods have been tested and bench-marked using numerous real world critical care datasets from the MIMIC-II database. The results from these experiments show that multivariate sequential contrast patterns based coupled models are highly effective and are able to improve the state-of-the-art in the design of patient risk prediction systems in critical care settings

    A pattern-based mining system for exploring Displacement Field Time Series

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    International audienceThis paper presents the first available system for mining patterns from Displacement Field Time Series (DFTS) along with the confidence measures inherent to these series. It consists of four main modules for data preprocessing, pattern extraction, pattern ranking and pattern visualization. It is based on an efficient extraction of reliable grouped frequent sequential patterns and on swap randomization. It can be for example used to assess climate change impacts on glacier dynamics

    Time series segmentation based on stationarity analysis to improve new samples prediction

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    A wide range of applications based on sequential data, named time series, have become increasingly popular in recent years, mainly those based on the Internet of Things (IoT). Several different machine learning algorithms exploit the patterns extracted from sequential data to support multiple tasks. However, this data can suffer from unreliable readings that can lead to low accuracy models due to the low-quality training sets available. Detecting the change point between high representative segments is an important ally to find and thread biased subsequences. By constructing a framework based on the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test for data stationarity, two proposals to automatically segment subsequences in a time series were developed. The former proposal, called Change Detector segmentation, relies on change detection methods of data stream mining. The latter, called ADF-based segmentation, is constructed on a new change detector derived from the ADF test only. Experiments over real-file IoT databases and benchmarks showed the improvement provided by our proposals for prediction tasks with traditional Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and Deep Learning (Long short-term memory and Temporal Convolutional Networks) methods. Results obtained by the Long short-term memory predictive model reduced the relative prediction error from 1 to 0.67, compared to time series without segmentation

    parator Database and SPM-Tree Framework for Mining Sequential Patterns Using PrefixSpan with Pseudoprojection

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    Sequential pattern mining is a new branch of data mining science that solves intertransaction pattern mining problems. Efficiency and scalability on mining complete set of patterns is the challenge of sequential pattern mining. A comprehensive performance study has been reported that PrefixSpan, one of the sequential pattern mining algorithms, outperforms GSP, SPADE, as well as FreeSpan in most cases, and PrefixSpan integrated with pseudoprojection technique is the fastest among those tested algorithms. Nevertheless, Pseudoprojection technique, which requires maintaining and visiting the in-memory sequence database frequently until all patterns are found, consumes a considerable amount of memory space and induces the algorithm to undertake many redundant and unnecessary checks to this copy of original database into memory when the candidate patterns are examined. Moreover, improper management of intermediate databases may adversely affect the execution time and memory utilization. In the present work, Separator Database is proposed to improve PrefixSpan with pseudoprojection through early removal of uneconomical in-memory sequence database, whilst SPM-Tree Framework is proposed to build the intermediate databases. By means of procedures for building index set of longer patterns using Separator Database, some procedure in accordance to in-memory sequence database can be removed, thus most of the memory space can be released and some obliteration of redundant checks to in-memory sequence database reduce the execution time. By storing intermediate databases into SPM-Tree Framework, the sequence database can be stored into memory and the index set may be built. Using Java as a case study, a series of experiment was conducted to select a suitable API class named Collections for this framework. The experimental results show that Separator Database always improves, exponentially in some cases, PrefixSpan with pseudoprojection. The results also show that in Java, ArrayList is the most suitable choice for storing Object and ArrayintList is the most suitable choice for storing integer data. This novel approach of integrating Separator Database and SPM-Tree Framework using these choices of Java Collections outperforms PrefixSpan with pseudoprojection in terms of CPU performance and memory utilization. Future research includes exploring the use of Separator Database in PrefixSpan with pseudoprojection to improve mining generalized sequential patterns, particularly in handling mining constrained sequential patterns

    Pattern mining under different conditions

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    New requirements and demands on pattern mining arise in modern applications, which cannot be fulfilled using conventional methods. For example, in scientific research, scientists are more interested in unknown knowledge, which usually hides in significant but not frequent patterns. However, existing itemset mining algorithms are designed for very frequent patterns. Furthermore, scientists need to repeat an experiment many times to ensure reproducibility. A series of datasets are generated at once, waiting for clustering, which can contain an unknown number of clusters with various densities and shapes. Using existing clustering algorithms is time-consuming because parameter tuning is necessary for each dataset. Many scientific datasets are extremely noisy. They contain considerably more noises than in-cluster data points. Most existing clustering algorithms can only handle noises up to a moderate level. Temporal pattern mining is also important in scientific research. Existing temporal pattern mining algorithms only consider pointbased events. However, most activities in the real-world are interval-based with a starting and an ending timestamp. This thesis developed novel pattern mining algorithms for various data mining tasks under different conditions. The first part of this thesis investigates the problem of mining less frequent itemsets in transactional datasets. In contrast to existing frequent itemset mining algorithms, this part focus on itemsets that occurred not that frequent. Algorithms NIIMiner, RaCloMiner, and LSCMiner are proposed to identify such kind of itemsets efficiently. NIIMiner utilizes the negative itemset tree to extract all patterns that occurred less than a given support threshold in a top-down depth-first manner. RaCloMiner combines existing bottom-up frequent itemset mining algorithms with a top-down itemset mining algorithm to achieve a better performance in mining less frequent patterns. LSCMiner investigates the problem of mining less frequent closed patterns. The second part of this thesis studied the problem of interval-based temporal pattern mining in the stream environment. Interval-based temporal patterns are sequential patterns in which each event is aligned with a starting and ending temporal information. The ability to handle interval-based events and stream data is lacking in existing approaches. A novel intervalbased temporal pattern mining algorithm for stream data is described in this part. The last part of this thesis studies new problems in clustering on numeric datasets. The first problem tackled in this part is shape alternation adaptivity in clustering. In applications such as scientific data analysis, scientists need to deal with a series of datasets generated from one experiment. Cluster sizes and shapes are different in those datasets. A kNN density-based clustering algorithm, kadaClus, is proposed to provide the shape alternation adaptability so that users do not need to tune parameters for each dataset. The second problem studied in this part is clustering in an extremely noisy dataset. Many real-world datasets contain considerably more noises than in-cluster data points. A novel clustering algorithm, kenClus, is proposed to identify clusters in arbitrary shapes from extremely noisy datasets. Both clustering algorithms are kNN-based, which only require one parameter k. In each part, the efficiency and effectiveness of the presented techniques are thoroughly analyzed. Intensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets are conducted to show the benefits of the proposed algorithms over conventional approaches