3 research outputs found

    Doppler Rate Estimation of Coherent LFM Pulse Train

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    在传统的只测向单站无源定位算法的基础上,增加波达角变化率和径向加速度两个观测量,可以大大改善定位与跟踪的性能,所以高精度径向加速度估计(即多普勒频率变化率估计)具有重要意义。由于在无源定位里没有接收脉冲信号的任何先验知识,接收到的lfM相参脉冲串信号的相参性容易被破坏。文中借鉴雷达里的匹配滤波方法,提出一种“准匹配滤波“方法,首先估计每个脉冲的到达时间、脉冲宽度、起始频率和调频系数,接着构造本地参考信号用于对接收信号进行“准匹配滤波“,最后对其输出进行多普勒频率变化率估计。该方法可以避免处理过程中的非相参问题,运算简单,估计精度高,具有应用价值。The performance of conventional bearing-only single-sensor passive emitter location algorithm can be improved by adding two observed quantities,i.e.,angle-of-arrival( AOA) rate,Doppler rate.Thus accurate radial acceleration estimation,i.e., Doppler rate estimation,is very important.Since there is no a prior knowledge of the received pulse signals in passive emitter location,the coherency of the received coherent LFM pulse train is easy to be destroyed.In this paper,a ‘quasi-matched filtering' method using the matched filtering in radar for reference is proposed.First,the time of arrival( TOA),pulse width,initial frequency and frequency sweep rate of each pulse are estimated.Then the local reference signal is generated using these estimated parameters and the‘quasi-matched filtering'is performed to the received signal.Finally,the Doppler rate can be obtained from the output of the filter.The proposed method can avoid the non-coherent problem in processing and has the merits of simple and high accuracy,thus it is valuable in passive emitter location applications

    Sparse Signal Representation of Ultrasonic Signals for Structural Health Monitoring Applications

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    Assessment of the integrity of structural components is of great importance for aerospace systems, land and marine transportation, civil infrastructures and other biological and mechanical applications. Guided waves (GWs) based inspections are an attractive mean for structural health monitoring. In this thesis, the study and development of techniques for GW ultrasound signal analysis and compression in the context of non-destructive testing of structures will be presented. In guided wave inspections, it is necessary to address the problem of the dispersion compensation. A signal processing approach based on frequency warping was adopted. Such operator maps the frequencies axis through a function derived by the group velocity of the test material and it is used to remove the dependence on the travelled distance from the acquired signals. Such processing strategy was fruitfully applied for impact location and damage localization tasks in composite and aluminum panels. It has been shown that, basing on this processing tool, low power embedded system for GW structural monitoring can be implemented. Finally, a new procedure based on Compressive Sensing has been developed and applied for data reduction. Such procedure has also a beneficial effect in enhancing the accuracy of structural defects localization. This algorithm uses the convolutive model of the propagation of ultrasonic guided waves which takes advantage of a sparse signal representation in the warped frequency domain. The recovery from the compressed samples is based on an alternating minimization procedure which achieves both an accurate reconstruction of the ultrasonic signal and a precise estimation of waves time of flight. Such information is used to feed hyperbolic or elliptic localization procedures, for accurate impact or damage localization