4 research outputs found

    Multi-Source Data Fusion for Cyberattack Detection in Power Systems

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    Cyberattacks can cause a severe impact on power systems unless detected early. However, accurate and timely detection in critical infrastructure systems presents challenges, e.g., due to zero-day vulnerability exploitations and the cyber-physical nature of the system coupled with the need for high reliability and resilience of the physical system. Conventional rule-based and anomaly-based intrusion detection system (IDS) tools are insufficient for detecting zero-day cyber intrusions in the industrial control system (ICS) networks. Hence, in this work, we show that fusing information from multiple data sources can help identify cyber-induced incidents and reduce false positives. Specifically, we present how to recognize and address the barriers that can prevent the accurate use of multiple data sources for fusion-based detection. We perform multi-source data fusion for training IDS in a cyber-physical power system testbed where we collect cyber and physical side data from multiple sensors emulating real-world data sources that would be found in a utility and synthesizes these into features for algorithms to detect intrusions. Results are presented using the proposed data fusion application to infer False Data and Command injection-based Man-in- The-Middle (MiTM) attacks. Post collection, the data fusion application uses time-synchronized merge and extracts features followed by pre-processing such as imputation and encoding before training supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning models to evaluate the performance of the IDS. A major finding is the improvement of detection accuracy by fusion of features from cyber, security, and physical domains. Additionally, we observed the co-training technique performs at par with supervised learning methods when fed with our features

    Failure Diagnosis and Prognosis of Safety Critical Systems: Applications in Aerospace Industries

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    Many safety-critical systems such as aircraft, space crafts, and large power plants are required to operate in a reliable and efficient working condition without any performance degradation. As a result, fault diagnosis and prognosis (FDP) is a research topic of great interest in these systems. FDP systems attempt to use historical and current data of a system, which are collected from various measurements to detect faults, diagnose the types of possible failures, predict and manage failures in advance. This thesis deals with FDP of safety-critical systems. For this purpose, two critical systems including a multifunctional spoiler (MFS) and hydro-control value system are considered, and some challenging issues from the FDP are investigated. This research work consists of three general directions, i.e., monitoring, failure diagnosis, and prognosis. The proposed FDP methods are based on data-driven and model-based approaches. The main aim of the data-driven methods is to utilize measurement data from the system and forecast the remaining useful life (RUL) of the faulty components accurately and efficiently. In this regard, two dierent methods are developed. A modular FDP method based on a divide and conquer strategy is presented for the MFS system. The modular structure contains three components:1) fault diagnosis unit, 2) failure parameter estimation unit and 3) RUL unit. The fault diagnosis unit identifies types of faults based on an integration of neural network (NN) method and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) technique. Failure parameter estimation unit observes the failure parameter via a distributed neural network. Afterward, the RUL of the system is predicted by an adaptive Bayesian method. In another work, an innovative data-driven FDP method is developed for hydro-control valve systems. The idea is to use redundancy in multi-sensor data information and enhance the performance of the FDP system. Therefore, a combination of a feature selection method and support vector machine (SVM) method is applied to select proper sensors for monitoring of the hydro-valve system and isolate types of fault. Then, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) method is used to estimate the failure path. Similarly, an online Bayesian algorithm is implemented for forecasting RUL. Model-based methods employ high-delity physics-based model of a system for prognosis task. In this thesis, a novel model-based approach based on an integrated extended Kalman lter (EKF) and Bayesian method is introduced for the MFS system. To monitor the MFS system, a residual estimation method using EKF is performed to capture the progress of the failure. Later, a transformation is utilized to obtain a new measure to estimate the degradation path (DP). Moreover, the recursive Bayesian algorithm is invoked to predict the RUL. Finally, relative accuracy (RA) measure is utilized to assess the performance of the proposed methods

    Data fusion for fault diagnosis in smart grid power systems

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    In smart grid power systems, fast and accurate fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) is vital for isolating faulty components and avoiding further complications. This paper introduces a new data fusion method based on ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator for power smart grids. For this purpose, the discrete time data from circuit breakers (CB) is combined with continuous time data of recorders to enhance the reliability of the fault diagnosis approach. Radial basis functions (RBF) artificial neural network and wavelet transform (WT) are individually employed to identify the location of the fault from the continuous voltage of the buses. Then, a combination of these two methods along with the information from CBs are utilized into a unique framework by OWA operator to diagnose the faults at an early stage. IEEE standard 14 bus system is used to illustrate and validate the proposed method. Several phase to ground faults are injected into the simulation model to validate the diagnostic capability of the FDD system. Simulation results show a better performance of the fusion FDD system in comparison with three other methods