3 research outputs found

    Data Compression in Ultrasound Computed Tomography

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    The large amount of data in the Karlsruhe 3D Ultrasound Computed Tomography (USCT) has to be reduced. For compression of ultrasound signals, cascading bit-wise run length method and adjacent A-scans or samples based method as new lossless methods were developed. Lossy compression methods are evaluated with an image quality based scheme using the newly designed optical flow based and committee model based estimators. Finally, an optimal method with a feasible compression ratio was suggested

    Precise and Automated Tomographic Reconstruction with a Limited Number of Projections

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    This thesis proposed a parameter-optimized iterative reconstruction method (optimized-CGTV) for tomographic reconstruction with limited projections subject to the minimization of the total variation (TV). The reconstruction problem is solved with a parameter optimization applying a discrete L-curve. The optimized-CGTV reconstruction method is incorporated into an automatic framework of parallel 3D reconstruction on a computer cluster to achieve a rapid reconstruction process

    Optimierung von Bildgebungsverfahren für die 3D-Ultraschall-Computertomographie

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    Die 3D-Ultraschall-Computer-Tomographie (3D-USCT) als neuartiges bildgebendes Verfahren hat eine verbesserte Brustkrebsdiagnose als Ziel. Die genutzte 3D-Bildrekonstruktion mit Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) ist dabei sehr rechenintensiv. In dieser Arbeit werden Erweiterungen der SAFT für heterogenes Brustgewebe erforscht. Es werden Lösungen und neuartigen Methoden aufgezeigt, die eine klinische Anwendbarkeit für heterogene Medien mit einem Hochleistungs-GPU-Server ermöglichen